grover norquist
grover norquist: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Trump Labor Secretary Andy Puzder wants mass legalization, guest workers, anti-American DREAM Act; ally of Norquist & Bloomberg - 12/09/16
Donald Trump has nominated Andy Puzder to head his Department of Labor. Puzder is the CEO of CKE Restaurants, which runs Carl's Jr and Hardees, and he's very bad on immigration.
Daniel Hannan says "free movement of labour" will continue, despite Brexit. See who hyped him. - 06/26/16
From the Daily Mail [1]:
A leading Tory Brexiteer has insisted quitting the EU does not mean the numbers of people coming to Britain will be slashed - and claimed Vote Leave never said it would.
After a bitter referendum battle dominated by immigration, senior MEP Daniel Hannan insisted the Vote Leave campaign had only ever demanded control and not a specific number.
TheDream.US: Don Graham, Gates, Bloomberg, Norquist turn their backs on American students (scholarships for illegal aliens) - 02/04/14
Former Washington Post CEO Don Graham has launched TheDream . US [1] to give 1000 scholarships worth $25,000 each to illegal aliens admitted to the DACA program.
Eric Schmitt's strange immigration talking point (Missouri state senator) - 10/17/13
The video below shows Missouri state senator Eric Schmitt using one of the more obscure and more telling talking points: the one described on the Safe Legal Orderly page.
Tea Party fake patriots to help Marco Rubio push amnesty (immigration, Tea Party Express, TheTeaParty.Net, Norquist) - 05/07/13
From this:
Several conservative activists and tea party group leaders are meeting with Sen. Marco Rubio Tuesday afternoon to discuss immigration reform, including a list of what they support – and don’t.
In a draft of their seven principles, obtained by POLITICO, the groups make no calls for a ban on “amnesty” – a longtime rallying cry of conservatives grassroots groups.
Marco Rubio leads smear campaign against anti-amnesty groups FAIR, NumbersUSA, and CIS (Mario Lopez, Alfonso Aguilar) - 02/14/13
From this:
A new battle has flared inside the Republican Party in recent days as supporters of more-liberal immigration laws wage a behind-the-scenes campaign to discredit the influential advocacy groups that have long powered the GOP's hard-line stance on the issue.
Conservative leaders who support Marco Rubio's amnesty (Hannity, O'Reilly, Norquist, Cardenas, Krauthammer...) - 01/22/13
This post will maintain a list of those supposed conservative thought leaders (major pundits, media figures, organization heads, etc.) who support the form of comprehensive immigration reform (aka amnesty) proposed by Marco Rubio.
Teaparty leader Grover Norquist hypes amnesty, wants "dramatically more immigrants in the U.S." (+ Ali Noorani, Leith Anderson, Shurtleff) - 10/12/12
One reason to oppose the Tea Parties is because their leaders support amnesty and massive immigration (see Koch family and FreedomWorks).
Fiscal conservatives side with America-denouncing billionaire (Cato, Dan Mitchell, Heritage, Brownfield, Sean Medlock, Daily Caller, HotAir) - 05/11/12
Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin recently denounced his U.S. citizenship to avoid paying U.S. taxes he'd owe when that company goes public. Hopefully to most people the idea of turning your back on your country [1] to save money would be abhorrent.
Of course, many in the fiscal conservative and libertarians spheres think different: patriotism only goes so far.
Republican Presidential Debate January 8, 2012 (NBC News, Facebook, New Hampshire, Romney, Gingrich, Santorum, Perry, Ron Paul, Huntsman, David Gregory) - 01/08/12
The second worthless GOP debate of 2012 starts today, January 8 at 9am Eastern. This is apparently the first morning debate of this presidential campaign season, but don't expect it to be any different from all the others. You can watch the debate live on Facebook, but it will also be shown on NBC later in the day depending on your location (reportedly the same time slot as Meet the Press).
Occupy DC helps the Koch brothers, shows what democracy actually looks like: a mob - 11/06/11
The Washington DC branch of Occupy Wall Street appears to be the dimmest and least emotionally-controlled of their various chapters. And, that's really saying something.
For examples, see the videos below. In the first, they block a woman in a wheelchair from leaving a building. In the second, they use little kids as human shields.
McCain trounces JD Hayworth in GOP primary; who's to blame (tea parties, Palin, Scott Brown...) - 08/25/10
In last night's GOP Senate primary in Arizona, John McCain trounced JD Hayworth with 59% versus 29% for Hayworth (and 11% for Jim Deakin). To a certain extent, McCain's win was due to him spending around $20 million on advertising and him pretending to be tough on immigration matters. Defeating McCain would have sent a strong message to the Beltway establishment, the mainstream media, and other amnesty supporters. Instead, those who should have opposed him either didn't oppose him, didn't take a position, or engaged in useless or counter-productive activities.
Who shares the blame?
