Tea party schism? Will powerful backers try to push amnesty despite wishes of base?
Dick Armey of FreedomWorks, Grover Norquist, and the Kochtopus are all involved in the tea parties in one way or another. And, all of them support massive immigration and would probably support new amnesty plans. (For past support, see Norquist and Armey).
How exactly would that work out? Would those tea party backers try to convince the tea party base - which presumably is strongly opposed to amnesty - to give in? Would they play fun games, such as by trying to fool the obviously gullible supporters of the tea parties into supporting amnesty in some way? Would they try to keep their support for amnesty hidden from the useful idiots at the tea parties? Or, would they melt down and decide to go their own way? Would the tea partiers end up feeling the same way about the leaders behind the parties as they do of the leaders of the GOP?
That should be interesting to watch at least. And, it will also serve as a good learning experience for those who trust those who've promoted the parties.
UPDATE: From the Kochtopus side of things, there's a list of some of the recipients of money from the Koch family foundations here. Not on that list is Americans for Prosperity, a major supporter of the tea parties; as of November 2008, Charles Koch was chairman of the board of AFP's foundation (link). While some associated with some on the first list do oppose illegal immigration - such as Robert Rector at the Heritage Foundation - others are much more "libertarian". Reason Magazine supports literally open borders, and the Cato Institute's Daniel Griswold was the inspiration for George W Bush's original guest workers scheme. That was one of the most anti- and un-American proposals I've ever heard of; it was basically a massive H1B program but "open to any type of employee" including middle-class occupations such as nursing. Despite the fact that nurses, teachers, and others would have been greatly negatively affected, the Democrats were unwilling to speak out against it. They also fund George Mason University, home to a wide variety of supporters of massive immigration such as Stephen Fuller, Bryan Caplan, Donald Boudreaux, and so on.
Steve (not verified)
Fri, 04/10/2009 - 05:12
HS 17882 2009-04-10T07:12:58-05:00
I think and hope tea party attendees will not be fooled by the antics of Norquist if he blathers any pro-amnesty claptrap. A Heritage Foundation report said if the '07 amnesty had passed it would have cost taxpayers $2.6 trillion.