ICE raids New Haven (John DeStefano + Mexico)
Drudge is linking to the story about Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arresting dozens of illegal aliens in New Haven, Connecticut earlier today. This is apparently part of their occasional sweeps of fugitives and criminal aliens. And, it comes not long after that city voted to create their own ID card which would be available to anyone, whether illegal aliens or here legally. Mayor John DeStefano and his aide Kica Matos [1] - the latter is the designer of the cards program - are, needless to say, up in arms.
Now, for the stories that won't be discussed.
First, last month DHS head Michael Chertoff promised to conduct raids which he strongly implied would be highly emotional affairs and would inflame the left. If you start hearing stories about how the raid tore families apart or see crying babies being waved about, blame him.
Second, those who support immigration "reform" - which is being sold based on its stricter enforcement - will come out against this instance of stricter enforcement and will show once again that they aren't really in support of "reform" so much as they're just opposed to enforcement.
Third, Kica Matos is the former head of a group called Junta for Progressive Action, and that group is collaborating with the Mexican government. She's married to DeStefano's campaign manager from his gubanatorial run, so the mayor is tightly affiliated with those willing to collaborate with a foreign government.
Ames Tiedeman (not verified)
Wed, 06/06/2007 - 19:45
HS 11238 2007-06-06T21:45:37-05:00
They have only built 11 miles of the wall we were promised...America is on the road to being a brown, third world country.... Who will run this economy in 50 years??? All lies...Nothing but lies...
eh (not verified)
Wed, 06/06/2007 - 23:19
HS 11239 2007-06-07T01:19:32-05:00
_...they aren't really in support of "reform" so much as they're just opposed to enforcement._ Yes. I mean, most illegals could tell some sort of story that would generate sympathy -- a desire to make an exception for them. When you extrapolate this to the millions of illegals already here, realistically speaking this means non-enforcement, more or less. Which given the large numbers is just not practical (or desirable), not to mention the incentive it provides to others to come here illegally.
McCain Hater (not verified)
Thu, 06/07/2007 - 00:57
HS 11240 2007-06-07T02:57:24-05:00
"Michael Chertoff promised to conduct raids which he strongly implied would be highly emotional affairs and would inflame the left." I really do expect to see stories about kids being left alone. It all goes along with Bush and his push for the amnesty bill.
D Flinchum (not verified)
Thu, 06/07/2007 - 10:46
HS 11241 2007-06-07T12:46:05-05:00
"most illegals could tell some sort of story that would generate sympathy" Absolutely right, eh. And so could most people in general, especially those who have fought the law and had the law win. I used to do volunteer work in a local lock-up in Northern VA. Oddly enough most of the "inmates" who talked about why they were there (most didn't because their cases were still in court)didn't say they were innocent. They simply had NUMEROUS excuses as to why they did it. The best was a guy in on drug charges who was the father of 9 children (triplets, 2 sets of twins, 2 singles). Seems his wife died and he was so crazed with grief that he developed a crack habit. After he got put in the slammer, his mother quit her job to care for the children full time - at government expense. He complained long and loud that "the city" wasn't finding her "suitable" housing. For the record there isn't much housing in NoVA that can handle 10 people other than the huge mansions that would not be selected as housing for the poor. It never occurred to him that HE, not "the city", bore the biggest responsibility for his children's sorry plight. Same with these illegal aliens' families. The responsibility - and the blame - lies with the parents, not law enforcement officers. They are the ones who have put their children at risk.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Thu, 06/07/2007 - 20:28
HS 11242 2007-06-07T22:28:35-05:00
the show must go on and on with nothing coming of it, today some people said no to amnesty but watch the back door. Listen to Savage Nation and watch Alex Jones and read what Ames Tiedeman is telling you.
Pat (not verified)
Fri, 06/08/2007 - 14:49
HS 11243 2007-06-08T16:49:27-05:00
I wonder which private organization donated the $250K to New Haven for the ID cards? It must be a controversial group, because they won't reveal it.