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February 27, 2004
The Bush/Fox Amnesty is indefensible

Supporter's of Bush's plan frequently say all Bush needs to do is explain it to the voters, and they'll start supporting his plan. This is despite the mountain of evidence that his plan would be a dismal failure.

And, via KFI's John and Ken Show, there's evidence that his plan cannot be defended when faced with any sort of scrutiny:

Mr. Ken Mehlman, the Bush-Cheney campaign manager, is probably the closest that John & Ken are going to get to the Bush administration…judging from how this interview went. Right out of the gate, he refuses to consider President Bush’s Amnesty Plan to be an amnesty plan. He even continues to wave the Weapons Of Mass Destruction flag. Since J&K gave his campaign manager here a lesson in “What Californians Are Pissed About”, it’ll be interesting to see how the Bush campaign changes by the time it gets to the west coast...

You can listen to the audio here. I listened to the first part of the interview, and it wasn't a fair fight. John and Ken were not talking over Mehlman as they occasionally do, they asked questions and allowed him to answer. He had no answers to many of their questions. Hopefully this will get back to Bush and he'll wise up.

Posted by The Lonewacko Blog to Immigration at February 27, 2004 04:28 PM
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