george w bush
george w bush: Page 2
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Bush uncovered: he doesn't know what country he runs - 04/04/06
The Los Angeles Times' offers a four(!)-screener from Peter Wallsten entitled "Immigrant Issues Are Personal for Bush" (link).
I believe the best way to characterize it is as a lame attempt to further divide Bush from his base. The subtext of the article is that the latter are opposed to illegal immigration because - quite unlike Bush - they're opposed to Hispanics or Mexicans.
AFP is misleading you, Bush hasn't "ruled out amnesty for undocumented workers" - 03/22/06
Drudge is linking to the Agence-France Press article "Bush rules out amnesty for undocumented workers" [1]:
President George W. Bush said he was opposed to amnesty or automatic citizenship for the some 12 million undocumented immigrants in the United States.
Amid an intense debate over the issue among US lawmakers, Bush on Tuesday ruled out amnesty for illegal immigrants but said he favored a "guest worker" program that would provide legal status for workers for a limited time period...
Bush is lying to you about "guest" workers - 02/18/06
Speaking in Tampa yesterday, president Bush offered a fairly standard recitation of his immigration talking points (link), albeit a bit more incoherent than usual.
Let's just look at this one lie-rich paragraph:
Rob Allyn is a "longtime Bush family adviser"; Foreign Agents Registration Act? - 12/23/05
Rob Allyn heads the Texas company Allyn & Company which will be trying to burnish Mexico's image and thereby support their attempts to send us their unwanted citizens.
It shouldn't be any surprise that Allyn has links to Our Leader. In fact, he's described here as a "longtime Bush family adviser".
Were terror alerts faked to elect Bush? - 12/01/05
This is from 5/10/05's USA Today article "Ridge reveals clashes on alerts" (link):
The Bush administration periodically put the USA on high alert for terrorist attacks even though then-Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge argued there was only flimsy evidence to justify raising the threat level, Ridge now says.
Bush promotes "temporary" worker scheme, tries to pull wool even further over citizens' eyes - 11/28/05
For the past four years, president Bush has managed to fool millions of Americans into thinking that he's the "homeland security" president. Figuring "once a sucker, always a sucker", he's now reiterated his push for a "temporary" worker scheme and pledging to get tough on border security.
Speaking today, he said in part:
"Together with Congress we are going to create a temporary worker program that is going to take pressure off the borders, bring workers out of the shadows... People in this debate must recognize that we will not be able to effectively enforce our immigration laws until we...
Worksite arrest of illegal aliens plummeted under Bush - 11/03/05
This article contains a chart of the number of worksite arrests of illegal aliens per year:
1997: 17,554
1999: 2,849
2000: 953
2001: 735
2003: 445
2004: 159
And, here's the letters sent out warning of a fine over violations for hiring illegal aliens:
1997: 865
1999: 417
2000: 178
2001: 100
2003: 162
2004: 3
Now, president Bush says we need to reform our immigration laws? Should anyone trust anything they say?
Big Business Balks at Bush Propaganda Plan - 08/29/05
President Bush has created the Orwellian-named "Americans for Border and Economic Security" to push for his massive guest worker amnesty scheme. Now, Bloomberg reports, Big Business is balking at the plan:
..."There is a reluctance to sign up for something that might turn out not to be the type of immigration reform bill we want to see," said John Gay [1], who runs a coalition in support of guest-worker programs that includes the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, First Data Corp. and Marriott International Inc.
Republican lobbyists including Ed Gillespie, the party's former national chairman, and...
Allan Hoffenblum: Arnold should emulate George Bush on immigration - 07/26/05
The OC Register offers us "Governor losing Hispanic support" (link), referring to California's own Arnold Schwarzenegger.
It features Orange County GOP Hispanic outreach chief Manny Padilla and KCAL political commentator Allan Hoffenblum discussing where they think Arnold went wrong.
As noted here in the past (link, link), Hoffenblum can be counted on to provide advice that's not just wrong, it's un-American as well:
Hoffenblum points to President George W. Bush as something of a model for reaching out to Hispanics: high-level Hispanic appointments, a good relationship with Mexican President...
Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr., Mexico, and illegal immigration - 07/14/05
It appears that Utah's new governor, Jon Huntsman Jr., might be on the wrong side as far as Mexico and illegal immigration are concerned.
