House majority leader: John Boehner or Roy Blunt?
Posted Thu, Jan 12, 2006 at 4:46 am
I believe Boehner is less of an insider than Blunt, however this is more important:
Rep. John A. Boehner's vote last month against a bill cracking down on illegal immigration is sending "tremors" through the House Republican Conference as the Ohio lawmaker pushes his candidacy for House majority leader...Not convinced? This will do it:
...Mr. Blunt, the acting House majority leader, voted for last month's crackdown on illegal immigration and a 2004 amendment that said local law-enforcement officials should be allowed to report illegal aliens to federal authorities. He also voted against a 2002 bill that was termed a mini-amnesty for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens under Section 245(i) of the immigration code.
Mr. Boehner voted the opposite way each time, to the chagrin of those seeking more limits on immigration.
"I know how he feels about the issue -- he is absolutely opposed to what we are trying to accomplish," said Rep. Tom Tancredo, Colorado Republican and the leader of the Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus...
Angela Kelley, deputy director of the pro-guest-worker and pro-legalization group National Immigration Forum [also see this], said Mr. Blunt recently has seemed to become tougher on illegal immigration.
She had a different opinion of Mr. Boehner. Although she said the Ohioan hasn't come out as a champion of legalization like Arizona Republican Reps. Jeff Flake and Jim Kolbe, she added that this "doesn't mean he couldn't be."
"He's also not in the Tancredo camp, so I have great hope for him if he comes out on top," she said.