Tweets to Michelle Corsilles

Michelle Corsilles's avatar
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Michelle Corsilles
San Francisco Bay Area
GenX mama lawyer dreaming of writing the next great American novel. San Francisco by way of Los Angeles & Seattle. Hapa @UCLA_Law & @UW.
Tweets to this user:
Michelle Corsilles's avatar
From @MichCorsilles
RT @LisaBloom: Yes. This is my daily huzzah to @DrWendyWalsh who found the courage to stand up for herself and for all the silenced women.…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MichCorsilles: @DrWendyWalsh asked for Arabic translators... for Mateen pere's broadcasts & never owned up to it. #credibility? @LisaBloom
Michelle Corsilles's avatar
From @MichCorsilles
RT @maggieNYT: Excellent @JuliaPrestonNYT on Trump's flip-flop-flip on h1b visas
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MichCorsilles @maggieNYT: not so "excellent". @JuliaPrestonNYT is confused over H1B vs green cards: #NYT = #derp
Michelle Corsilles's avatar
From @MichCorsilles
RT @AnakbayanSV: Fighting for migrant workers rights and immigration reform in Mountain View on International Workers Day! #MayDay http://t…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MichCorsilles: @AnakbayanSV is on the same basic side of immigration as Zuckerberg & wealthy Cent Vly growers. Don't enable the oligarchs.