john kerry
john kerry: Page 3
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Koch on Moore - 06/29/04
Ed Koch says "Moore's Film Is Shocking Propaganda":
It is shocking to me that Americans in a time of war, and we literally are at war with Americans being deliberately killed in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere by Islamic terrorists, will attack their own country, sapping its strength and making its enemies stronger.
I am not a supporter of the xenophobic slogan "My country right or wrong."
But I do believe, when seeking to make it right if it is wrong, that none of us should endanger the count
"Former President Clinton to be tried for crimes against the State" - 06/19/04
The New York Times' scathing review of Bubba's Book should be examined in the same manner as a Kremlinologist analyzing show trials and posthumous rehabilitations: 'The Pastiche of a Presidency, Imitating a Life, in 957 Pages'.
What exactly is the NYT trying to say? Are they just being contrary, or is Bubba on the outs with the Politburo?
Antonio Villaraigosa: "let's face it. Is anyone excited about electing John Kerry...?" - 06/12/04
The BoiFromTroy attended a California League of Conservation Voters meeting last night, and here's what he says Antonio Villaraigosa said:
"After all, let's face it.
Presented in the interesting-if-true category is this (alleged) News Release from the Soviet Union's ITAR-TASS News Agency in May 1987:
"The Education of Alexandra Polier" - 06/01/04
The "tell-all" from John Kerry's alleged "intern" is now available. I didn't even bother to scan the first (of six) pages because I already knew it wasn't going to be a hostile expose.
What a roadie, Part 2 - 05/23/04
From Josh Marshall:
Along related lines, I can't help but wonder whether the spill the president took from his bicycle today won't become iconic in the same way that the state dinner the first President Bush attended in Tokyo on January 8th 1992 in which he collapsed into the arms of, and then vomited on, Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa became a symbol of his then-faltering presidency.
I'm sorry, what was that you were saying, Josh?
Alex Polier to write "tell-all" article - 05/14/04
You remember alleged John Kerry "intern" Alex Polier, of course.
"Frauds Try to Exploit Iraq Abuse Scandal" - 05/09/04
No, the title doesn't refer to CBS, CNN, the rest of the news media, John Kerry, the DNC, "liberals," or all the rest. Instead:
At a press conference by human rights groups in Baghdad on Sunday, numerous former prisoners came forward to tell of abuse including beatings by soldiers and sleep deprivation...
Fallujah native Abdul-Qader Abdul-Rahman al-Ani, his left elbow wrapped in bandages, his right forearm bound in a cast, recounted how he was beaten by soldiers who picked him up last month.
You're a Special-American! - 04/24/04
Based on yesterday's post ('Hyphenated-Americans are John Kerry's Strength!'), I'm thinking up some new slogans for the Kerry Campaign:
"You're a Special-American!"
"Hyphens are Our Strength!"
"You're Special!"
"If You've Got a Hyphen, You've Got a Home."
The period instead of an exclamation mark in the last slogan makes it more folksy.
In addition to the current list of panderees, here are some other -Americans Kerry can outreach to:
Hyphenated-Americans are John Kerry's Strength! - 04/23/04
John Kerry continues his outreach to Hyphenated-Americans:
The Kerry Campaign today announced several important additions to its senior leadership, including key members of its community outreach team.
"Police half-baked in Kerry protest?" - 04/21/04
A Freep of MoveOn's bakesale for Kerry has made The Hill (scroll to 'Police half-baked in Kerry protest?'):
Police told a group of conservatives affiliated with to cease a mock bake sale they held in front of John Kerry's D.C. campaign headquarters last weekend...
Not long after members of the group set up on the sidewalk, said Taylor, the Kerry people came out to try to get them to leave.
John Kerry's blog is now deleting comments - 04/12/04
On the thread 'Middle-class Misery Index Hits Record Under George Bush', I left a comment concerning JFK's immigration policies. It was posted; I checked after having posted it. It's no longer there.
Not only that, when I tried to repost it, I was forced to go through their verification again, after which I was confronted with a message telling me "You are not allowed to post comments."
My comment was not abusive, libelous, etc. in any way, I simply pointed out major problems with JFK's immigration policies. See my comment on this thread for an example (search for 'TheLonewackoBlog'). I don't...
Canine-Americans for John Kerry! - 04/11/04
Ah, corporate pluralism at its finest. Not content with the human vote, John Kerry is going after Canine-Americans:
Join the growing number of K9s who are supporting their owners in their efforts to elect John Kerry as the next President of the United States!!!!!
The founders of this site are SparQuay and Karo Mae. We believe that every dog should be a "yellow dog democrat" at heart.
I love a funny stunt! - 04/10/04
If you want to contribute to John Kerry's campaign, use my page.
If you want to set up your own fun JFK contribution page, all you have to do is sign up.
"FileGate" seems to have a few problems - 04/09/04
CNS News has obtained the police report from the case where Kerry's old FBI files were supposedly stolen in Northern California:
The author who alleges that three boxes of FBI files dealing with Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry's anti-war group were stolen from his home last month, did not allow police officers the opportunity to process the crime scene.
