marco rubio
Marco Rubio (FAQ, amnesty, immigration)
Marco Rubio is a U.S. senator from Florida and a strong supporter of immigration reform, aka legalizing illegal aliens, aka amnesty. In the beginning of 2012 he crafted his own plan to legalize younger illegal aliens, and at the end of 2012 and beginning of 2013 he began working with other politicians to craft a much broader amnesty.
The links after this summary have often extensive discussions of how his immigration plans won't work and will do great harm. Here are some questions and answers about his immigration stance:
Q. Would Rubio's immigration plan harm the U.S.?
A. Yes, his plan would greatly harm the U.S. See comprehensive immigration reform and the other links below.
Q. Is Rubio credible?
A. Not at all. See how Marco Rubio tries to deceive you.
Q. What can I do to help block Rubio's plan?
A. Help me discredit him. Help me discredit or try to turn any leader who supports his plan. See what I do in many of my tweets ( @24AheadDotCom_ ) and help out or do something similar. It's not difficult at all to search Twitter for those remaining few people who support Rubio, and then try to change their minds. In the case of leaders, try to use their support for Rubio to turn their followers against them. Occasionally CC one or two of his workers (list here) so they hear footsteps.
Q. Is Rubio's plan "amnesty"?
A. Yes and no. It's "amnesty" as used in the broad sense that most people use it: to mean a massive legalization program. This page and other posts here use "amnesty" in order to avoid typing "a massive legalization program for illegal aliens" over and over. However, in the formal context or when dealing with Rubio supporters, it's best not to use that term. See reform not amnesty. And, whenever you see Marco Rubio denying his plan is amnesty, recall this video of John McCain doing the same thing.
Q. Would Rubio's immigration plan harm the GOP?
A. Yes: it would create millions more new Democrat voters than Republican voters. See #6 here for more.
Q. Has Rubio aided Obama on immigration?
A. Yes, Marco Rubio greatly helped Obama on immigration.
Q. Who supports Rubio's plan?
A. See the lists of supposed conservative bloggers and supposed conservative leaders, and help discredit them over supporting such a plan.
Q. Who else supports Rubio's plan or at least his moves on immigration?
A. Those include: the Whitehouse, the National Council of La Raza, the New York Times, Frank Sharry (a leading amnesty promoter), and more.
Q. Is Rubio's plan conservative?
A. Not at all. Here are 10 ways it isn't conservative.
Q. Is Rubio's amnesty "humane"?
A. No: see false compassion.
Q. Are there any downsides to legalizing young illegal aliens as Rubio wants to do?
A. That plan has several huge downsides, such as depriving struggling Americans of college. See DREAM Act (the same dynamic applies no matter the details of a specific plan).
Q. Are there better alternatives for the GOP than Rubio's plan?
A. Immigration is one of the areas where the Democratic Party is weakest and what they want to do is least popular. Any Democrat who supports the anti-American DREAM Act could and should be discredited. Rather than discrediting people like Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin, Rubio came up with his own variation on that anti-American bill.
Q. Are there better alternatives for the GOP than Rubio's plan?
A. Definitely: see attrition.