huffington post
huffington post: Page 2
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Hispanic GOP strategists shocked enough by anti-Sotomayor comments to help Democrats (Lionel Sosa) - 05/30/09
Lionel Sosa from and other groups is an extremely ethnocentric GOP advertising consultant who worked on presidential campaigns by George W Bush and others. In 2007, he crossed over and supported Bill Richardson because, as he said at the time, "Blood runs thicker than politics".
Michael Dukakis mindlessly spouts massive immigration talking points (Michael Bendetson) - 05/24/09
Remember Michael Dukakis? You know, former Massachusetts governor? The tank photo you see to the right? Ran for president in 1988? In case no one still remembers, raid a game of Trivial Pursuit, he's probably in there somewhere.
Huffington Post investigative journalism arm funded by George Soros associate - 05/09/09
Earlier this year, the Huffington Post announced the creation of an "Investigative Fund" to do investigative journalism. The hilarity of the HuffPost doing real journalism is illustrated by the fact that almost six weeks later they haven't produced anything [1] and by their Z-list celebrities who had previously used a related tag [2].
And, while the announcements [3][4] mentioned the name of the Fund, they didn't mention the Soros connection (link):
The program's startup budget will be $1.75 million. The money will be provided by the Huffington Post and the Atlantic Philanthropies. The...
America's Voice offers very lightweight hit piece on Jeff Sessions - 05/07/09
Sam Stein of the Huffington Post directs [1] our attention to a new hit piece from Frank Sharry's America's Voice that claims that Sen. Jeff Sessions has "just one degree of separation from anti-immigrant hate groups, white nationalism" [2]. As a hit piece, this is like a marshmallow wrapped in a Snuggie.
For instance, they accuse him of playing the "terrorist card" in regards to the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007, including quoting a floor speech he made. Yet, they don't provide any sort of counter-argument other than implying that Senators shouldn't point out that the CIR bill...
Low-wattage radio, TV hosts say dumb things about Mexicans and swine flu; leftwing attacks in order to support illegal activity - 04/30/09
Jason Linkins of the Huffington Post offers "Swine Flu A Mexican Immigrant Conspiracy: Conservative Media (VIDEO)" (, linking to a Media Matters for America video apparently containing instances of conservative radio and TV hosts discussing the issue of Mexicans - speci
HuffPost: Obama not living up to campaign promises; women, minorities hardest hit - 04/28/09
Apparently Lloyd Chapman has never heard the old joke about the New York Times publishing a headline called "Comet to hit Earth; women, minorities hardest hit." If he had, he wouldn't have offered "Obama's First 100 Days Disappoints Women, Minorities and Small Businesses" (
HuffPost, The Atlantic, LGF, Gawker, Sullivan, C&L, & more spread smear video (Glenn Beck, "burn the books") - 04/12/09
The attached video is a local meetup for Glenn Beck's "912 Project" and features someone who's probably genuine giving an anti-Communism and partly paranoid rant. However, near the five minute mark, a lady's voice is heard shouting out "burn the books". She's then challenged by a male attendee who asks her whether she's serious; she replies that yes she is.
Did Barack Obama get his Social Security Number in Connecticut? (042-68-????) - 03/18/09
If you go here and do a find for 042-68 you'll see what purports to be the first part of Barack Obama's Social Security Number. According to the Social Security Administration, the 042 prefix indicates that the number was obtained in Connecticut:
Obviously, there are a lot of open questions here, and even if that is his real number what exactly it would prove isn't clear.
The person who generated the list of names, addresses, and SSNs is apparently Neil Sankey (, a former British policeman who's now a licensed private investigator in Los...
Jeffrey Feldman /Huffington Post invites your mockery (Glenn Beck, FEMA camps) - 03/15/09
Over at Huffington Post, someone named Jeffrey Feldman offers the hilarious 'Glenn Beck Recycles "X-Files" Plot to Spread Fear of Obama' ( Let's not all laugh at once but ration it out over time:
FOX News personality, Glenn Beck, has been using his airtime to broadcast a right-wing conspiracy theory about the Obama administration setting up 'concentration camps,'part of a secret plot to establish totalitarian rule... Beck's conspiracy theory appears to be lifted directly from FOX Searchlight's 1998 movie The X-Files....
What Larisa Alexandrovna doesn't want you to see - 02/16/09
Larisa Alexandrovna of RawStory and "At-Largely" (also a Huffington Post contributor) doesn't want her readers to see how she's misleading them. Read on to see why you can't trust her reporting.
Patt Morrison's greatest journalistic accomplishment: getting a thrift shop to change their name (Sarah Palin) - 02/14/09
During the campaign, Sarah Palin said that her favorite place to shop was a thrift store in Anchorage called ''Out of the Closet". I happen to know that there's also a chain of gay-benefiting shops in Los Angeles by the same name. If I had initiated the process whereby that chain considered filing a trademark infringement case against the Alaska store and that store had then changed their name to "Second Run", the last thing I'd do is crow about it. In fact, I'd try to prevent anyone from finding out that I was so petty, so incredibly low-class, so lower than a snake's belly, so small-minded...
