kenneth vogel
kenneth vogel: Page 1
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Herman Cain scandal revealed: corruption and incompetence (Politico, Tea Parties) - 11/01/11
In this post I'll reveal the dirty little secrets of the Herman Cain scandal. As you might have heard, that presidential candidate is accused of some form of sexual harassment of colleagues at one of his past jobs, and the latest news is that one of the alleged victims wants to step forward and tell her side of the story (link).
Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, Limbaugh, Hannity paid to promote FreedomWorks, AFP, Heritage (Koch, immigration) - 06/18/11
Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity are paid large amounts of money to promote groups like FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity, and the Heritage Foundation.
Rightwing wants to stoop to MMFA, CAP level (opposition research, SHOCK!, hypocrisy...) - 04/03/11
Kenneth Vogel of the Politico reports (link) that conservatives are trying to offer their own alternatives to opposition research groups like Media Matters for America and the
DHS uses Giffords shooting to push loose borders political agenda (Jared Lee Loughner, American Renaissance) - 01/09/11
[IMPORTANT UPDATE: AmRen has been cleared, and Fox's memo wasn't even from the DHS. See the updates below.]
The Department of Homeland Security and various media sources are using the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords by Jared Lee Loughner as an opportunity to try to smear opponents of illegal immigration, focusing on the higher-level white racial separatist group American Renaissance (DHS memo at [1], report at [2]). Not only do they get that group's ideas wrong, but they mislead about what was in Loughner's videos and what appears to have been on his MySpace page.
From the memo at [1]:
Obama administration briefs Bilderberg group on foreign and economic policy - 05/26/09
No, really. Bilderberg - a group that just a few short years ago was presented by the MSM as a tinfoil hat topic - has gone mainstream. Kenneth Vogel of the Politico - seen here "debunking" some "myths" in order to assist the Barack Obama campaign - offers "Obama officials gave Bilderberg briefings" (
A handful of high-ranking Obama administration officials this month delivered private briefings at the annual invitation-only conference held by an elite international organization known as the Bilderberg group.
The closed meeting of some of the most...
Kenneth Vogel /Politico mocks concerns over Bilderberg group - 03/15/09
Kenneth Vogel of the Politico - last discussed here for smearing Jerome Corsi - offers "Bilderbergers excite conspiracists" (politico . com/news/stories/0309/20010.html).
Kenneth Vogel/Politico smears Jerome Corsi ("Obama Nation" book) - 08/13/08
Jerome Corsi has recently released a book highly critical of BHO called "Obama Nation". Needless to say, the usual suspects are up in arms. But, representing perhaps more the corrupt establishment in general than BHO fans in particular, Kenneth Vogel of The Politico offers the smear piece "Wild theories of 'Obama Nation' author" (politico .