john kerry
john kerry: Page 2
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Guess the publication - 10/07/04
Can you guess which publication this excerpt is from?
Was President Bush literally channeling Karl Rove in his first debate with John Kerry? That's the latest rumor flooding the Internet, unleashed last week in the wake of an image caught by a television camera during the Miami debate. The image shows a large solid object between Bush's shoulder blades as he leans over the lectern and faces moderator Jim Lehrer.
The president is not known to wear a back brace, and it's safe to say he wasn't packing.
"FAIR to Bush: Stop Undercutting Homeland Security" - 10/04/04
(Washington, D.C.-October 4, 2004) In last week's debate with John Kerry, President Bush said he will never subordinate U.S. national security decision-making to international pressure. Instead, he apparently has his own litmus test for deciding what is needed to protect homeland security. Sadly, the President is again unwilling to take vital security steps if they offend the cheap labor lobby or impinge on the open borders policies of Mexican President Vicente Fox.
James Bond turned, now double agent - 10/01/04
Brosnan officially an American citizen: Pierce Brosnan decided to become an American because he wants the right to vote for John Kerry in the upcoming presidential election...
Brosnan, who will retain dual citizenship, add: "I found a whole new life and identity in America. (But) my heart and soul will forever be Irish."
Look, no one said not voting for Bush was going to be easy - 09/12/04
CalInsider ( ) directs us to "Hey, Guys, the Action's Down There" ( ):
Look at Kerry's chief supporters and you see a new kind of elite, a veritable "hip-ocracy" of high-tech tycoons, Hollywood moguls and celebrities, and a bevy of Wall Street financiers. This group is bolstered by Americans with graduate degrees and a growing number of college and university faculty members.
"Why conservatives must not vote for Bush" - 09/10/04
From the Cato Institute's Doug Bandow (link):
George W. Bush presents conservatives with a fundamental challenge: Do they believe in anything other than power? Are they serious about their rhetoric on limited, constitutionally restrained government?
...A few high-octane speeches cannot disguise the catastrophic failure of the Bush administration in both its domestic and its foreign policies...
Are the CBS memos fake? - 09/09/04
Was John Kerry in Cambodia at Christmas?
Did John Kerry get a hat from a CIA operative?
Did George Bush fail to show up for his scheduled physical of April 5, 1968? Did he in fact postpone it until April 7, a Sunday?????
Was John Kerry's first purple heart the result of a self-inflicted wound with a grenade launcher or a bowie knife or was it in fact caused by the enemy?
Press 2 if you want me to promise you everything for nothing - 09/03/04
In an attempt to show that he might be worse, John Kerry recently made more pro-illegal immigration promises in Fresno. Well, he wasn't really in Fresno, he just phoned his pandering in:
Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry capped a recent farm workers convention by promising to propose "comprehensive immigration reform" within his first 100 days in office if he defeats President George W.
Are they border guards or stuffed poodles? - 08/27/04
The department of Customs and Border Protection - part of the DHS - wants our border guards to stress the customer services aspects of their job. You'd think they would want to stress, oh, I dunno, security instead of etiquette, but I guess that wouldn't be "compassionate."
Remember, this is not an article from the Onion. The WashTimes' "Border agents put on happy face" has excerpts from a new CBP memo detailing new training sessions for border guards:
"First impressions are lasting impressions.
Hand overplayed; game over - 08/20/04
Since the release of Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry, Kerry and forces under his command as well as independent operatives have launched a series of strikes, even going as far as hacking Amazon's page.
"Any imminent threat to our security will be dealt with swiftly and severely." - 08/18/04
"Imminent threat"? Where have we heard that before?
Except, this time it's from John Kerry:
We will use superior military force to overcome any enemy. Let me be clear: like you, I defended this country as a young man. And I will defend it as president. I will never hesitate to use force when it is required. Any attack will be met with a swift and certain response. Any imminent threat to our security will be dealt with swiftly and severely.
