Congressman: Terrorists are infiltrating the U.S. via Mexico

Al Qaeda-related terrorists are coming to the U.S. over the Mexican border disguised as Mexicans, Congressman John Culberson (R-TX) has disclosed. The terrorists are adopting Hispanic names and blending in with the hundreds or thousands of illegal aliens who enter the U.S. via Mexico each day.

Culberson made this statement on the John & Ken show (KFI-640 Los Angeles), and KFI is reporting his statement in their news segments.

A listener to the show offers this report:
Congressman John Culberson (R - TX), speaking on the John and Ken show in Los Angeles, tells the hosts that he's now authorized, for the first time anywhere, to disclose that Middle Eastern men with Al Qaeda links have been mixing with the stream of illegal aliens coming in via the Southern US border. Having changed their names from Islamic to Hispanic ones, and having obtained authentic Mexican Matricula Consular ID cards using faked Mexican birth certificates, the men are paying up to $30,000 to obtain entry into the US among the flow of Hispanic illegal aliens crossing. They're choosing this path because the screening process the US is using on incoming airline passengers is becoming increasingly effective. Once in the US, these men are burrowing into small towns, posing as doctors, lawyers, CPAs, and other professional occupations which are scarce in these communities, making them more accepted and welcome. These "sleeper agents" then await activation for terrorist acts.

Culberson says he was informed of this by federal prosecutors in Texas... Culberson adds that he's also been told that an Al Qaeda attack before the November election is "100% certain."
One of the prosecutors is reportedly Southern District of Texas U.S. Attorney Michael Shelby.

Culberson will have more information, including a letter presumably from federal prosecutors, on Tuesday.

Culberson is currently leading the fight in the House of Representatives to prevent the acceptance of the Matricula Consular card; the FBI says that card is inherently unsafe. The Matricula Consular card is only of use to illegal aliens, not to legal residents. Culberson's attempts are being opposed by the financial industry, pro-illegal immigration, and ethnic lobbies.

In the past, there have been rumors of terrorists planning to come over the border with Mexico. See, for instance, "Feds discount rumor of Iraqis lurking in Mexico"

However, the fact that these statements are coming from a U.S. Representative and reportedly from a U.S. Attorney give them quite a bit of weight.

A month ago, WABC reported the following:
The FBI has arrested an American citizen [a naturalized citizen from Pakistan --LW] living in Queens said to be a sleeper agent for Al Qaeda.

ABC News reports investigators have tied the man to a terrorist cell set to carry out a series of bombings and assassinations in London...

The man has told investigators that Al Qaeda is planning more attacks in the United States. He has also revealed a scheme to smuggle terrorists across the Mexican border...
In March 2003, I posted "Some 9/11 conspirators entered via Mexico?":
Some of the terrorists who helped with the September 11th attacks are now reported to have entered the country through Hidalgo County. State Representative Kino Flores, who sits on the state homeland security board, in an exclusive with Newschannel Five tells us these terrorists are said to have helped with the operation...
At the time, I unsuccessfully attempted to contact Flores for more information.

Over two years ago, Sen. John Breaux (D-La.) raised questions about Mexican trucks being used to transport hazardous materials or terrorists into the U.S.

The articles "Preventing the Entry of Terrorists into the United States" and the heavily-footnoted "Enchilada Lite: A Post-9/11 Mexican Migration Agreement" have background information on the issue of border security and controlling illegal immigration.

Unfortunately, the Bush Administration is obviously not serious about controlling illegal immigration. While hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens are turned away from the border each year, the Bush Administration recently halted very minor immigration sweeps in Southern California due to pressure from pro-illegal immigration and ethnic groups.

Asa Hutchinson, the Under Secretary for Border and Transportation Security and the person who reportedly halted the sweeps, refused to indicate if or when the sweeps would be reinstated. And, very few companies are even fined for immigration violations. While there have been a few high-profile cases where companies have been prosecuted for immigration violations (such as Wal*Mart), they are so small in number that one is forced to draw the conclusion that those prosecutions are simply for show.

For instance, both Asa Hutchinson and Bush campaign manager Ken Mehlman were interviewed on KFI and asked about companies that were fined for immigration violations. Both provided Wal*Mart as an example that they were doing something. Neither however were able to provide examples of companies that operate in the Southern California area, where there are somewhere between one and three million illegal aliens.

Furthermore, the proposed Bush Amnesty has caused an uptick in illegal crossings, and Bush recently stated that "America is a nation of open doors".

On the other side of the fence, Vicente Fox and his predecessor have both claimed that the millions of "Mexicans" in the U.S. - including Mexican-Americans - are part of the greater Mexican Nation. In 2002, Mexico's foreign minister stated that he was instructing his consulates to begin "propagating militant activities" in order to obtain a "migration accord." None of these statements have been met with a public response from the Bush Administration.

UPDATE: I posted this at;sid=2004/7/17/14157/5043, and that inspired a post (;sid=2004/7/17/85722/8728) from someone else in reply. I also posted this at All three threads have comments as well.

UPDATE 2: Related posts here and here.


