Tweets to Rep. Luke Messer

Rep. Luke Messer's avatar
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Rep. Luke Messer
Shelbyville, IN
Husband to a wonderful wife, father of three great kids, Congressman for Indiana's 6th Congressional District, lifelong Hoosier, and a die-hard #Colts fan.
Tweets to this user:
Rep. Luke Messer's avatar
From @RepLukeMesser
.@realDonaldTrump is right: We need to put a stop to illegal immigration. That's why I'm fighting with him to build…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RepLukeMesser: I've written 1000s of posts against illegal #immigration @ my site, @ Malkin's old blog, etc. Supporting the Wall tells me you're either fake or you need help figuring things out. Eg, when Trump's out of office, Wall opponents would just tear it down.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RepLukeMesser: Trump Wall is the ultimate Boob Bait For Bubba. If you're sincere, you can reduce illegal #immigration simply by making smart arguments that undercut Pelosi, etc. to their base. Make it a CLM & they'll back off. When can we expect you to do that?