Tancredo places fourth in Ames straw poll; will MSM cover immigration?

Can mainstream media hacks like Tavis Smiley or George Stephanapolous be dragged kicking and screaming into covering immigration matters now that Tom Tancredo has placed fourth in the Ames, Iowa straw poll? Note that he did that despite being the victim of a hoax the day before (link). I'd say there's an equal chance that the perp in that case is a supporter of one of his competitors or someone who, for one reason or another, supports illegal immigration. I'll leave discussing the inside baseball aspects to others, offering instead this chart:

Mitt Romney 4516 votes (31.0%)
Mike Huckabee 2587 votes (18.1%)
Sam Brownback 2192 votes (15.3%)
Tom Tancredo 1961 votes (13.7%).
Ron Paul with 1305 votes (9.1%)

He got almost as many votes as Brownback, and almost half as many as Romney. Despite what has to be considered a strong showing, I'm sure the MSM will find one way or another to continuing avoiding discussing immigration matters in a grown-up fashion.

The ascendancy of Huckabee also gives an opportunity, but from the other direction: he's an incredibly strong supporter of illegal immigration. All we need is one person to go to one of his appearances and ask tough questions (like this one) and then publicize his response, and that might result in his popularity fading and send yet another message to our corrupt leaders.


the result would have been different had the Iowa voters known who some of Romney's biggest supporters were- illegal alien abusive sub-prime Ameriquest and Spanish language conglomerate Univision http://thephoenix.com/article_ektid12684.aspx 2 of the biggest profiteers from illegal immigration in the nation.