Teaparty fooled again: "Contract from America" has nothing about immigration - 02/18/10
Earlier this month I discussed the ineffective, immigration suggestions that had been submitted for the Contract from America. Now, those behind the effort have narrowed down the list of suggestions to 21 and want their visitors to choose their top ten. And, there's not a single choice about immigration:
Sarah Palin, Dick Armey, Grover Norquist, Scott Brown support John McCain; what J.D. Hayworth supporters can do - 02/15/10
Sarah Palin, Dick Armey of Freedomworks (see the update), Grover Norquist, and newly-elected senator Scott Brown are all supporting John McCain in his Senate re-election bid. Meanwhile, Chris Simcox dropped out of the GOP nomination earlier today, and has endorsed McCain's strongest rival, JD Hayworth. The last is running as the True Conservative against the RINO McCain.
1. This is yet another example of how the tea parties types are useful idiots; all four of those first listed above are associated with that movement: Armey helped organize the major Washington DC protest, Norquist has helped...
"The Mount Vernon Statement": conservative principles on immigration - 02/11/10
According to this, on February 17, 2010 (the eve of CPAC), a group of conservative leaders will unveil "The Mount Vernon Statement", a statement of conservative principles. This post will be updated when it's released with a discussion of its immigration provisions (if any). Those involved include:
Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform, Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, David Keene of the American Conservative Union, former Reagan policy adviser Kenneth T. Cribb, Kenneth Blackwell of Coalition for a Conservative Majority, and Federalist Society co-founder David McIntosh....
"Demand Question Time": another bipartisan sham (petition, - 02/03/10
A series of Beltway insiders, bloggers, and journalists have launched an online petition at calling for repeats of the recent question and answer session Barack Obama held with House GOP leaders. In and of itself this isn't such a bad idea, at least from the entertainment standpoint. However, it's a very bad idea to the extent that it will be falsely presented as a real dialogue about vital issues. It's yet another sham, a slightly elevated version of debates held on the Hannity show.
As can be seen by the questions asked at the first event, the GOP isn't about to ask...
9/12: Tea Party march on Washington DC live coverage (Glenn Beck, Freedomworks) - 09/12/09
Later today, one or two million (maybe less) extreme fiscal conservatives will be marching on Washington DC demanding that the government listens to them and their Randroid concerns. And, we'll be there - virtually speaking - offering coverage of this momentous event featuring millions of people throughout the day. Literally thousands of busloads of true patriots - as opposed to the other, non-patriotic Americans - will be bussed in (at their own expense) by FreedomWorks (run by the corporate lobbyist Dick Armey). Hopefully many will be wearing period costumes and playing fifes, since we know...
Grover Norquist group's loony libertarian immigration ideas - 06/01/09
On Friday, RedState front-paged the Brian Johnson article "Conservative Immigration Reform is Right Next to Unicorns and Leprechauns" [1]. At first you might think he's just some random libertarian loon, until you see the article in its original location at the "Alliance for Worker Freedom" [2].
2006: Grover Norquist supported amnesty with U.S. CofC, far-left ACLU, NCLR, SEIU, NIF, USCCB, AFL-CIO - 04/09/09
On January 12, 2006, the American Bar Association held a conference called "Fortress America: Comprehensive Immigration Reform" at the National Press Club in Washington DC in support of that "reform" and specifically in opposition to HR4437.
Will Bush give Katrina rebuilding jobs... to illegal aliens? - 09/12/05
Recent actions by our American president will make it easier for illegal aliens to take Katrina rebuilding jobs. Now, in our America, those jobs should go to American citizens, with those affected by the hurricane at the front of the list. That's just proper public policy.
But, of course, in the America of the GOP elite, things are a little bit different.
First, from this comes word that "U.S. officials have suspended for 45 days a requirement that employers check workers' identification." Some survivors of the hurricane will have lost their IDs, but that will also make it even easier for...
Tamar Jacoby on the Kennedy-McCain mass amnesty - 05/14/05
Tamar Jacoby has issued the following statement:
We the undersigned applaud the introduction today of Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act... [etc. etc...]
The signatories include:
Lee Culpepper (last mentioned here; works for the National Restaurant Association and is Chairman of the National Immigration Forum)
Jack Kemp
Grover Norquist
Rick Swartz:
And then there's the National Immigration Forum, the umbrella organization for high-immigration political advocacy, which works closely with sympathetic Republicans. But NIF is not like the conventional lobbying coalitions that...
A "Conservative" Statement of Principles on Immigration - 02/09/04
A statement/open letter/mess of lies entitled "A Conservative Statement of Principles on Immigration" appeared in Friday's Wall Street Journal (more about the WSJ here and here).
The WSJ is subscription-only, but a copy is available here:
[America is a nation of immigrants, heart-warming platitudes, etc. etc...]
Conservatives believe in legal immigration.[related folderol deleted]
Conservatives oppose illegal immigration. We believe there is a right way and a wrong way to immigrate to the United States. However, as conservatives we believe that our laws must reflect reality and common sense...