national immigration forum
National Immigration Forum: Page 2
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Mexican citizens helping Kennedy, McCain, Flake, Berman set immigration policy - 01/16/07
In September of last year, the "Independent Task Force on Immigration and America's Future" - "convened by the Migration Policy Institute in partnership with Manhattan Institute and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars" - released their report called "Immigration and America's Future: A New Chapter".
Two members of the "task force" are former elected officials (Spencer Abraham and Lee Hamilton), but four of them are currently supposedly working for us: Howard Berman, Jeff Flake, Edward Kennedy, and John McCain.
Another member is Fernando Garcia, executive director of the El...
Independent Task Force on Immigration - 01/15/07
A group convened by the Migration Policy Institute in partnership with Manhattan Institute and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars which published "Immigration and America's Future:A New Chapter" ( link) in [[September, 2006]]. Supports a "new, secure Social Security card" (possibly a national ID card) and "path to legal status for unauthorized immigrants" (a massive amnesty for illegal aliens).
As of creation time, this is the list of those involved:
Tim Gaynor/Reuters: Democrats to save us from "nativists" - 12/26/06
Tim Gaynor of Reuters offers "Nativists fan flames of U.S. immigration debate". And, it's even worse than the title might indicate.
Tim Gaynor/Reuters: "Democrats' win spurs hope of immigration revamp" - 11/09/06
Tim Gaynor of Reuters offers this:
Sweeping wins for Democrats in U.S. midterm elections have rekindled hopes among Latino activists of achieving a comprehensive overhaul of immigration policy that was blocked by Republicans in Congress.
Democrats swept Republicans from power in the U.S.
Meme: Graf, Hayworth losses = support for "comprehensive immigration reform" - 11/09/06
As regular readers know, illegal immigration supporters will go to any depth to promote amnesty and similar schemes. One meme you can expect to hear over the coming months is that the recent losses by Randy Graf and J.D. Hayworth in Arizona mean that voters want "comprehensive immigration reform".
The quickest example of how that's wrong is presented by the fact that no less than four anti-illegal immigration propositions in Arizona passed by wide margins. And, in Graf's case he got shafted by the national GOP (whose contributors would have lost money if he'd won).
Immigration: What's next? - 10/07/06
Kristin Markway/Medill News Service(in the NWITimes)/[[October 1, 2006]]/ link
Immigration experts from across the nation met Wednesday ([[September 27, 2006]]) in Chicago and praised Illinois as one of the "most progressive" states for immigration policies.
However, they said, there are serious problems with other state and national immigration laws.
Carolyn Lochhead/S.F. Chronicle omits details of NYT poll - 09/23/06
Carolyn Lochhead, of the San Francisco Chronicle's Washington Bureau, offers "Political tide turning on illegal immigration".
Washington DC illegal immigration march: <5000 show up; Ted Kennedy - 09/08/06
Senator Edward M. Kennedy ("Teddy", "Ted") was one of the featured speakers at yesterday's illegal immigration rally in Washington D.C. It was supposed to be a big deal, with up to 500,000 people expected.
Instead, according to the WaPo, less than 5,000 people showed up.
CSM: Backlash over not passing immigration "reform"? - 09/07/06
The Christian Science Monitor article "As Congress stalls on immigration, a backlash brews" by Amanda Paulson might have been read as complete propaganda in favor of "comprehensive" reform if it didn't contain a very slight hint that the actual backlash would come if Congress passes any sort of amnesty scheme.
Tamar Jacoby: the Americans can be forced to accept a massive illegal alien amnesty - 07/29/06
Tamar Jacoby is back with more blather in support of massive immigration, this version being called "Amnesty Is Not a Four-Letter Word: Voters don't like amnesty, but they'll swallow some form of it to fix immigration." No, really, that last part is the real subtitle.
She discusses various misleading and/or push polls and concludes that the Americans will accept a massive illegal alien amnesty just because they want to fix immigration
Nathaniel Hoffman, Andrew Becker, Contra Costa Times support illegal immigration - 06/20/06
Nathaniel Hoffman and Andrew Becker of the Contra Costa Times offer separate articles that support illegal immigration.
Hoffman offers "Immigration rights advocates contemplate their next steps". From the headline on down it's completely biased towards supporting illegal immigration and foreign citizens marching in our streets.
Correction: Bush may have lied one fewer time in big speech - 05/22/06
In my discussion of Bush's big May 15 immigration speech, I took issue with this statement:
And temporary workers must return to their home country at the conclusion of their stay.
I maintain that those "guests" will never leave, and thus that Bush lied to the country.
However, here's Kaus on that statement:
Was it a Clintonian weasel (technically accurate in the zen-tautological sense that their "stay" doesn't concl
Who's responsible for illegal immigration? - 03/28/06
By sending us millions of their citizens, Mexico has managed to obtain political power inside our country.
