juan hernandez
Juan Hernandez
A U.S.-Mexico dual citizen who's a former cabinet-level official with the Mexican government, working alongside Vicente Fox. During the 2008 election served as Hispanic outreach director for the John McCain campaign to become president of the U.S. He's also a Senior Fellow of the "Comprehensive Immigration Reform Initiative" at the McCain-linked Reform Institute. Created a non-profit, Organization for Hispanic Advancement, works with We Care America, and author of The New American Pioneers: Why Are We Afraid of Mexican Immigrants?.
Strong supporter of not just comprehensive immigration reform but also a "free flow of people" between the U.S. and Mexico. Clearly has divided loyalties, if he has much loyalty beyond financial to the U.S. at all. Wrote a book with the assistance of Dick Morris; the latter was also hired by Fox. See the links here for videos of his appearances on cable TV shows and more.
If someone had really pressed McCain on this issue, he would not have been the nominee. Unfortunately, those who asked him about it could only come up with weak questions that McCain was able to easily deflect (here, here, and here). While the mainstream media almost completely ignored the issue (rather than paying attention to it and lying about it), at least Newsweek made a slight attempt at interviewing Hernandez. Also see [1] and [2].