Kirsten Gillibrand: "family reunification is a core value of America" - 02/14/09
Mark Green and the Huffington Post conducted an interview with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, and as one might imagine, they simply asked puffballs and failed to follow-up ( That includes the part where she said that "family reunification is a core value of America". In fact, such chain migration has only been a core part of our laws since around 1965 (link).
She also continues to think she could solve the eight year legal immigration backlog in six months; see this and this.
The rest of her statement could have been made by...
Bill Ayers goes from terrorist to Huffington Post blogger - 01/02/09
Via HotAir comes the news that largely unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers is now blogging over at the Huffington Post: link The subject is not, "How to make a nail-bomb designed to kill" but the more prosaic "Obama and Education Reform":
Of course I would have loved to have seen Linda Darling-Hammond become Secretary of Education in an Obama administration... [what she supposedly stands for offers] a neat contrast with the four failed urban school superintendents--Michelle Rhee, Joel Klein, Paul Vallas, and Arne Duncan -- who were for weeks rumored to be her chief competition.
These four,...
The Star Spanglish Banner and Barack the Magic Negro tear up the RNC chart - 12/29/08
The latest way for the MSM and the Democratic Party to portray the Republican Party as home of knuckle-dragging racists was, ultimately, self-inflicted by Chip Saltsman, a candidate to be chair of the RNC. Saltsman is a former head of the Tennessee Republican Party who managed the Mike Huckabee campaign and who recently distributed a Christmas CD containing parody songs, including some from Paul Shanklin which are "controversial". To a good extent, the two songs I've reviewed are only controversial because they were made so. Unfortunately, that's not a full defense of Saltsman's actions...
Marin Cogan/TNR's massive Fairness Doctrine strawman - 11/20/08
Marin Cogan of the New Republic offers "Bum Rush/Obama's secret plan to muzzle talk radio. Very, very secret." ( The supposed "reporter-researcher" looks for evidence that the Democrats want to bring back the Fairness Doctrine and can't find it. She therefore concludes that the Democrats don't want to try to muzzle rightwing talk radio.
New smear: Palin didn't know Africa was a continent or the three countries in NAFTA - 11/05/08
An unnamed John McCain aide supposedly told Carl Cameron of Fox News - a tool if there ever was one - that Sarah Palin didn't know that Africa was a continent instead of a country. The aide also told him that she didn't know which countries were in NAFTA. Needless to say, this comes on the heels of a long line of smears against Palin, and it's almost assuredly a smear as well. She obviously knows about Canada, and she also obviously knows about Mexico. There's the slight possibility that she thought that some of the countries that are in Central America were in North...
ADN: AP Palin story on pipeline bids was "remarkably skewed" (Justin Pritchard, Garance Burke) - 11/01/08
The Anchorage Daily News - a paper that's endorsed Obama - offers "Misfire at Palin" (link) about last week's Associated Press "investigation" from Justin Pritchard and Garance Burke about bids for a major Alaskan pipeline project [1].
This report from The Associated Press is a remarkably skewed account with little new information to support the charge it implies. Presumably, readers are supposed to conclude that Palin tilted the gas line bidding toward a favored company, one that had previously employed one of her key staffers.
Here's the truth: The pipeline terms were not "Palin's." They...
Joe Biden enraged by semi-tough but worthless questions; Jill Biden then cancels appearance - 10/25/08
I have yet to see two things: Idiocracy and the interview Barbara West of WFTV-Channel 9 conducted with Joe Biden earlier today [1]. I suspect those two things are related.
Dana Milbank/WaPo's dangerous smear of Sarah Palin, supporters - 10/06/08
Unctuous liar Dana Milbank - last discussed here in May regarding him misleading for Barack Obama - is back with an even more disgusting smear. This one a) portrays Sarah Palin supporters as bloodthirsty yahoos, b) tries to give the impression that Palin doesn't renounce bloodthirsty yahoos, and c) most importantly, raises the specter of Barack Obama being assassinated by a Palin supporter.
Discussing a speech today in Florida ("In Fla., Palin Goes for the Rough Stuff as Audience Boos Obama", link), he first downplays Barack Obama's links to Bill Ayers ("[m]any independent observers say...
Scott Shane/NYT's pro-BHO spin on Bill Ayers/Barack Obama collaboration - 10/04/08
Scott Shane of the New York Times offers "Obama and '60s Bomber: A Look Into Crossed Paths" (originally titled "Obama Had Met Ayers, but the Two Are Not Close"). If you believe the NYT, then everything's fine and dandy, and Barack Obama and 60s radical Bill Ayers are not close. The fact that they aren't close and never were close and nothing funny went on and there's nothing to see here is especially important because Ayers is a former and allegedly unrepentant terrorist who's since been, in Shane's words, "rehabilitated".