As shown by the recent marches, that political power can be mobilized - whether in fact by Mexico or just by partisans - into a show of physical force.
The U.S.
Floridians: ask John McCain questions he can't answer! - 02/20/06
From this:
[Arizona Sen. John McCain] will be in Miami on Thursday and will promote a business-backed guest worker program and other immigration reforms. The Arizona senator will speak at "town hall" meeting in South Florida sponsored by the New American Opportunity Campaign. That group includes labor unions, business interests, Hispanic groups and other supporters of guest worker program.
If you're in Miami, could you please try to attend this event and publicly embarass John McCain by trying to ask him a tough question he can't answer? Unfortunately, the event isn't listed at his site (...
Coalition vows to defeat harsh immigration bill [HR 4437] - 01/20/06
From this:
A U.S. coalition of business, labor unions and religious groups launched a campaign on Thursday to defeat a bill backed by Republicans that would turn some 11 million illegal immigrants into felons.
The coalition of 24 organizations, many of which rarely agree on politics or economics, denounced the bill passed by the House of Representatives last month and called on the Senate to enact legislation to include a guest worker program and a path for illegal aliens to gain legal status.
..."We are extremely disappointed with the proposal that passed the House last month," said...
House majority leader: John Boehner or Roy Blunt? - 01/12/06
I believe Boehner is less of an insider than Blunt, however this is more important:
Rep. John A. Boehner's vote last month against a bill cracking down on illegal immigration is sending "tremors" through the House Republican Conference as the Ohio lawmaker pushes his candidacy for House majority leader...
How out of touch is Morton Kondracke? - 01/10/06
MorTON! offers "Bush Must Talk Sense To Republicans On Immigration". He starts with a bad title and goes downhill: the ones who need sense are Bush's handlers and the corrupt elites that favor massive illegal immigration.
Believe it or not, Morton wants Bush to co-opt Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Hugh Hewitt and Laura Ingraham, so that those fine hosts can then turn around and explain the wisdom of Bush's plans to the great unwashed out there beyond the beltway. Unfortunately, Kondracke doesn't discuss what those hosts would do when their ratings started to plummet.
And, he...
AP/Arthur H. Rotstein: some of my best friends are Minutemen - 12/20/05
The AP offers the biased report "Vigilante Anti-Immigration Group Gaining" about the Minuteman Project. A search shows that that's the original AP title, and not the one from Yahoo.
Urgent action needed: strengthen HR 4437 - 12/15/05
Rep. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R-WI) has proposed H.R. 4437, aka the "Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005". It contains some strong provisions against illegal immigration and a (probably deliberately) weak provision or two. The last might indicate that this bill is actually a trojan horse designed to make massive illegal immigration legal and help pave the way for a guest worker scheme.
Immigration "news" from the Wall Street Journal - 10/18/05
As discussed here several times, the editorial side of the WSJ favors open borders, smearing opponents and outright lying as necessary. The news side of the WSJ seems to have a few problems as well. Consider "California Race Highlights Split On Immigration" from Miriam Jordan.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce using front groups? - 10/14/05
Deborah Senn was a candidate for state attorney-general of Washington. A $1.5 million advertising campaign from a group called the VEC (Voters Education Committee) was launched against her, and now she's suing the organization that was behind VEC: the U.S.
More Morton Kondracke immigration idiocy - 10/09/05
Like a minor league member of the Open Borders lobby, Morton Kondracke of Roll Call magazine continues to discuss immigration "reform", the latest in "Will Bush Step Up - Or Let Immigration Issue Fester Further?". Just like another minor leaguer, he references Tamar Jacoby in the piece.
$500 million to observe the entire Mexican border with military technology? - 09/23/05
Sounds like one heck of a deal. From "Renzi wants military technology to track immigrants at border":
Rep. Rick Renzi, R-Ariz., says state-of-the-art military technology should be employed to help the U.S.
"Study: Terrorists Exploit Immigration Laws" - 08/30/05
The CIS has released a new study written by Janice Kephart, former counsel for the 9/11 commission: "Moving Beyond the 9/11 Staff report on Terrorist Travel".
From the AP report "Study: Terrorists Exploit Immigration Laws":
Suspected or convicted foreign-born terrorists have routinely exploited federal immigration laws over the last decade to enter or remain in the United States illegally...
"The attack of 9/11
The 1986 amnesty failed spectaculary, why repeat the mistake? - 08/30/05
Georgie Anne Geyer discusses the 1986 amnesty, that was supposed to be the amnesty to end all amnesties. (Also here).
...Pete Nunez, the former U.S. attorney for San Diego and a lifelong fighter for immigration control, told me in a recent talk: "Why are those numbers today so high? Because of the amnesty of 1986!
