ron paul
Ron Paul: Page 2
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Mike Huckabee wins West Virginia, with help from Ron Paul - 02/05/08
The Ron Paul, Mike Huckabee, and John McCain campaigns were apparently in on a deal that caused Huckabee to win West Virginia's delegates.
If John McCain is the nominee, will immigration be off the table? - 02/02/08
Short answer: Not at all.
Long answer: If the Republican candidate is John McCain, will the GOP be unable or unwilling to attack the Democratic candidate (whether Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton) on their immigration positions?
The answer clearly is yes: the GOP leadership - just like the Democratic leadership - supports illegal immigration. Certainly, some 527 groups which are to some extent only nominally unaffiliated with the GOP may decide to press the issue, but the parties and the candidates won't.
New York Times editorial mind reads the "immigrant vote", gets it wrong - 01/19/08
Earlier today, the New York Times offered "The Immigrant Vote" [1], promising wrath and ruin upon those who dare stand in the way of corrupt businesses profiting from illegal activity:
Nevada is the first state on the election calendar with a sizable Hispanic vote, and among them will be a substantial number of immigrants. We don't know who they'll choose, but we do know they are anxious. They have endured the racially tinged rhetoric used to sink immigration reform; they have witnessed Republican candidates exploiting the xenophobic nastiness. Families have been torn apart as illegal...
Dave Neiwert/Sara Robinson/Orcinus/ Virginia Heffernan/Ron Paul/Jonah Goldberg - 01/11/08
Or, when lefties attack. Back on December 24, Virginia Heffernan of the New York Times offered her Christmas gift to Ron Paul, desperately mainstreaming allegations from a U.S. Nazi leader (link):
[The Nazi leader claimed that] Both Congressman Paul and his aides regularly meet with members of the Stormfront set, American Renaissance, the Institute for Historic Review and others at the Tara Thai restaurant in Arlington, Va., usually on Wednesdays.
Intellectually dishonest James Kirchick - 01/08/08
James Kirchick of the New Republic - home of the odious Jason Zengerle - offers "Angry White Man/The bigoted past of Ron Paul", an attempt by the Beltway establishment to sink his candidacy by revealing excerpts from his old newsletters. Apparently much or all of it was ghostwritten, and the campaign tries to portray him as a (per Kirchick) "naive, absentee overseer, with minimal knowledge of what his underlings were doing on his behalf". To a good extent that doesn't wash, and many of the quotes provided are indeed very questionable in and of themselves. (The Ron Paul campaign responds to...
The Charlie Gibson/ABC/WMUR/Facebook/USSR Democratic/Republican debates - 01/06/08
Last night, Charlie Gibson of ABC News moderated two debates sponsored by WMUR and Facebook, featuring the Republican candidates and then the Democrats. Like all the preceding debates, it was like something ripped from the pages of the Soviet Union.
First, the Democrat version (transcript link) does not feature a single instance - not even one - of immigration or any related words.
Matt Stearns/McClatchy smears Ron Paul, joins list of NAFTA Superhighway deniers - 12/09/07
Matt Stearns of McClatchy Newspapers offers "Out of bounds! Paul pushes NAFTA highway myth" (link):
In an anti-NAFTA radio ad that's airing in Iowa, Paul denounces "powerful elites" who "want to completely erase our borders with Canada and Mexico. These special interests threaten us with a total loss of sovereignty. The NAFTA superhighway, a part of this scheme, has threatened to force thousands off their land. Some believe the highway's path will go right through Iowa.
"NAFTA Superhighway" confirmed by Manitoba government - 12/03/07
On November 20, 2007, the Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Manitoba, Canada (John Harvard) opened the session with his Speech from the Throne (, cached), and in it he confirmed the existence of what he called a "Mid-Continent Trade Corridor". The only difference between that and the "NAFTA Superhighway" appears to be the name:
...In addition, Manitoba has been working with the Canadian government and state governments in the U.S. to protect and enhance our access to key trade markets.
CNN Youtube GOP debate November 28, 2007 - 11/28/07
[UPDATE: Videos showing how CNN went wrong here and here.]
1. Huckster really showed how to demagogue, changing what appeared to be a question about giving illegal aliens college discounts into an answer generating pro-military applause. Romney made the important point that there's only so much money to go around... that is, before CNN had to move on to the next question.
Naomi Wolf: prepare for war - 10/19/07
I am hereby declaring Blog War on Naomi Wolf.
As discussed at that link, I left a comment on one of her Huffington Post entries. It should have been approved, but it was not.
Now, it has happened again on this post; comment below.
How to Make Ron Paul a Top-Tier Candidate - 10/08/07
This video shows how you can make Ron Paul a top-tier candidate, specifically by reducing the popularity of his opponents. The video mainly consists of a series of text screens and the script is below.
This shouldn't be considered an endorsement of Ron Paul; while I support him on sovereignty-related and similar issues, his libertarian economic policies would make me pine for the glory days of Bill Clinton.
Tancredo places fourth in Ames straw poll; will MSM cover immigration? - 08/11/07
Can mainstream media hacks like Tavis Smiley or George Stephanapolous be dragged kicking and screaming into covering immigration matters now that Tom Tancredo has placed fourth in the Ames, Iowa straw poll? Note that he did that despite being the victim of a hoax the day before (link).