Although he's "defied" Bush's No Child Left Behind Act, he appears to be in lock-step with Our Leader on the U.S. sovereignty and massive illegal immigration issue.
Today's "Fox says he's coming to Utah" describes a Huntsman visit to Mexico. The gov. is giddy over the prospect of a Vicente Fox visit, hoping that it's sooner rather than later. Apparently the gov. has a "Utah-Mexico Alliance for Prosperity" plan which will involve more direct flights as well...
Bush to illegal aliens: once you're in the U.S., you're home free - 06/22/05
A Government Accountability Office staffer told a House panel yesterday that workplace enforcement of immigration violations had fallen sharply under the Bush administration.
For an example, here are the numbers of employers who received formal letters warning about fines for possible violations of immigration laws:
Clinton in 1999: 417 employers
Bush in 2003: 3 employers
Heimdall, Loki. Loki, Heimdall - 02/09/05
The mythologizing of Our Leader continues as he faces his adversaries high above the Sunset Strip.
In a way, this is even worse than this pre-election billboard (source:
Poll: How many more Bush administrations (this century)? - 01/20/05
Please go here* and take the poll.
Note the rules:
1. The first two George W. Bush administrations don't count towards the poll total. Only select the number you think there will be after the current Bush administration.
2. A "President Bush" or a "VP Bush" counts as a Bush administration.
3. If there's both a "President Bush" and a "VP Bush" in the same administration, that counts as one Bush administration.
4. A clone of a former President Bush or VP Bush who then serves as president or VP counts as a new Bush administration.
A BelderBlog classic - 11/28/04
In the past, we've featured BlogsForBush and PoliPundit classics, now it's time to fish down even deeper into the barrel [1]:
Should conservatives support Kerry? - 11/01/04
[ Cross-posted to RedState [1] and the Command Post[2] ]
Here's what president Bush said at a campaign rally on July 4 in Charleston, West Virginia:
...on the Fourth of July, we confirm our love of freedom, the freedom for people to speak their minds, the freedom for people to worship as they so choose. Free thought and free expression, that's what we believe...
It sounds good, but let's look at the context [3]:
What country is this again? - 10/29/04
From "One Nation Under Bush" [1]:
PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla.-"I want you to stand, raise your right hands," and recite "the Bush Pledge," said Florida state Sen. Ken Pruitt. The assembled mass of about 2,000 in this Treasure Coast town about an hour north of West Palm Beach dutifully rose, arms aloft, and repeated after Pruitt: "I care about freedom and liberty. I care about my family. I care about my country. Because I care, I promise to work hard to re-elect, re-elect George W. Bush as president of the United States."
The Messianic President - 10/16/04
NYT magazine offers "Without a Doubt", a ten-screen discussion of Bush and how his faith motivates his decisions. It's from Ron Suskind, the author of "The Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House, and the Education of Paul O'Neill". Suskind was the senior national-affairs reporter for The Wall Street Journal from 1993 to 2000.
Some will denounce this as a liberal NYT hit piece. Others - those wouldn't mind seeing, say, Pat Robertson as president - will find comfort in parts of the article. And others will find partial confirmation for what they already suspected.
Guess the candidate (Bush appealed to Hispanics using Mexican flag, omitted guest worker plan from English-language side of site) - 09/25/04
Dana Milbank in the WaPo writes about a certain candidate's web site. Can you guess which candidate he's referring to?
On the [CANDIDATE'S] campaign's Spanish-language Web site, prominent display is given to a translation of [THE CANDIDATE'S] Jan. 7 speech proposing an immigration plan involving "guest workers." But the speech was mysteriously missing from the [CANDIDATE'S] campaign's English-language Web site, which includes almost every speech [THE CANDIDATE] gives.
...[and,] on the Spanish-language site the Mexican flag was displayed prominently in the main photograph.
"Why conservatives must not vote for Bush" - 09/10/04
From the Cato Institute's Doug Bandow (link):
George W. Bush presents conservatives with a fundamental challenge: Do they believe in anything other than power? Are they serious about their rhetoric on limited, constitutionally restrained government?
...A few high-octane speeches cannot disguise the catastrophic failure of the Bush administration in both its domestic and its foreign policies...
"Dan Walters: Schwarzenegger pleases neither side in fight over licenses" - 09/03/04
Arnold's actions in the driver's licenses for illegal aliens matter so far are not as good as they could be, but it's the end result that matters.