"Gee wiz - what a commotion." - 08/18/04
Br'er Drudge links to the site of one of Kerry's former paramours: And, no, it's not Alex Polier. Her name is Lee Roystone, and apparently she accompanied Lurch to Earth Day 1990 or some such and she's selling a fiction book or something.
Apparently the books aren't selling, because this is her latest "blog" entry:
August 18, 2004. Gee wiz - what a commotion. Perhaps
this was a bad idea. No one is even buying any books.
"Conservative gets immigration plank" - 08/16/04
The Washington Times offers a confusing article:
Pennsylvania Rep. Melissa A. Hart will lead the Republican Party platform subcommittee that will tackle politically sensitive immigration issues, The Washington Times has learned...
"I'm still getting up off the floor. This is great for those of us interested in a more moderate immigration policy," said Craig Nelson, director of Friends of Immigration Law Enforcement.
Mr. Nelson said Mrs.
"Hey, you! Yes, you! Caption my picture!" - 08/13/04
"Never get into a rubber-band fight with a Southerner, y'all hear?"
"I never should have attented that John Kerry facial pumping party!"
"Yes, you're right! This is a frozen fake smile!"
"I want you to join the Kerry Army!"
"A flawed approach on immigration" - 08/12/04
From a WashTimes editorial:
When it comes to immigration, the administration is laboring to come up with a coherent formula to protect the nation's borders.
"Kerry: Immigration reform would make 'Protect Arizona Now' unnecessary" - 08/09/04
Should John Kerry be elected, I have no doubt that vocational schools will spring up to retrain Kremlinologists to be Kerryologists.
As near as I can figure out, Kerry is promising that his somewhat secret immigration reform plan (a.k.a. a general amnesty for millions of illegal aliens) will solve all present and future immigration-related problems.
President Bush don't need no take-out grilled diver sea scallops, pardner - 08/09/04
According to U.S. News & World Report, President Bush is challenging John Kerry to a peasant food eat-off:
Don't be surprised if fitness freak President Bush starts showing up at Dunkin' Donuts. Seems the prez thinks what people like about him over Sen. John Kerry is his ability to be one of them, and his staff is figuring out ways to show that off. So they want to steer the campaigning prez to cafes, gas stations, and, of course, barbecue joints.
Thanks for stopping! - 08/08/04
The video of this was quite funny, but I don't have a link, just the picture and "No train stop confuses Kerry supporters in Kansas.
"Aliens program costs Bush" - 08/03/04
The WashTimes reports on conservatives who won't be voting for Bush this time:
Like a small but significant cluster of lifelong Republicans, the Tucson, Ariz., resident plans to make a statement by breaking with the Republican Party this year. The reason: He's furious over President Bush's proposal to grant resident status to illegal immigrants, known by critics as his amnesty program...
Not that Mr.
Which candidate is less "American"? - 08/01/04
Or, to put it a few other ways:
Which candidate is less of a "populist?"
Which candidate is less likely to relate to "average Americans" and share their concerns?
To state it cynically, which candidate is slightly less likely to sell the rest of us out to global elites?
And, which candidate makes you yearn more strongly for a viable third party?
Bush tries to present a cowboy image, and many people buy it whether they consider "cowboy" a good thing or not. Kerry tries to present a tres sportif image.
What do the candidates eat? - 07/31/04
[UPDATE: all the images in this are no longer there, if you can find them please leave a comment]
In the photo above, we can see that John Kerry had what appears to be a medium Frosty. In a prior report, I had wondered whether he ordered a small Frosty off the Value Menu. Apparently he had not.
Also, in front of him you can see the chili.
Ah, Newburgh! - 07/30/04
John Kerry, John Edwards, wives, entourage, hangers-on, and the press visited Newburgh NY today:
Kerry fielded questions about foreign policy, presidential politics, abortion and the death penalty in a 12-minute interview at a Wendy's fast-food restaurant in this GOP-leaning Hudson Valley community.
