Tweets to jasper nathaniel

jasper nathaniel's avatar
Twitter handle: 
jasper nathaniel
Brooklyn, NY
brooklyn person. founder. writer.
Tweets to this user:
Tim Miller's avatar
From @Timodc
Barring a drastic change in the race, Bernie Sanders is going to be the presumptive Democratic nominee 11 days from…
jasper nathaniel's avatar
From @thewordsof_JDN
@Timodc Tim, if it is Bernie vs Trump, who will you vote for?
Walter Zaykowski's avatar
From @WalterZaykowski
@Timodc Tim, you’re harshing my Friday.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
See my Trump posts. In 2015+ I accurately detailed how Trump's selling points would fail. If his fans knew he'd have dropped out like before. Did Miller do anything similar? What was his smartest plan? MT @thewordsof_JDN MT @Timodc [as advice for Bernie opponents]
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@WalterZaykowski: the ban is a key Trump issue; showing it wasn't needed or endangered USA would undercut Trump to MAGA. Has @Timodc ever suggested similar? So, how can you trust his advice? (Now, Timmy = Chait)