eliseo medina
eliseo medina: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Unions join with bosses in reckless disregard of workers (Chamber of Commerce, SEIU, AFL-CIO, Trumka) - 01/16/13
For years now, unions - caring more about gaining power than helping American workers - have joined with business groups to support massive and illegal immigration. So, while this might be news to some, it's more just a recent, ratcheted-up version of something that's been happening for a while:
NCLR, SEIU, LULAC, NALEO flex their racial power and threaten Congress in new amnesty push - 12/12/12
When is ethnic nationalism and a completely race-based attitude to everything OK? When is the raw pursuit of racial power OK? When is it OK to make borderline threats against Members of Congress? When Hispanics do it, of course.
From "Latino Groups Warn Congress to Fix Immigration, or Else" by Julia Preston of the New York Times ( peekURL.com/zxs7JY2 ):
Dozens of pro-illegal immigration groups were invited to Obama's mini-amnesty rollout and you weren't - 08/25/11
On August 18, Barack Obama's Department of Homeland Security announced an administrative amnesty that could cover 300,000 or more illegal aliens.
NCLR congratulates SEIU on 90th anniversary (Janet Murguia, Eliseo Medina) - 04/29/11
Janet Murguia of the National Council of La Raza has written a letter to the Service Employees International Union congratulating them on their 90th anniversary. In it she gives a shout-out to their International Secretary Treasurer Eliseo Medina and commends them for their work on comprehensive immigration reform, aka amnesty. (Note: see all those links for background information).
She also references how the SEIU "recognized early on that their membership was changing and growing more diverse". In other words, the SEIU realized that all those illegal aliens could be organized to form a...
Groups have "unprecedented amounts of money" to push amnesty; Dobbs leaving was "critical victory" - 01/11/10
The Washington Times article "Pro-immigration groups ready to fight/Take united front to push for reform" from Stephen Dinan (link) includes this quote from Tamar Jacoby:
"Especially on the left-of-center side, [groups that will push for amnesty] had unprecedented amounts of money in the past year, and they're organizing the field, coordinating among themselves, they're unrecognizable almost from what they were in 2006 and 2007... The business side hasn't had as much money pumped in and hasn't transformed as much, but it's also at a different level of the game."
And this quote from Eliseo...
Jeb Bush, Mack McLarty, CFR to push immigration "reform" (amnesty) - 07/06/09
According to this, Jeb Bush and Mack McLarty (former chief of staff of Bill Clinton) will this week be presenting a report in support of
"Reform Immigration For America": business, labor, CAP, NCLR, CHIRLA begin new push; summit, townhall meeting; John Quigley - 06/01/09
A new group called "Reform Immigration For America" recently launched in order to push for comprehensive immigration reform, aka amnesty. They're a coalition of business, labor, and far-left/racial power groups; see their slick site here: reformimmigrationforamerica.org.
4/30/09: Chuck Schumer holding immigration "reform" hearing (Alan Greenspan, Joel Hunter, Doris Meissner) - 04/28/09
On April 30, Chuck Schumer and the Senate Judiciary Committee/Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship will be holding a hearing called "Comprehensive Immigration Reform in 2009, Can We Do It and How?" (judiciary.senate.gov/hearings/hearing.cfm?id=3793) It would be a tough debate about the issue if not for the fact that all five witnesses are on the same basic side:
* Alan Greenspan
2006: Grover Norquist supported amnesty with U.S. CofC, far-left ACLU, NCLR, SEIU, NIF, USCCB, AFL-CIO - 04/09/09
On January 12, 2006, the American Bar Association held a conference called "Fortress America: Comprehensive Immigration Reform" at the National Press Club in Washington DC in support of that "reform" and specifically in opposition to HR4437.
Mexico linked groups complain about "hate group" FAIR (FIRM, SEIU, America's Voice, NCLR) - 09/11/08
The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is currently conducting the "Hold Their Feet to the Fire" rally in Washington DC where radio hosts from across the country and their listeners lobby their representatives to support pro-borders causes. Needless to say, the other side doesn't like that too much, and four such groups have joined together to place a scurrilous advertisement in the Politico and Roll Call. You can see the ad linked from seiu.org/media/pressreleases.cfm?pr_id=1753, which says:
Today the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), America's Voice, Center for...
Karl Rove's pro-illegal immigration extended network - 07/15/06
Let's take a look at Karl Rove's new friends, the National Council of The Race ("La Raza") and who they're working with.
The group Defend Colorado New tried to pass Proposition 55 (similar to Arizona's Prop. 200 or CA's Prop. 187), but in June they were thwarted by a possibily activist CO Supreme Court.
On the other side is the deceptively-named Keep Colorado Safe. Their front people include former Denver mayor Federico Pena and former monkey-shiner Gary Hart. However, as discussed here, most of KCS's money is coming from... inside the Beltway.
The most generous supporter is the Service...