irish lobby for immigration reform
irish lobby for immigration reform: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Irish government gives $1.5 million to help immigrants to U.S., including lobbying for illegal aliens (ILIR) - 09/28/08
The Irish government has given $1.5 million to 16 groups in the U.S. that help both legal immigrants and illegal aliens. That comes on top of an earlier $3.16 million they've given towards that effort this year.
Around $50,000 of the new amount went to the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform (source link), a group that lobbies for immigration "reform" (i.e., amnesty) and to which several major politicians have given speeches (John McCain, Hillary Clinton, and so on).
Per Minister for Foreign Affairs Micheal Martin (link):
"The allocations that I am announcing today are to organisations that...
John McCain promotes illegal alien amnesty to Irish group; Irish government link; no Barletta - 09/22/08
Speaking at the Irish-American Presidential Forum earlier today in Scranton PA, John McCain promoted giving an amnesty to not just the supposed 50,000 Irish illegal aliens in the U.S., but others as well. The video is below, and per this he said:
"[There are] 50,000 Irish men and women in this country illegally who want to become citizens... we have to give them a path to citizenship... [My previous support for McCain-Kennedy] didn't make me the most popular member of my own party and it almost cost me the nomination of my party... To preserve that fragile coalition, I had to sometime take...
Immigration march organizers have foreign links - 08/15/08
1. One of the organizers of the March 24 Georgia boycott was Teodoro Maus, a former Mexican consul general. He was also one of the organizers of the October 7 Atlanta march. That march was led by GA state Senator Sam Zamarripa and GA state representative Pedro Marin, both members of the Democratic Party.
Latino, Irish Catholics in illegal immigration march (Archdiocese of San Francisco, Irish government) - 06/10/07
It's not just the Mexican government that meddles in our internal politics in order to support illegal immigration. The Irish government partly funds a group called the "Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform" [1], and yesterday some of their affiliates organized a march in San Francisco featuring 300 Latino and Irish Catholics demanding immigration "reform" (the falsely-titled "Irish, Latino Catholics march for immigrant rights" by Jill Tucker, link).
The sponsors of the event: the Archdiocese of San Francisco, Catholic Charities CYO, the Interfaith Coalition for Immigrant Rights, the Irish...
Ezra Klein, useful idiot - 05/31/07
Pictured right is a blogad currently running on the site ( of Ezra Klein of TAPPED (The American Prospect).
What Paula Zahn forgot: the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform gets money from the Irish government - 03/27/07
Apparently CNN's "Paula Zahn Now" features a "People You Should Know" segment, and in a recent one [1] she featured Niall O'Dowd, chairman of the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform. The link is little more than something the O'Dowd could have written himself. It ends with this:
In addition to leading the Irish Lobby for Immigration, O'Dowd also founded Irish America Magazine and Irish Voice newspaper in New York.
Of course, what she and her producers forgot to tell you is that the ILIR is partly funded by the Irish government. Most people don't take too kindly to foreign-funded groups trying...
Irish fight for reform of immigration - 03/01/07
The Hill/Ian Swanson/[[March 1, 2007]]/ link
Thousands of Irish-Americans will arrive in Washington 10 days before St. Patrick's Day to lobby members of Congress to reform immigration laws.
McCain to ILIR Let's Get it Done! - 02/21/07
Irish Echo/Debbie McGoldrick/[[April 5, 2006]]/ link
Address at the Annual Conference of the Coalition of Irish Immigration Centres Boston - 01/27/07
link Describes a speech that Irish Minister of State Noel Treacy gave on [[April 7, 2006]].
Kennedy joins 1600 Irish Americans - 01/27/07
[[March 8, 2006]] press release from [[Senator Teddy Kennedy]] link
Immigration march organizers have foreign links - 09/01/06
Many of those who attended the recent immigration marches are foreign citizens who are here illegally. But, it doesn't stop there. For instance, one rally organizer is a former Mexican consul general and another is an official with a Mexican political party.
Not surprisingly, the MSM has barely mentioned such links. The reader is strongly encouraged to contact media sources and suggest that instead of simply reporting what goes on at future marches they do some journalism and look into any links between organizers and foreign governments or institutions.
More foreign propaganda supporting illegal immigration - 03/18/06
As pointed out before, the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform is funded by the government of Ireland and they're lobbying for a massive amnesty for illegal aliens.
And, they've not only got quite a propaganda push going, but they've found media sources willing to carry their water.
Illegal immigration even Victorians can discuss - 03/10/06
A lot of people in the chattering classes are afraid to discuss illegal immigration because of the racial component. However, even the most Victorian "liberal" should feel free to discuss illegal immigration by the Irish, right?