Matt Corley/Think Progress misleads about Juan Hernandez (McCain's Mexico-linked staff member)
Matt Corley, Research Associate for Think Progress (run by the Clinton-linked Center for American Progress) offers "Glenn Beck's Rants Against 'Juan McCain' Would Not Be Welcome At" [1]. The first thing to note is that we might be getting an inkling of how the left/Democrats deal with the issue of Juan Hernandez, the John McCain staff member who's a former cabinet-level official with the Mexican government. To wit, pretend that the issue is only his ethnic background and not his former employment, his dual citizenship, and his obvious divided loyalties:
Discussing last night's GOP debate on his radio show today, Glenn Beck and fill-in host Pat Gray mocked Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) by derisively calling him "Juan McCain." Beck, who considers McCain's sponsorship of a comprehensive immigration bill and the Mexican background of his national director of Hispanic outreach to be "an audacious slap in the face to the American people," proudly advertised the segment in his daily e-mail to listeners today...
Of course, the issue isn't his "Mexican background", but with the other issues mentioned above. According, I suggest reviewing everything Corley says in the future for accuracy and completeness.
The post also involves yet another set of rules at RedState, this to prevent people from using names like "Jorge Arbusto". Per Leon Wolf: "If you think you've really zinged someone by calling them by a Latino name, that's a pretty reliable (nearly infallible, in fact) indicator that you don't like Latino people." Of course, the question then becomes why Leon Wolf thinks having a "Latino name" is per se a negative. Let me suggest that Wolf is projecting.
The post even mentions the "We Can Stop The Hate" group.
baobab (not verified)
Fri, 02/01/2008 - 04:55
HS 13702 2008-02-01T06:55:36-06:00
"If you think you've really zinged someone by calling them by a Latino name, that's a pretty reliable (nearly infallible, in fact) indicator that you don't like Latino people." No, you could have nothing against 'Latino people' but have a big beef with your *U.S.* President doing everything he can to integrate the nation he's supposed to have undivided loyalty to with a foreign nation. When that country is Mexico, which happens to have Spanish as its language, 'El Presidente Jorge Arbusto' conveys that thought pointedly. Get it? It's a jab at Bush who as far as I know isn't a 'Latino person'. So your premise is not so infallible. But thanks for the insight into the mind of a PC simpleton.