If one is asked to value the devaluation of one's citizenship, isn't that a contradiction-in-terms?

immigration is a broken down 57-chevy and the state department is a bunch of red tape fools. I will let you know my tribe is mutiplying and i am spreading it all over the nation. These lawyers are the biggest bunch of ego freaks who's outragous pricing is anouther part of this mean cycle. The immigration cycle does nothing but put strians on the people who just want to be together and does nothing to keep out the terriorist. They simply walk thru while all the law followers sit here and wait away from our loved ones for years while the red tape strangles our relationships to death. You sit there and post your comments on the other side of the fence. You lawyers are part of the problem. And to sit there and make your shallow remakes prove it. This is not s free county. You cannot marry outside the usa. Forget it unless you are rich you will be old before your other gets here.

immigration is a broken down 57-chevy and the state department is a bunch of red tape fools. I will let you know my tribe is mutiplying and i am spreading it all over the nation. These lawyers are the biggest bunch of ego freaks who's outragous pricing is anouther part of this mean cycle. The immigration cycle does nothing but put strians on the people who just want to be together and does nothing to keep out the terriorist. They simply walk thru while all the law followers sit here and wait away from our loved ones for years while the red tape strangles our relationships to death. You sit there and post your comments on the other side of the fence. You lawyers are part of the problem. And to sit there and make your shallow remakes prove it.

If one can develop traitorous sentiments like those, they probably did well to lose that form. May his tribe not increase, who would wish such invasions on us.

I went to Brazil to an american emmbassy and did what her told me to file my Brazilian wifes I-130. It was the worst mistake of my life to trust my government. They lost her I-130 I spent 3 month preparing and wasted one year of our lives waiting. They just told me like a bunch of heartless freaks to "file anouther one". I smuggled her in and was cought at the border. We were processed thru the hearing process and we are going this Fri. I hear we will be giving nothing but a few month for her to leave. I hate this place I was so proud of and I hope 100,000,000,000 million illeagals take this place over and make Bushes house their pool hall. I was a proud American and now I have be jaded. The state department and this big mudhole called INS or homeland security or immagrition or whatever you want to call it is a broken down chevrolet. This is not a free country. My wife has noone in Brazil and I am going to lose all I have worked all my life for and go to a third world county to life where I cant work and I will probably be on the brazilian streets as of 11/30/04 with my pretty wife.

IXLNXS: Oh and do any of you feel any safer yet?

We're not going to be safer until the War on Terror is won. But we're doing well - 3 years into it, and we've only lost 4,000 dead. 3 years into WWII, we had lost almost 400,000 dead.

Now I have this Rush Limbaugh thing. While the owner of this blog has an illegal alien thing. I'm not judging just saying is all........

But while I was off screwing around this evening, okay early morning I found this that I'm sure the owner of this blog will enjoy.

Mexifornia Driver's License

Oh and do any of you feel any safer yet?

I am a US Border PAtrol Agent in South Texas. It is ridiculous that "undocumented aliens" (since it is not politically correct to call them illegal aliens) who hail from countries other than Mexico (OTM's) are arrested in droves everyday (1000's every month in this area alone), but are not detained due to a lack of space in the detention facilities. They are "booked" into the immigration hearing system and given documentation to travel to their destination, which may or more likely may not e their actual destination. They are inormed when and where to report for their deportation hearing (usually return here in 6 months), but nearly none ever return. There is no interior immigration enorcement to speak of, and when a few operations are conducted, they prove to be so successful, that rumors circulate throughout the hispanic communities in other patrs of the country that "La Migra" is coming and in one school in Houston alone, on the date of a rumored raid, 70% of the students were out of school. The system is broke. We need more detention space. We need a tougher stance on aliens currently "ILLEGALLY" in the country. We need to shut the door on this flood.

I am a US Border PAtrol Agent in South Texas. It is ridiculous that "undocumented aliens" (since it is not politically correct to call them illegal aliens) who hail from countries other than Mexico (OTM's) are arrested in droves everyday (1000's every month in this area alone), but are not detained due to a lack of space in the detention facilities. They are "booked" into the immigration hearing system and given documentation to travel to their destination, which may or more likely may not e their actual destination. They are inormed when and where to report for their deportation hearing (usually return here in 6 months), but nearly none ever return. There is no interior immigration enorcement to speak of, and when a few operations are conducted, they prove to be so successful, that rumors circulate throughout the hispanic communities in other patrs of the country that "La Migra" is coming and in one school in Houston alone, on the date of a rumored raid, 70% of the students were out of school. The system is broke. We need more detention space. We need a tougher stance on aliens currently "ILLEGALLY" in the country. We need to shut the door on this flood.

Do you feel safer yet?

I feel Iraq's oil is alot safer now, but have my suspicions about Americans safety.

"Nation of open doors" is a contradiction-in-terms in several ways. It means a state of dissolution, quite contrary to any definition of a nation. A state of dissolution is presented as a morally desirable condition, as if life should seek death. It is contradictory also in that it can't be the identity of a country to have no identity. Is this what was to be proven?

This indicates gross dereliction by our official policy-makers. Must the bombers blow up the capitol before officials realize that defense is not a luxury?