Big Business Balks at Bush Propaganda Plan - 08/29/05
President Bush has created the Orwellian-named "Americans for Border and Economic Security" to push for his massive guest worker amnesty scheme. Now, Bloomberg reports, Big Business is balking at the plan:
..."There is a reluctance to sign up for something that might turn out not to be the type of immigration reform bill we want to see," said John Gay [1], who runs a coalition in support of guest-worker programs that includes the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, First Data Corp. and Marriott International Inc.
Republican lobbyists including Ed Gillespie, the party's former national chairman, and...
Look! It's Insty, and he's talking about immigration! - 06/30/05
Once every month or two, America's favorite blogger turns his attention to the most critical issue facing this nation.
Tamar Jacoby on the Kennedy-McCain mass amnesty - 05/14/05
Tamar Jacoby has issued the following statement:
We the undersigned applaud the introduction today of Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act... [etc. etc...]
The signatories include:
Lee Culpepper (last mentioned here; works for the National Restaurant Association and is Chairman of the National Immigration Forum)
Jack Kemp
Grover Norquist
Rick Swartz:
And then there's the National Immigration Forum, the umbrella organization for high-immigration political advocacy, which works closely with sympathetic Republicans. But NIF is not like the conventional lobbying coalitions that...
McCain, Kennedy introduce Open Borders, Open Wallets bill - 05/12/05
Senators John McCain and Ted Kennedy have introduced the "Open Borders, Open Wallets" bill, informally known as the "2005 Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act".
Do I really need to provide details, aren't the involvement of those two senators enough?
Anyway, their cohorts are Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), Jeff Flake (R-AZ), and Jim Kolbe (R-AZ). This is a massive amnesty program that could lead to not only transforming the 10 to 20 million illegal aliens in the U.S.
"FAIR Responds to Sham Immigration Poll" - 04/07/05
A new poll conducted on behalf of the open immigration advocacy group, the National Immigration Forum, reveals that even reputable polling organizations will conduct push polls to generate revenue in political off-years.
Has the Springfield Republican been radicalized? - 02/27/05
You've probably never heard of the Springfield (Mass.) Republican newspaper, but the article "Hispanics get call to political action" from Natalia Munoz seems of interest:
...A far-reaching campaign to stir political action by [Western Mass.] immigrants with and without legal papers was ignited yesterday with a talk by representatives from the Cambridge-based Centro Presente, which works with the Central American community in the state.
"There is an anti-immigrant environment here," said executive director María Elena Letona. "The hypocrisy of this country is that it denies immigrants rights...
"Dogmatic Libertarians: Over the edge." - 01/19/05
I already posted this inside another post, but this May 9, 2002 column deserves its own post:
...Near the end of the NRO article Griswold [of the Cato Institute] insists that he is not for "open borders," but his record suggests otherwise. A story in the Christian Science Monitor (August 30, 2000) by Scott Baldauf is particularly revealing. Baldauf describes a new project of the Immigration and Naturalization Service's Border Patrol that specifically targets highly sophisticated criminal smuggling rings that employ infrared scopes, two-way radios, and computer databases. The project goes...
The WaPo has finally overloaded my circuits - 01/02/05
The WaPo offers us "Bush Immigration Plan Meets GOP Opposition", an article that contains several hidden assumptions just ripe for a fisking. However, it's not bad enough that I want to expend the effort. Therefore, a mini fisk:
1. Are you sure you want to use the phrase "[Bush's plans to] liberalize the nation's immigration laws"? Are you sure what he wants is "liberal"? Perhaps "feudalize", or "NWO-orize", or "elite-scam-ize" might be better terms.
"Mi Casa Es Su Casa? Get Real" - 12/30/04
[...Describes an anti-illegal immigration group in Utah...] GOP activists such as Sears spell trouble for George W. Bush. As the President woos Hispanic voters with Cabinet appointments, political appeals, and immigrant-friendly policies, a rebellion is bubbling up through his party's ranks. The reason: The influx of illegals is hitting such solidly red states as Arizona and Utah particularly hard. "The problem seems to get more attention during times of fiscal distress for the states," says Jeffrey S. Passel, who studies immigration at the Urban Institute in Washington.
Handouts? Go Beyond the Usual [Canards and Suspects] - 08/27/04
In one or two columns, Steve Lopez of the L.A. Times was starting to make some sense. See April's "Way Too Many People in Paradise".
However, with his latest discussion of illegal immigration he's reverted to the usual LAT set of canards and "experts". From "Handouts? Go Beyond the Usual Scapegoats" (link):
Miami Herald "endorses indentured servitude" - 03/22/04
That's what the Stein Report says regarding the Miami Herald's editorial supporting the AgJobs bill ('A win-win for growers, farmworkers, America'). That bill would provide an amnesty for half a million illegal aliens. As history shows, amnesties simply lead to more illegal immigration. One amnesty leads to more illegal immigration, which requires another amnesty, which leads to more illegal immigration, repeat.
As for the claim that the editorial supports indentured servitude, judge for yourself:
...AgJobs sets up a process by which illegal immigrants already working in agriculture could...