U.N. reform or World Government?
Posted Wed, Jun 15, 2005 at 7:26 pm
Holy black helicopters and blue-helmeted foreigners, citizen!
Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) offers us "NeoCon Global Government" (also here as "UN Bill Not What It Appears to Be"):
Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) offers us "NeoCon Global Government" (also here as "UN Bill Not What It Appears to Be"):
This week Congress will vote on a bill to expand the power of the United Nations beyond the dreams of even the most ardent left-wing, one-world globalists. But this time the UN power grabbers aren’t European liberals; they are American neo-conservatives, who plan to use the UN to implement their own brand of world government.
The "United Nations Reform Act of 2005" masquerades as a bill that will cut US dues to the United Nations by 50% if that organization does not complete a list of 39 reforms. On the surface any measure that threatens to cut funding to the United Nations seems very attractive, but do not be fooled: in this case reform "success" will be worse than failure. The problem is in the supposed reforms themselves – specifically in the policy changes this bill mandates...
This new policy is given teeth by creating a "Peacebuilding Commission," which will serve as the implementing force for the internationalization of what were formerly internal affairs of sovereign nations. This Commission will bring together UN Security Council members, major donors, major troop-contributing countries, appropriate United Nations organizations, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund among others. This new commission will create the beginning of a global UN army. It will claim the right to intervene in any conflict anywhere on the globe, bringing the World Bank and the IMF formally into the picture as well. It is a complete new world order...