We're all going to regret giving Youtube so many links - 07/15/07
I like Youtube, but I feel a bit perturbed every time I link to or embed one of the videos from that site. I'd prefer not to give them any links at all, and I may at some future date convert the current links to them to bare links or add nofollow tags.
1. I use a Firefox CSS one-liner that shows whether links have nofollow tags on them in the salmon color. When I visit a YT page, it's like looking at a Washington river in spawning season.
Live coverage, GOP presidential debate, June 5, 2007 - 06/05/07
11: I'm going to go practice my track-standing. Back later...
10: Three minutes with Larry King commence now...
9: Hunter mentioned pardoning Ramos-Compean, and even bringing back the Reagan Democrats.
8: John McCain warns that having 12 million illegal aliens - 2 million of them being criminals - is dangerous. His solution is his bill, which would give them a wave-of-the-wand legalization, with the government having only 24 hours to deny an application.
7: Ron Paul is pointing out that massive illegal immigration is subsidized...
Chris Matthews is a Beltway Hack (Ron Paul, "Oh, God", Lou Dobbs as moderator) - 05/05/07
Via this, Chris Matthews muttered "Oh, God" under his breath after Rep. Ron Paul responded to a question he asked during the May 3, 2007 GOP debate.
The Politico/MSNBC/Chris Matthews lightweight GOP "debate" - 05/03/07
The Politico and MSNBC are holding a GOP debate tonight, moderated by super lightweight Chris Matthews; subject to other factors, a live discussion of the "debate" follows.
Summary: Tonight's debate was extremely lightweight and a complete waste of time. The questions were extremely general, largely pointless, and Matthews rarely had follow-ups. A fifth grade class could have asked better questions and done a better job at getting to what the candidates really support and the flaws in their arguments.
Anti-North American Union resolution introduced - 10/29/06
Republican Reps. Virgil Goode Jr.
"North American Union threat gets attention of congressmen" - 10/02/06
From this:
Rep. Virgil Goode Jr., R-Va., has introduced a resolution a
"'Border baby' boom strains S. Texas" - 09/25/06
James Pinkerton of the Houston Chronicle offers a suprisingly even-handed article:
First it was a trickle, now it's a flood.
Rising numbers of undocumented immigrants from Mexico and Central America are streaming into Texas to give birth, straining hospitals and costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars, health officials say.
Doctors and health officials say they are overwhelmed by both the new arrivals and those immi
"A North American United Nations?" - 08/29/06
From Rep. Ron Paul:
Globalists and one-world promoters never seem to tire of coming up with ways to undermine the sovereignty of the United States.
Ron Paul "busts Bush police state" - 10/13/05
Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) appeared on a radio show (OK, it was Alex Jones' radio show, but let's conveniently forget that bit), and according to this he said, among others, the following:
-Upcoming indictments of Bush administration officials will be far more damaging than most have expected.
-The Bush administration is attempting an end run around the Constitution by creating a militarized police state to take effect in the event of an avian flu pandemic – one that would include gun confiscation and ultimately martial law.
-The administration's aggressive posture toward Iran, Syria, North...
FAIR on CAFTA - 07/06/05
From "FAIR's Statement Regarding Proposed CAFTA Treaty":
...The negative implications of the CAFTA provisions for illegal immigration to the United States are likely to be caused by the same effects that have generated increased illegal immigration from Mexico under the North American Free Trade Act. As the 2000 Census revealed, the number of illegal immigrants from Mexico has increased substantially since the adoption of NAFTA, with no end in sight.
Rep. Ron Paul on CAFTA - 07/06/05
U.S. Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) provides the short, easy-to-understand, impossible-to-ignore version of why CAFTA should be sent to the scrap heap. From "CAFTA: More Bureaucracy, Less Free Trade":
...The quasi-judicial regime created under CAFTA will have the same power to coerce our cowardly legislature into changing American laws in the future.
Dude! Mad props to Rno Paul! - 06/27/05
Dude! This Ron Paul guy from congress wants to make hemp farming legal! Send out a 420 to all your buds and buddettes, dude! It's called the H.R. 3037, the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2005, and it would like make hemp farming like legal. Think of all the products that can be made, like natural clothing, and baskets, and stuff. Details in "Industrial Hemp Farming Act Introduced at Packed Capitol Hill Hemp Food Lunch; HR 3037 Would Give States the Right to Regulate Farming of Versatile Hemp Plant".
U.N. reform or World Government? - 06/15/05
Holy black helicopters and blue-helmeted foreigners, citizen!
Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) offers us "NeoCon Global Government" (also here as "UN Bill Not What It Appears to Be"):
This week Congress will vote on a bill to expand the power of the United Nations beyond the dreams of even the most ardent left-wing, one-world globalists.
No Social Security for Illegal Aliens - 09/03/04
From a 2003 entry on Dana Rohrbacher's website:
The federal government is thinking about giving away Social Security benefits to illegal aliens.
Various interest groups are pushing for the Social Security Administration to sign a "Totalization Agreement" with Mexico that would entitle illegal aliens to Social Security benefits. With Social Security and Medicare in crisis, this is so irresponsible it takes the breath away.
Congress must act, and act now.