Dan Walters thinks he won't please either side:
NEW YORK - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger won boffo reviews for his prime-time Republican convention speech that extolled the virtues of fellow immigrants, but he returned to California on Thursday to veto a bill granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.
Schwarzenegger has not been coy about his intention to veto the licensing bill, easily the most controversial of the hundreds of measures enacted...
"GOP Immigration Idiocy In Illinois" - 08/31/04
As you may recall, before choosing Alan Keyes to run against Barack Obama, the IL GOP held a ludicrous search for a candidate. About the only person they didn't consider was Chitown's own Bozo the Clown. Eventually they settled on Alan Keyes, who now trails Obama by a whopping 41 points.
At the time, the story that failed to gain any traction was that there was a perfectly good challenger available and he even lived in the state in question: Jim Oberweis. He finished second in the primary behind Jack Ryan.
So, why wasn't Oberweis picked? Because he made the mistake of opposing illegal...
"Immigration issue yanked off GOP agenda" - 08/31/04
Newsday has a report (link) similar to, but not as good as, the one in the previous post:
Even as Michael Bloomberg heralded New York's diversity Monday, President George W. Bush's controversial plan to put in place a temporary worker program is getting no major billing at the Republican National Convention.
"[Bush] Immigration plan envisions 'incentives' to illegal aliens" - 08/10/04
The Washington Times has all the disturbing, previously undisclosed details on the Bush/Fox Amnesty:
Millions of illegal aliens in the United States would be free from arrest and deportation, have access to tax-deferred savings accounts and Social Security credits, and get unrestricted travel to and from their home countries under President Bush's guest-worker program.
Is the Illinois GOP making sense? - 08/03/04
The Illinois GOP is continuing their fervent search for a competitor to Barack Obama. At post time, they have not yet considered my suggestion that they consider Chitown institution Bozo, but give them time.
Meanwhile, the latest desperate plan from the Illinois GOP is to convince one-time presidential candidate and two-time senatorial candidate Alan Keyes to move from Maryland to Illinois and run against Barack Obama: "GOP wooing Keyes to take on Obama". Not a bad plan, but wouldn't the second place finisher in the primary be a more natural choice? He does, after all, already live in...
Bush rebuffed by "Latinos" - 07/09/04
President Bush hasn't learned:
President Bush made a pitch for his proposed temporary worker program before the nation's largest Hispanic rights group on Thursday.
Bush, via satellite, addressed the League of United Latin American Citizens convention in San Antonio.
Bush proposed allowing legal and illegal immigrants to work in the United States under renewable three-year permits...
Bush has forgotten the Alamo - 03/06/04
The Alamo was stormed 168 years ago today.
That's a long long time, and George W Bush has obviously forgotten all about it:
A text of President Bush's joint news conference with Mexican President Vicente Fox on Saturday...
BUSH: Hola, que tal? Bienvenidos.
Mr. President, Laura and I are pleased to welcome you and Marta to Crawford...
I will work to ensure a system of safe and orderly migration. Earlier this year, I proposed a temporary worker program, not an amnesty program, that will offer legal status as temporary workers to undocumented men and women who were employed in the United States...
Boxer foes court Bush, but oppose immigration plan - 03/01/04
From the San Diego Union Tribune (link):
The four candidates seeking the GOP nomination to run for the U.S. Senate [generally agree with Bush except] on one issue - President Bush's plan to allow millions of illegal immigrants to have temporary legal status - the candidates have been willing to openly criticize the president.
...As a group, they've taken a tougher stance on immigrants than the president, reflecting a split in the Republican Party between hard-liners and those wishing to accommodate illegal immigrants and their employers.
...[Proposition 187] - passed but later...
"this recall is going nowhere" - 06/15/03
From this:
Darrell Issa, a Republican congressman trying to become California's next governor by financing a recall campaign against Democratic Gov. Gray Davis, on Saturday suggested the GOP unite by nominating a single candidate to seek the governorship and by focusing on the state's $38.2 billion budget shortfall instead of rigid ideology...
Before a recall election can be held, supporters must submit to the state nearly 900,000 valid signatures of voter support by September.
Issa, whose $800,000 in contributions has fueled pro-recall group Rescue California, told the audience that more...