A BelderBlog classic

In the past, we've featured BlogsForBush and PoliPundit classics, now it's time to fish down even deeper into the barrel [1]:

Note the "hat-hair" - Dubya's been wearin' his Stetson, but hung it up upon entering (probably on a deer-antlers hatrack). Grandson of a senator, son of a President, Yale College and Harvard Business School - but this is a man who's entirely comfortable, entirely at ease, meetin' and greetin' in a roadside diner. He wouldn't turn up his nose at a couple of scoops of cherry cobler served in an orange Melmac bowl, either. That his napkin was paper, and came from a stainless-steel dispenser next to the catsup bottle (note: Heinz), wouldn't bother this man a bit.

If you have a mental image of, say, a propaganda drawing of Lenin talking to a group of school children [2], or a publicity photo of L. Ron Hubbard personally disenturbulating someone, don't worry. Although the subjects are not the same, the propaganda is.

[1] beldar . blogs . com/beldarblog/2004/11/dubya_at_the_di.html

[2] Those were links to these images, which are now missing:
iisg . nl/~landsberger/images/vil01.jpg
ssees . ac . uk/archives/mos.jpg