us hispanic chamber of commerce

us hispanic chamber of commerce: Page 1

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

Which Republicans will vote for John McCain's "Edward M. Kennedy immigration bill"? - 04/01/14

On March 28 [5], John McCain accepted a "Lifetime Achievement Award" [1] from the US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and said the following [2]: "when immigration reform passes I will make sure it is forever called the Edward M. Kennedy immigration bill"

Crazy Rand Paul fully supports amnesty, misleading, Hispandering, and reading poetry to do it - 03/19/13

Earlier today, Kentucky senator Rand Paul gave a pro-amnesty speech at the US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce that in some ways is even more shocking and more crazy than the pro-amnesty speeches George W Bush gave. In addition to being borderline nuts, Paul misleads and uses a string of pro-amnesty talking points just like his dad.

Mitt Romney ineffectively panders to Hispanic Chamber of Commerce - 09/17/12

Mitt Romney will be speaking to the US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce later today and will pander and do so ineffectively. It'd be a smart move for him to have some kind of a Sista Souljah moment with that group, challenging them on their race-based support for illegal activity.

Rumors falsely claim Walmart is cooperating with DHS on immigration raids at its stores - 03/16/10

Walmart is a strong supporter of comprehensive immigration reform, aka amnesty and probably wouldn't cooperate on immigration raids with the Department of Homeland Security. Why bother?

Napolitano immigration meeting: you weren't represented (vast # of loose borders groups, Obama/Janet anti-287g) - 08/20/09

Earlier today, Janet Napolitano of the Department of Homeland Security held a closed-door meeting with a group of what she calls "stakeholders" ( but was actually a vast pantheon (see below) of far-left, racial power, corrupt business, and in general loose borders groups all of which want some form of comprehensive immigration reform, aka amnesty. There were at least 98 participants in the meeting, and none of them represent your interests or the interests of the great majority of American citizens. Why exactly they'd hold the meeting isn't clear;...

The Flake-Gutierrez STRIVE Act amnesty returns... - 09/06/07

The Flake-Gutierrez STRIVE Act - a House amnesty scheme - was discussed at hearings of the Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and International Law today (chaired by former immigration lawyer Zoe Lofgren).

White House listening to pork producers, La Raza, Mexico-linked NALEO, NRA... just not you - 06/21/07

The White House offers a PDF entitled "What They're Saying: Border Security And Immigration Reform Agreement" and subtitled 'Business And Agriculture Groups Say "It Is Critical That The Process Moves Forward"' (PDF) [1]. It's just a collection of quotes from press releases from those few groups that support the Bush/Senate massive illegal immigration amnesty, and it contains no accompaning text other than the titles. As simply a collection of quotes, it's not that shocking. However, it's interesting that these are the special interest groups that the White House chooses to use to bolster...

More pro-illegal immigration propaganda from the Washington Post - 03/22/06

Darryl Fears of the WaPo offers "Immigration Debate Heats Up": Pro-immigrant activists are planning an April 10 protest in 10 cities that could pull tens of thousands of immigrant workers from their jobs. A coalition of groups including the AFL CIO, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, Catholic bishops, the Day Without an Immigrant coalition in Philadelphia and the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce will meet today on Capitol Hill to announce their plans. Given the news that millions of citizens of other countries have entered our country illegally and are now marching to be given rights...