us conference of catholic bishops
us conference of catholic bishops: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Cardinal Timothy Dolan, USCCB mislead about immigration in letter to John Boehner - 11/08/13
On November 7, Cardinal Timothy Dolan - Archbishop of New York and president of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops - sent a letter [1] to House speaker John Boehner demanding comprehensive immigration reform.
Marco Rubio leads smear campaign against anti-amnesty groups FAIR, NumbersUSA, and CIS (Mario Lopez, Alfonso Aguilar) - 02/14/13
From this:
A new battle has flared inside the Republican Party in recent days as supporters of more-liberal immigration laws wage a behind-the-scenes campaign to discredit the influential advocacy groups that have long powered the GOP's hard-line stance on the issue.
The Pope: there's also a right *not* to emigrate (99th World Day of Migrants and Refugees) - 10/30/12
On immigration, Pope Benedict XVI has a more nuanced position than the U.S. leaders of the Catholic Church, such as the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.
From the Pope's message announcing the upcoming 99th World Day of Migrants and Refugees on January 13, 2013 (link, bolding added):
Evangelical Immigration Table supports bad personal and public policy (Sojourners, Focus on the Family, Richard Land) - 06/12/12
A group of evangelical leaders have formed the "Evangelical Immigration Table" ( to support, among other things, legalizing millions of illegal aliens. A list of those involved is here.
Their policies are an example of false compassion: some might think their ideas would make things better, but they'd wind up making things worse for most people. They want a "bipartisan solution" that:
The Pope issues support for amnesty, U.S. Catholic Bishop's pro-illegal immigration efforts - 05/18/12
Pope Benedict XVI has come out in support of not just comprehensive immigration reform (aka amnesty), but the U.S. Catholic Bishop's self-interested support for illegal immigration.
At a meeting in Vatican City, he said (link):
Dozens of pro-illegal immigration groups were invited to Obama's mini-amnesty rollout and you weren't - 08/25/11
On August 18, Barack Obama's Department of Homeland Security announced an administrative amnesty that could cover 300,000 or more illegal aliens.
Big Business wants more skilled immigration; Alejandro Mayorkas does their bidding as fast as he can (USCIS, U.S. Chamber, NFAP, AILA, Jacoby, USCCB) - 08/18/11
The National Foundation for American Policy has released a compendium of suggestions to increase skilled immigration [1]. The groups offering suggestions include the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the AILA, and Tamar Jacoby; see [2] for more.
March for America: illegal immigration rally, March 21, 2010 Washington DC - 02/12/10
On March 21, 2010, yet another pro-illegal immigration march will be held in Washington DC, this sponsored ultimately by the far-left National Council of Churches [1]. The next day they'll apparently be conducting a lobbying effort, sending attendees to speak to their representatives (presumably illegal aliens will take a pass on that event).
The march is associated with Ecumenical Advocacy Days, a mini-convention focusing this year on the topic of "Migration". One of the speakers will be Frank Sharry. More on EAD at, and more on the march as it develops.
Other groups...
Media Violence Fast: far-left religious groups cover up support for illegal activity with false claims of "hate" - 10/17/09
Between October 19 and 26, a group of far-left religious groups [1] will be conducting a "Media Violence Fast" during which they're encouraging their members to avoid violence in the media; that wouldn't be such a bad goal if all they were doing was avoiding entertainment programs. Of course, they aren't doing just that. Instead, they're using the "hate speech" label to both paper over the fact that they support massive illegal activity and in an attempt to silence those in the media who support our laws.
2006: Grover Norquist supported amnesty with U.S. CofC, far-left ACLU, NCLR, SEIU, NIF, USCCB, AFL-CIO - 04/09/09
On January 12, 2006, the American Bar Association held a conference called "Fortress America: Comprehensive Immigration Reform" at the National Press Club in Washington DC in support of that "reform" and specifically in opposition to HR4437.
White House TWP illegal alien amnesty PowerPoint presentation - 03/29/07
U.S. News has uploaded a PowerPoint presentation the White House has regarding their new illegal alien amnesty scheme in this PDF file. Even by the abysmally low standard of other Bush administration plans, this is idiotic. Most of the provisions in there would not appeal to even the most cravenly corrupt Democrat, so this isn't a good bargaining ploy. And, it allows the far-left illegal immigration supporters (see the Kevin Appleby quote below) and racial power groups to portray the Bush administration as a bunch of meanies, which doesn't seem to square with their supposed play for the "...
Coalition vows to defeat harsh immigration bill [HR 4437] - 01/20/06
From this:
A U.S. coalition of business, labor unions and religious groups launched a campaign on Thursday to defeat a bill backed by Republicans that would turn some 11 million illegal immigrants into felons.
The coalition of 24 organizations, many of which rarely agree on politics or economics, denounced the bill passed by the House of Representatives last month and called on the Senate to enact legislation to include a guest worker program and a path for illegal aliens to gain legal status.
..."We are extremely disappointed with the proposal that passed the House last month," said...