After polishing off a bowl of chili and a Frosty, the newly minted nominee took Bush and his Republican allies head-on...
[...ironic coverage deleted...]
A brief report from the Poughk
"What if?!?!" - 07/29/04
"What if? What if?"
He sounds like William Shatner just before he breaks into song.
What's this deal about one America, and ending divisions? Does that mean the Democrats are going to stop being the party of race and class baiting?
And, how are the delegates going to come down after the speed required to stay awake during the 46 minute screed?
UPDATE: Here's what Kerry said:
And that's why Republicans and Democrats must make this election a contest of big ideas, not small-minded attacks. This is our time to reject the kind of politics calculated to divide race from race, group from group,...
Are you searching for a reason to believe, Lauren Tewes? - 07/28/04
"Hello everybody, this is Brad Williams! Welcome to Fantabulous Offers! You might remember me as Lorbock from Battlestar Gallactica. I have a question for you...
Are you searching for a reason to believe in John Kerry?
Join with us today as we explore all the reasons you should believe! And, with me to help in this quest is former Love Boat actress, Lauren Tewes!"
"Thank you Brad! It's good to be here supporting John Kerry!"
"I've got a surprise for you Lauren!"
"Oh, Brad, you know how I love surprises!
Kerry reveals his plan for Earth - 07/27/04
"John Kerry, minion finalize their plan to enslave Mankind."
More details on Kerry's plan here.
(Props to Glenn "Instapundit" Reynolds)
Hillary: 'Secure our borders' - 07/27/04
During the Clinton administration, the INS became a virtual recruiting drive for the Democratic party, as described here.
So, when Hillary Clinton remarked in her speech yesterday that we should secure our borders, I laughed a bit. However, there's always the possibility that if they say it enough, they might actually mean it. Unfortunately, the non-liberal media will not press her to fully explain her comment and provide details of what we should be doing.
"Politicians Snub Latinos' Real Wishes" - 07/27/04
I was working on a similar post, but Dan Stein of FAIR says it much better:
Ranking right up there with the proverbial "Dog Bites Man" headline, a new opinion poll released last week by the Pew Hispanic Center finds that Latinos in the United States are most concerned about education, jobs, the state of the economy and access to affordable healthcare dz
John Kerry, civil libertarian. Part 2 - 07/26/04
The liberaltarians at Reason provide a run-down of Kerry's record on civil liberties (reason . com/hod/jb072604.shtml):
Then it was Sen. John Ashcroft (R-Mo.) who argued alongside the ACLU in favor of the individual's right to encrypt messages and export encryption software. Ashcroft "was kind of the go-to guy for all of us on the Republican side of the Senate," recalls David Sobel, general counsel of the Electronic Privacy Information Center.
Is there anything the miraculous John Kerry can't do? - 07/26/04
If I had gone to Boston to cover the DNC, right about this time I would be looking for the nearest exit. Sated with the stream of groups to which Kerry will grant benefits and the good that he will do, I would seek a breath of sanity.
Exiting the hall, I would attempt to find, photograph, and interview protesters from across the spectrum as well as colorful locals. If I could find politicians or members of the press behaving badly, that would be a bonus. If I could entrap a member of the press into admitting liberal bias, that would be a big bouns.
John Kerry, civil libertarian - 07/25/04
Talk radio favorite Matt Drudge is playing a recent interview ESPN did with John Kerry. Apparently the interview was done in relation to the Yankees-Red Sox game Kerry attended earlier today.
"Kerry Carved Out Tax Loophole for Heinz Foods" - 07/15/04
Per NewsMax:
Tax legislation proposed by Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry last year was designed to crackdown on companies doing business overseas - but the proposal had one giant loophole: an exemption for companies like the H.J.
JumboJack90040 has a question - 07/11/04
The newest member of the John Edwards community has a question:
I'm on the fence, and I hope someone can help me with a few questions.