The police report of the incident also neglects to mention that the Kerry campaign dispatched a
"Is Bush's base beginning to crumble?" - 04/07/04
Howard Fineman in Newsweek asks the titular question:
Can the unshakeable be shaken? Is it already shaking? These are relevant questions as Condi Rice testifies and Iraq turns ugly. Especially since 9/11, a key feature of the political landscape has been George W. Bush's granite-like Republican/conservative base. But fissures are appearing and the war may widen them. Facing a close race with Democrat John Kerry, the president can't afford to spend much time reassuring his friends.
John Kerry: "help will be on the way to California!" - 03/30/04
The article 'Kerry offers aid in capital visit' appears in the SacBee, but I occasionally thought it might be in the Onion:
Presidential hopeful John Kerry said Monday that "help is on the way" to California if he is elected, suggesting that Gov.
More key endorsements for John Kerry - 03/18/04
The NewsMax article 'Malaysia's Jew-Hating Ex-leader Endorses Kerry' has the current run-down:
It turns out that Spain's new soft-on-terror socialist leader, North Korea's communist terrorist dictator, the Arab propagandists of Al Jazeera and the cowardly French aren't the only dubious foreign supporters of John Kerry's presidential campaign.
Mahathir Mohamad, who as Malaysia's soft-on-terrorism prime minister last year urged fellow Muslim leaders to achieve a "final victory" over the Jews who "rule th
"Statement from John Kerry on Reverend Al Sharpton's Endorsement of His Campaign for the Presidency" - 03/16/04
The title "Statement from John Kerry on Reverend Al Sharpton's Endorsement of His Campaign for the Presidency" sounds so, well, Soviet.
Don't worry, you can almost hear the snickering in the background:
"Over the course of the past year, I have come to appreciate the warmth and candor Reverend Al Sharpton exhibited in so many primary debates and forums across America.
"Kerry's wife funds critics of Bush ads" - 03/06/04
From Joseph Farah at WND:
The non-profit, tax-exempt organization representing the families of September 11 victims who are critical of campaign ads by President Bush is a project of the Tides Center, which has received millions of dollars in charitable contributions from foundations chaired by Teresa Heinz Kerry, WorldNetDaily has learned.
Our second black President - 03/03/04
John Kerry wants to be our second black President:
Speaking to the American Urban Radio Network, Kerry said Monday that he hoped to emulate former President Clinton in the eyes of blacks, the party's most loyal constituency and a solid source of support during his stretch of primary wins.
"President Clinton was often known as the first black president," Kerry said.
Teresa Heinz-Kerry plus... Ken "Kenny Boy" Lay? - 02/23/04
Say it isn't so:
Enron's Ken Lay served on the Heinz Foundation board for ten years and kept his position long after the Enron scandal broke. The Heinz Foundation, run by Senator Kerry's wife, Teresa, kept the corporate pirate on their ship even as Enron sank in a swamp filled by their own fraud and lies.
A Heinz spokesman said: "Whatever troubles he had at Enron?when someone does wrong in one part of their life, it doesn't mean they can't do good in another part of their life."
It turns out this relationship is somewhat known, even if it was heretofore unknown to this blogger. See "...
Down the memory hole with the Beeb - 02/17/04
As pointed out by Rush Limbaugh, the BBC story on the Kerry intern scandal "US campaign begins to get dirty" appears to have had a bit of a "transformation" when we weren't looking.
Here's a section of the original version:
The Kerry story
The story is about whether Senator Kerry had a recent affair with a young woman intern.
John Kerry's African connection - 02/16/04
We all know that Tuh-RAY-Zuh is from Mozambique (in addition to being quite the philanthropist).
And, we know that Alex Polier has "fled" to Africa, specifically Kenya.
Alex and her parents have issued complete denials.
Women interns are our future! - 02/12/04
I edited this photo to make it clearer where it came from, as you can see by clicking on the picture. The two interns are actually near the bottom of the page. However, I just moved one picture up and over another, so there is no significant change in whatever small meaning there was in the first place.
"Veterans, Vietnamese unite to oppose Kerry" - 02/10/04
OK, that's one heck of a funny headline. Here's the story:
A Vietnam veterans organization and a Vietnamese-American group have united in opposition to Democratic presidential front-runner Sen. John Kerry.
"We represent hundreds of thousand of American veterans who do not want to see John Kerry anywhere near the Oval Office," said Ted Sampley, founder of Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry. Sampley is a U.S. Army Green Beret and veteran of two combat tours in Vietnam.
John Kerry with Jane Fonda, September 1970 (Leif Skoogfors, DMCA) - 02/09/04
Jane sure was cute back in the day. Say, who's that dolicephalic fellow directly above her head? Why, it's John Kerry!
Of course, there's no indication that either one even knew that the other was at the rally.
UPDATE: Nowadays, Jane Fonda calls Kerry's speech at the rally "brilliant." There's much more on the rally and on Vietnam Veterans Against the War here.
9/2/12 UPDATE: Image went missing but is now below.
Kerry on WMD - 07/23/03
This article from June compares John Kerry's current statements about "Bush lied!" with his many past statements in which he not only admitted that Saddam had WMD, he advocated a strong military response to get rid of them. (Version en francais ici).