Michael Steele, extremist and Mexico-linked illegal immigration supporters to meet March 31 (after sit-in)
RNC chairman Michael Steele will be meeting with a group of far-left illegal immigration supporters on March 31, 2010; the details on who's involved and the backstory is below. Most importantly of all, please take a few moments and try to contact him, his staff, or someone who can get a message to him and suggest that he handles this meeting in the right way.
Note: the only two contacts I've found are info *at* gop.com and on Twitter: @ChairmanMSteele but I don't know if the second is really his.
The wrong way, of course, would be for the chairman of the Republican Party to agree with far-left racial power supporters who have little or no use for our immigration laws. Another wrong way would be to simply disagree with them without showing how they're wrong. A mostly wrong way to handle it would be to simply nod along.
The best way to handle the meeting - and the way least likely to occur given his past statements [1] - would be for Steele to video the proceedings and show how they're wrong. Because the GOP is run by those who have little competence beyond cashing checks, don't expect that to occur. But, if by some miracle they get some sense they could easily devastate the arguments that the other side provides since those arguments are full of holes.
For instance, if they bring up the DREAM Act, Steele could point out that what they support would let illegal aliens take college educations from U.S. citizens. Or, he could point out all the many downsides of comprehensive immigration reform. Or, he could ask those attending about their interesting positions and links.
Per [2], this is who'll be there:
* Josh Hoyt of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR's president serves on an advisory council to the Mexican government and clearly has divided loyalties; they're also linked into the Illinois power structure, such as by having been appointed to a state council by Rod Blagojevich)...
* Xiomara Corpeno of CHIRLA, a group that has allegedly collaborated with the Mexican government...
* Christine Neumann-Ortiz of Wisconsin's Voces de la Frontera (intimidated a politician by surrounding their house; opposed an immigration raid that no doubt freed up jobs for Americans; said a citizenship test is like a poll tax)...
* Tony Asion of El Pueblo North Carolina (group co-founded by Andrea Bazan of the National Council of La Raza; supported drivers licenses for illegal aliens and AgJobs in a letter signed by many other groups)...
* Eun Sook Lee of the National Korean American Service and Education Consortium (opposes immigration enforcement)...
* Julien Ross of the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition (wants that state to accept the Matricula Consular card, an ID practically guaranteeing that the bearer is here illegally)...
Others at the meeting:
* Tim O'Harrow, of the Council of Rural Initiatives and the Dairy Business Association...
* Pramila Jayapal of OneAmerica...
* Ricardo Perez of the Hispanic Affairs Pastoral Project...
* a student who supports the DREAM Act...
* Sergio Suarez, "successful businessman and entrepreneur (Chicago)".
Note that ICIRR, CIRA, and El Pueblo among many others signed a letter opposing immigration raids.
The meeting was initiated after a group of around forty pro-illegal immigration activists affiliated with the Fair Immigration Reform Movement engaged in a sit-in at the offices of the RNC and demanded a meeting with Steele. This was in conjunction with their big march, and video is at peekURL.com/v9kwtkq
[1] wonkroom.thinkprogress.org/2010/03/22/sit-in-rnc-immigration
[2] dailykos.com/storyonly/2010/3/30/852398/-untitled-diary