Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr., Mexico, and illegal immigration
It appears that Utah's new governor, Jon Huntsman Jr., might be on the wrong side as far as Mexico and illegal immigration are concerned.
Although he's "defied" Bush's No Child Left Behind Act, he appears to be in lock-step with Our Leader on the U.S. sovereignty and massive illegal immigration issue.
Today's "Fox says he's coming to Utah" describes a Huntsman visit to Mexico. The gov. is giddy over the prospect of a Vicente Fox visit, hoping that it's sooner rather than later. Apparently the gov. has a "Utah-Mexico Alliance for Prosperity" plan which will involve more direct flights as well as more ties between that Third World country and First World Utah.
Fox had kind words for Utah's new "driving privilege card system", which gives special driver's licenses to those who are in this country illegally:
"He thanked us for compromising and continuing mobility in our state," Huntsman said.
Well, it's always good when the lider of a corrupt Third World country thanks you for allowing his citizens who are in your country illegally to have driving privileges, isn't it?
Huntsman also supports "immigration reform" and he wants to schedule a summit. There are 200,000 Mexicans in Utah.
Huntsman also spoke to Geronimo Gutierrez Fernandez, who oversees Mexico's chain of consulates.
A similar AP report is here.
As for Huntsman, he appears to be from a rich family with deep ties. His family owns Huntsman Corp., a billion-dollar chemical company that went public recently. And, his father is described here as a friend of Darth Dick Cheney. And, this long article describes how he was named a trade representative to China by Our Lider Jorge Arbusto.
The political career of another fine American from Utah, U.S. Rep. Chris Cannon, seems to have taken a tumble of late. Let's hope Utahns likewise wake up to Huntsman.