Look! It's Insty, and he's talking about immigration!
Once every month or two, America's favorite blogger turns his attention to the most critical issue facing this nation. This time around he links to a Mickey Kaus blurb about Bush's "Amnesty" Magnet, which discusses the story we posted here two days ago about the Border Patrol survey showing 45% of illegal crossers came because of Bush's "temporary" worker plan.
Insty has this to say:
This won't play well among the Republicans who are angry at Bush over immigration, and there are a lot of those. Kaus also draws a parallel between welfare reform and immigration reform that seems apt to me.
Kaus (for the most part) understands these issues, but he could do more. For instance, he calls a quote from the National Immigration Forum "idiotic", but, unlike me, he didn't provide a link to more information on that fine organization.
However, to Insty matters involving immigration, sovereignty, and similar are more like a minor annoyance in his libertarian worldview and his support for the Bush administration. He'd much rather discuss important issues like Rathergate. Here's a hint: every American should be angry with Bush and our other leaders about these issues, not just a segment of Republicans.