On the other hand, if you actually want the truth, compare the second...
Sarah Palin rape kit smear: chronology (Mary Pemberton/AP, DailyKos, Americablog, Eric Croft, Obama campaign) - 09/29/08
Since around September 8, various sites and news organizations have tried to push the smear that Sarah Palin knowingly charged victims in Wasilla, Alaska for rape kits, and that her city stood alone in that practice. As it turns out, those claims are false (link). How did this start? A chronology is here [1], and an amplification is below.
One of the "hidden hands" behind the smear appears to be Alaskan Democrats, such as former Democratic state representative Eric Croft, quoted in the AP story on 9/11 and the CNN story on 9/23. The Obama campaign apparently first got involved around 9/15,...
Blogwar undeclared against Naomi Wolf; psychiatrist called instead - 09/22/08
Back in October, I declared Blogwar against Naomi Wolf because she didn't approve a comment or two I left on the HuffPost.
Now, I am rescinding that call, and instead am considering calling in a psychiatrist for her:
Doesn't the left realize how embarrassing Max Blumenthal is? (Toby Keith, lynching) - 07/29/08
The latest example of Max Blumenthal's abject stupidity is called "Toby Keith's Pro-Lynching Publicity Tour Hits Colbert, CBS and More" ( and concerns the song "Beer For My Horses" which is apparently also a movie. Discussing all the ways it's wrong is left as an exercise (actually, don't bother), but:
The terrifying spectacle outside the courtroom prompted Jewish families to flee Atlanta in droves. Two years later, after the governor commuted Frank's sentence, a lynch mob spirited Frank from his prison cell, dragged him...
Barack Obama misleads, smears Middle America - 04/11/08
Speaking in San Francisco at a fundraiser for the wealthy (and in Marin County no less; pictures of his tour here), Barack Obama smeared Pennsylvanians and others by saying:
Sleazy Jason Linkins smears Sean Hannity (Max Blumenthal) - 03/23/08
How sleazy is Jason Linkins of the Huffington Post? Sleazy enough to post this smear of Sean Hannity, linking him to white supremacist radio host Hal Turner. The latter apparently used to call in to Hannity's radio program; he claims he and Hannity were friends until Hannity's Program Director told him no more call-ins. Yet, if you do a find for the comment from PhilBoyceWABC on the HuffPost link you'll see that Turner's account of their friendship is more than a bit questionable.
Possible Democratic Party immigration "reform" charade: "offer legalization" to become "require" - 02/29/08
A new "confidential" study called "Winning The Immigration Debate" has been released by two groups linked to the Democratic Party: the Center for American Progress (linked to Hillary Clinton and indirectly linked to the Mexican government) and the Coalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform (member groups also have indirect links to the Mexican government) [1].
I haven't seen the study, but while some might be fooled, it's clear that it's just a new attempt to get the same old amnesty. And, their recommendations boil down to simply a rhetorical change, from "offering" a "path to...
Didn't Naomi Wolf like my Huffington Post comment? (Florida taser incident) - 09/18/07
Naomi Wolf - who you may remember from the Al "Alpha Male" Gore episode - offers "A Shocking Moment for Society: Tasering at University of Florida" [1]. I left a comment which appears to have been disapproved, thus once again proving false the HuffPost claim that they don't disapprove comments simply because they disagree with the poster [2].
Newest, lowest new low from Huffington Post? - 10/31/05
Baby Blumenthal - son of Submarine Sid and nee "Max" - goes after Alito here. Well, not directly. The Alito he goes after is Judge Alito's son, currently a student at Colgate University. He points out this bit from Phil Alito's biography:
..I was born 9 months and 2 weeks later by a midwife/wolf named Janie Jean, who would prove very influential during my formative years. Shortly after, I became interested in politics and got involved with Gary Condit (not like that). I served as a parking aide to Nancy Pelosi (I won't even start on her) but was fired when Barbara Boxer came onto me.
If you...
Arianna Huffington and Baby Blumenthal - 10/01/05
Did you think the low-point of Huffington Post came when Randall Robinson uttered these memorable words?
It is reported that black hurricane victims in New Orleans have begun eating corpses to survive.
Well, you're only part right. While it's extremely difficult to find an actual low point of the sexy Greek goddess' site, a contender must be Max Blumenthal - the son of Sid Blumenthal - called by Marc Cooper a "featherweight tyro and designated puncher for enraged but impotent Democrats" here.
There's even a direct connection between Max and Randy. Shortly after the cannibalism charge, Sid Jr...
Huffington Post is scared - 09/15/05
It used to be that the Huffington Post approved almost every comment I left on the blog side of things.
Then, after they started their Katrina coverage, there were very few comments on the blog side, and what there were were complimentary. While some brave souls appeared to let most or all comments through, most of the HuffPo's pseudo-pundits appeared to be massively deleting comments. I say that because controversial posts had almost no comments, and that's certainly strange.