Tweets to Ron Wyden

Ron Wyden's avatar
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Ron Wyden
U.S. Senator from Oregon. @SenateFinance Ranking Member. Follow @WydenPress for updates from my staff. Instagram:
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Tobey Gelder's avatar
From @t_gelder44
@RonWyden Meeting must have lasted at least an hour, huh Ron?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
When a pol leaves a meeting happy, that means no one acted like a citizen and asked him tough questions. Wyden wants subjects, not citizens. MT @t_gelder44 MT @RonWyden A participant at today’s Lincoln County #2020townhall put it perfectly - "This is how democracy works"...
Ron Wyden's avatar
From @RonWyden
A participant at today’s Lincoln County #2020townhall put it perfectly — “This is how democracy works.” It’s true!…
Todd Hutchens's avatar
From @toddhutchens
@RonWyden Never mind Immigration reform? Get it done. It more than time to get it done.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
I assume you - like Trump, Pelosi, U.S. Chamber, Tyson Foods, WalMart, Koch, etc - are a big fan of "reform". Is it liberal to help Big Biz by flooding the labor supply? MT @toddhutchens [to RonWyden] Never mind Immigration reform?...
Ron Wyden's avatar
From @RonWyden
Whenever laws are passed to put the government in control of speech, the people who get hurt are the least powerful…
Ron Wyden's avatar
From @RonWyden
If Congress somehow were to amend the First Amendment and ban hate speech from the Internet, I’m certain Donald Tru…
John Hall's avatar
From @JohnHall2946
@RonWyden And I'm just as sure people like Schiff/Nadler/Pelosi and others on the left would do so. Some of them h…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JohnHall2946: politics is multidimensional. Those who want to censor are totalitarians, something both cons & cons can be. I couldn't see the whole @RonWyden blog since it's at WaPo, but I'd be surprised if he truly supports true open debate.
katie featherston's avatar
From @katiedianne
RT @RonWyden: Retweet if you care about @realDonaldTrump's tax returns
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@katiedianne: those who cared about Trump's tax returns helped him win, in same way Whitey Tape obsessives helped Obama win.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@katiedianne: Trump's weakness on DREAMers is a huge vulnerability for him: it's how to undercut him to his base. Explore that instead.