"South African woman's passport prompts federal investigation"

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There's a minor update to the previous post "Woman With Possible Terror Ties Arrested" [smuggled in from Mexico]. From the AP:

U.S. Rep. Solomon Ortiz of Corpus Christi, the ranking Democrat on the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Readiness, said "very credible" people told him Ahmed has traveled within the United States more than 250 times, and that federal authorities were investigating whether she had ties to terrorists.

The Associated Press reported earlier Tuesday that authorities believed crime syndicates operating within the South African government were believed to be selling illegal passports for as little as $77 apiece.

While it's believed the passports mostly go to poor people hoping to get into Europe or the United States a little easier, the director general of South Africa's Department of Home Affairs said South African passports had been found in the hands of al-Qaida militants and other terrorists traveling through Europe.

Eddie Rios, a spokesman for the U.S. Border Patrol in McAllen, said the agency had not been told that South African passports were being used by terrorists...

See also the earlier post "Congressman: Terrorists are infiltrating the U.S. via Mexico".

(BugMeNot is your friend)

UPDATE: AP has a report from SA that doesn't mention the U.S. border, just SA and Europe:

Barry Gilder, director general of the Department of Home Affairs, said he has come across a number of instances in which South African passports were found in the hands of al-Qaeda suspects or their associates in Europe... They sell mostly to economic migrants... but terrorists appear to be tapping into these networks, Gilder said...

And, from Federal News Radio (apparently a private company owned by WTOP that covers the feds), we have this:

A South African woman picked up in Texas almost 10 days ago may turn out to be a key, high-level al-Qaida operative... Government sources tell FederalNewsRadio.com that capturing this woman could be comparable to the arrest of Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of 9/11. It was revealed in court Tuesday that she was on a watch list and had entered the U.S. possibly as many as 250 times.

ANOTHER UPDATE: The News24 (SA) report SA woman 'on US terror list' ends with this:

"It is certainly true that this case has not been handled in the manner that normal immigration cases are handled," [her court-appointed attorney] said, adding he doesn't know why.

[U.S. Rep. Solomon] Ortiz said Ahmed's arrest has increased his concerns that terrorists could enter the United States along the southern border.

He noted that many undocumented people who are not from Mexico are routinely released because of a lack of detention space.

The NewsChannel 5 TV network reported that Ahmed had visited the US before, but that her visa had expired in 1996.

It added that she had, however, remained in the country for three more years.

YET ANOTHER UPDATE: A newly-discovered article from last week with more information in is this later post.