jerry brown
jerry brown: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Neel Kashkari supports driver's licenses for illegal aliens - 09/05/14
At the September 4, 2014 California gubernatorial debate between Jerry Brown and Neel Kashkari, Kashkari admitted that he would have signed the same law as Jerry Brown that gave driver's licenses to illegal aliens. Scan forward to 3:40 on the clip below for the short version of what Kashkari said, then scroll back to the beginning for the full segment.
Jerry Brown vetoes pro-illegal immigration Trust Act (AB1081, Tom Ammiano) - 10/01/12
It's not as good as it sounds, as you'll see below. From [1]:
Jerry Brown gives drivers licenses to illegal aliens in Obama's amnesty (Gil Cedillo, AB2189) - 10/01/12
California governor Jerry Brown yesterday signed AB2189, a bill that gives drivers licenses to the illegal aliens who'll be admitted into Obama's amnesty program.
Jerry Brown signs anti-American California DREAM Act - 10/08/11
California governor Jerry Brown has signed the second, even worse part of what's called the state DREAM Act (AB 131).
Supreme Court orders California to release >30,000 prisoners; how much overcrowding due to illegal immigration? (ACLU) - 05/23/11
The US Supreme Court has ordered the state of California to release at least 30,000 state prisoners in order to reduce overcrowding (link, excerpt at [1]). What you probably won't hear from many others is the role that massive immigration - especially of the illegal variety - has played in this matter.
According to a Public Policy Institute of California study, "[i]n 2005, there were 28,279 foreign born adults and 139,419 U.S.-born adults in California prisons". Not all of the former are illegal aliens; in fact, it appears that statistics on the numbers of illegal aliens in California prisons...
Transcript: Jerry Brown / Meg Whitman debate October 2, 2010 - 10/08/10
The following is the transcript of the October 2, 2010 debate on Univision between Jerry Brown and Meg Whitman. It was originally at the Fresno Bee but they've since deleted it.
Brown-Whitman 10/02/10 debate: a very disturbing view of California's future - 10/05/10
It's a good thing I didn't watch Saturday's Jerry Brown / Meg Whitman debate in the California governor's race: I might have ended up defenestrating the TV. The debate provides a very disturbing preview of the Quebec-style future of California and ultimately the U.S.
Meg Whitman highlights how much she agrees with Jerry Brown, still misleads about immigration - 07/16/10
Meg Whitman offers "Americans must come together to address the problem of illegal immigration" (, [1]), which is basically a rewrite of the previous misleading Whitman editorial about immigration. Since the new editorial and the old one repeat the same lines, see that link for part of why she's misleading, and the below for additional reasons.
But, first, here's this admission that should be more than a bit shocking to many of the Republicans who chose her over Steve Poizner (bolding added):
In this race, my Democratic opponent, Jerry Brown, has said very little about most issues...
Meg Whitman opposes Arizona immigration law (Jerry Brown too; Poizner will wait and see) - 04/27/10
Juliet Williams of the Associated Press asked the three leading California gubernatorial candidates for their positions on Arizona's new illegal immigration law (link):
Will Jerry Brown far-left radio diatribes be used by Gavin Newsom, GOP to portray themselves as mainstream? - 10/21/09
For three years in the 90s, former California governor Jerry Brown had a radio program Berkeley's far-left KPFA. Jack Chang of the Sacramento Bee has obtained copies of some of the programs (link, see [1]) and is ready to reveal some of their shocking contents. He speculates that Gavin Newsom (a strong illegal immigration supporter) and the GOP might use the excerpts against Brown. For instance, consider this shocking bit:
[Brown] said U.S. Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, both Democrats, had "sold out" U.S. truck drivers by letting their Mexican counterparts drive uninspected...