I read a report where John Edwards said that John Kerry will restore corporate responsibility. That sounds good to me, but I'm worried about John Kerry's plan that would give amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.
Most of those illegal aliens were employed in violation of our immigration laws.
More pro-illegal immigration puff pieces noted - 07/11/04
A brief summary of the rules: a "pro-illegal immigration puff piece" (hereinafter "PIIPP") must mention the name of the person we're to feel Sally Struthers-level sympathy for in the first sentence and must be full of lies and/or vapid platitudes.
Bart Jones, the immigration reporter for Long Island's Newsday, appears to offer a treasure trove of such PIIPPs:
The Newcomers: El Sal
Kerry, Edwards doublethink immigration - 07/10/04
From "Kerry promises Hispanics immigration plan":
John Kerry promised Hispanics on Saturday that he would send Congress an immigration overhaul plan to make it easier for illegal immigrants to become citizens.
"Today, our immigration system is broken," [courtesy Ted Kennedy and others --LW] [he told] the League of United Latin American Citizens.
Rockin' with the K-Dawg - 07/10/04
From the Boston Herald's "Crude jokes, insults OK with Kerry camp":
When in doubt, play the Vietnam card. That's long been a tactic embraced by Sen. John Kerry and his aides in the face of political trouble.
It's what the Kerry camp resorted to again Thursday to excuse the vile criticism of President Bush by the Democratic nominee's Hollywood backers at a New York fund-raiser.
"Performers have a right to speak their minds even when we don't agree with everything they say.
"Candidates Court Illegal Immigrants" - 07/09/04
From immigration lawyer Matt Hayes:
On June 30, John Kerry went to Phoenix and spoke before the national conference of the race identity group La Raza. By now most Americans know that "La Raza" is Spanish for "The Race," and also that the media accept that groups such as La Raza are conspicuously race conscious while being intolerant of others for being so.
This may be why Kerry, a presidential candidate of a mainstream political party, didn't see much of a downside in speaking before such an organization.
Bush rebuffed by "Latinos" - 07/09/04
President Bush hasn't learned:
President Bush made a pitch for his proposed temporary worker program before the nation's largest Hispanic rights group on Thursday.
Bush, via satellite, addressed the League of United Latin American Citizens convention in San Antonio.
Bush proposed allowing legal and illegal immigrants to work in the United States under renewable three-year permits...
John Edwards, One-Worlder - 07/08/04
From "Bilderberg 'performance' key to Edwards VP pick":
Sen. John Edwards' standout "performance" at the super-secret Bilderberg meeting in Italy last month may have been a key reason for his selection as John Kerry's vice presidential running mate, according to the New York Times.
Yes, but will he be burned at the stake? - 07/02/04
John Kerry has been indicted - for heresy.
It gets even more interesting:
On 14 June 2004 DE FIDE filed its first Libellus Litis (Bill of Complaint) in the Ecclesiastical Court of the Archdiocese of Boston. The Criminal Complaint alleges that United States Senator JOHN F. KERRY, as a baptized Catholic, has committed a court-martial offense under Canon Law by professing the Right-to-Murder heresy, commonly known as the "Right to Choose" doctrine.
The Complaint is currently under review by the Archdiocese of Boston.
Yes, please Cecilia, do take a deep breath - 06/30/04
John Kerry is not completely insane. At least in the political sense:
Democrat John Kerry said he opposes state laws that give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, a position that puts him at odds with the Hispanic activists he is courting in the presidential race.
Immigrant advocates have been pushing for the laws, saying they help undocumented workers get around safely.
In his first hundred days, John Kerry would destroy the United States - 06/29/04
This news release from Kerry's campaign explains how:
The Kerry Campaign today released the following fact sheet on immigration reform:
Today at the National Council of La Raza's annual conference, John Kerry will continue to talk about his plans to open the doors of opportunity and expand access to the American Dream, including reforming America's immigration laws...
He will offer a reform bill in his first 100 days that allows immigrants to earn legalization, encourages family reunifica