new haven

new haven: Page 1

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Yale Law students, Wishnie sue ICE over 2007 immigration raid (after Elm City card passed) - 10/28/09

Yale Law students - led by professor Michael Wishnie - are suing various current or former ICE (part of the Department of Homeland Security) officials and agents over a 2007 immigration raid in New Haven, Connecticut.

Michael Wishnie compares immigration laws to Jim Crow laws (Yale professor) - 10/15/09

Michael Wishnie is a law professor at Yale University who was involved in various aspects of New Haven's program to give city ID cards to illegal aliens; he was a colleague of former Yale Law Dean Harold Koh. A couple days ago Wishnie gave a talk ( where he made the following shocking comments: "The Obama Administration seems to prefer increased enforcement even over the record levels of the Bush Administration. I have no idea personally whether this a political strategy to show that they are tough on immigration reform so that...

Crooked town: New Haven to give low-price gas to ID card holders (many illegal aliens) - 06/19/08

New Haven, Connecticut offers a city-only identification card (the "Elm City ID card") for those who - ahem - have ID problems. While any resident can get one of the cards, they're only of real use to illegal aliens. The plan was pushed through by a city employee who used to head an organization that was working with the Mexican government to pass out that country's Matricula Consular card.

Michael Chertoff misleads, promotes immigration "reform" at Yale (New Haven) - 04/08/08

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff visited New Haven, Connecticut yesterday to deliver a keynote speech at Yale Law School.

Seven reasons Kos (DailyKos) can't be trusted on immigration (+Quinnipiac University poll) - 03/27/08

Can you trust Kos of DailyKos (Markos Moulitsas Zuniga) on immigration? No, you can't. For some of the reasons why, take a look at "The big immigration backlash in Connecticut" ( 1. He fails to note that, before working for the city of New Haven, Kica Matos headed a group that is/was working with the Mexican government to pass out Matricula Consular cards in that city. As with New Haven's cards, the MC cards let illegal aliens open bank accounts and the like. The bottom line in this case is the bottom line: that makes it easier for illegal aliens...

National League of Cities awards New Haven's IDs for illegal aliens scheme - 11/15/07

New Haven, Connecticut is handing out ID cards to illegal aliens, and not only does their mayor John DeStefano have a possible financial incentive, but the city worker who pushed the plan through previously headed a non-profit that is/was collaborating with the Mexican government. Now, the Washington DC lobbying group National League of Cities and their partner CH2M Hill have given them one of their "2007 Awards for Municipal Excellence": The Elm City Immigration Project in New Haven is a series of innovative, comprehensive and far-reaching policies and initiatives aimed at strengthening the...

Center for American Progress' indirect Mexican government link (Henry Fernandez, Kica Matos) - 10/13/07

Henry Fernandez, Senior Fellow at the Clinton-linked Center for American Progress, is hosting a CAP event entitled "Strange Bed Fellows? Anti-immigration Organizations and Hate Groups" on October 18 [1]. The panelists are Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center (a group indirectly linked to the Mexican government) and Devin Burghart from the Center for New Community. Luckily, I scrolled down to the bottom of the page and I saw this: Fernandez lives with his wife Kica Matos and their son in New Haven, Connecticut. Matos is the former head of Junta for Progressive Action, a group that's...

Tim Russert/MSNBC Democratic "debate" features journalistic incompetence - 09/26/07

The Democrats are offering yet another debate this evening, broadcast on MSNBC and featuring Tim Russert as moderator. He and a "reporter" from a Northeast TV network just asked the candidates whether they supported sanctuary cities. Then, Russert and the "reporter" just listened as the candidates blathered on. All of them supported sanctuary cities, with (of course) Kucinich and Gravel being the most extreme and the latter being the most incoherent. The only thing Russert did was press them to answer the question; he didn't call them on any of the ensuing misleading statements nor did he...

Mexico-linked Junta sues feds over New Haven immigration raids - 08/11/07

Junta for Progressive Action is a New Haven, Connecticut-based non-profit that is or was collaborating with the Mexican government. They were headed by someone named Kica Matos, who now works for the city and has other links to mayor John DeStefano.

Should Harold Koh continue as Yale Law School Dean? - 07/29/07

If a law school dean - especially the dean of the Yale Law School - supports widespread illegal activity and public corruption, should they continue in their present role? Consider the following statements [1] from Harold Koh regarding the ID cards that New Haven, Connecticut is distributing to their residents (including illegal aliens): "If you look on the coin, it says 'E Pluribus Unum' - so they're right on the money!" said Yale Law School Dean Harold Koh... before snapping a photo for his city ID. The Yale Law School, through professors Bob Solomon and Mike Wishnie and the Yale law...

New Haven: John DeStefano has financial interest in illegal immigration? - 07/26/07

As previously discussed, New Haven Connecticut is passing out ID cards to their residents, including illegal aliens. The program was designed by a current city employee who used to head up a non-profit organization (Junta for Progressive Action) that's collaborating with the Mexican government. Now, it turns out that Mayor John DeStefano or others may have a financial stake in the matter. It involves DeStefano possibly going to work for a bank that was started to give loans to serve the low income "immigrant" community, and the bank was started with part of a "contribution" from another bank...

WFMOJALI: New Haven's John DeStefano to file complaint over ICE raid - 06/12/07

The fourth edition of WFMOJALI ("Working for Mexico, or just acts like it?") features New Haven, Connecticut mayor John DeStefano, who's affiliated with the former leader of an organization that's collaborating with the Mexican government. ICE recently conducted raids in that city, and now DeStefano says he'll file a complaint with the DHS (Department of Homeland Security): He said Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents failed to notify local authorities of the operation and lacked search warrants. "They pushed into homes without warrants," DeStefano said. "This was just very aggressive...

ICE raids New Haven (John DeStefano + Mexico) - 06/06/07

Drudge is linking to the story about Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arresting dozens of illegal aliens in New Haven, Connecticut earlier today. This is apparently part of their occasional sweeps of fugitives and criminal aliens.

Commie Fest 2006: Elvira Arellano, Major Owens, ACLU, and more! - 12/02/06

On December 3, the "19th Annual People's Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo Banquet" will be held in a Greek restaurant in Chicago: [It] will feature living wage and peace resolutions sponsor city Alderman Freddrenna Lyle as the keynote speaker, and will honor immigrant rights activist Elvira Arellano, union activists Bea and Frank Lumpkin, disability rights group ADAPT, the March 10th immigrant rights coalition and AFSCME workers who are fighting to organize Resurrection Hospital โ€” all familiar to PWW readers. Note, of course, that only one of those is listed as an actual attendee; the honors may...

John DeStefano linked to Mexico collaborators (CT governor race) - 10/27/06

New Haven mayor and Democrat John DeStefano [1] is running for governor of Connecticut against Republican incumbent M. Jodi Rell. DeStefano has several links to a New Haven group called "JUNTA for Progressive Action" [2], a group which is collaborating with the Mexican government. [3] That group also has links to several other organizations and community leaders. Perhaps the closest link is that DeStefano's campaign manager is married to the head of JUNTA [4]: