Tweets to Adam Cancryn

Adam Cancryn's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Adam Cancryn
Washington, DC
Health care reporter on the Hill @POLITICO and coauthor @PoliticoPULSE. Ex-@SPGMarketIntel RTs=Please clap. DM for Signal. Secure email: acancryn(at)protonmail
Tweets to this user:
ireadivote's avatar
From @ireadivote
@adamcancryn @thehowie @vcolliver Also, I'm wondering about ppl who have died recently from the disease, but undiag…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ireadivote: @adamcancryn has access to Trump or at least his proxies & could really press them on that in a way that'd expose Trump's incompetence to his base. That'd force a better response. Adam etc play politics w #CoronaVirus, but only to get clicks not to make Trump better
Adam Cancryn's avatar
From @adamcancryn
Floating Petri Dish, Part Deux: Officials once again keeping passengers quarantined on a cruise ship, this time off…
onthemark 🇨🇦's avatar
From @nogenderid
@adamcancryn @vcolliver I thought it was 21 who had symptoms, who are waiting to be tested, not 21 infected with #coronavirus.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
The bigger issue is it'd be child's play to show Trump's handling incompetent, forcing a better response. Colliver etc are even more incompetent than Trump. MT @nogenderid: [@vcolliver says 21 on ship are infected but they just need to be tested; she admits her blogging mistake]