Two examples of conservative failure (CPAC, rap, Crowder, Reynolds, V. Jackson)

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The first example is from an Ed Morrissey post [1] about a Friday event at CPAC ("Conservative Political Action Conference"):

Yesterday, John Hawkins and staged the first ever CPAC Blogger Awards, which John organized and emceed in part. The awards recognized a number of excellent bloggers, such as Pamela Gellar, Jim Hoft, Emily Zanotti (to whom I presented the award), Glenn Reynolds (twice, with one award accepted on his behalf by comedienne Victoria Jackson), and our own blog, which was selected as Best Blog Overall.

1. (not, which is an anti-Teaparty site) is the successor to the group discussed in the post "Did Teapartiers get bilked out of nearly half a million dollars?" That would seem to indicate a problem. See this for their explanation, and see also this and this for others questioning whether they're a fake group or not.

2. Jim Hoft (aka Gateway Pundit) seems more naive than evil, but he's not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed nor does he have much regard for accuracy (such as writing posts containing false information or not updating posts that have since been shown to have factually-inaccurate components).

3. I won't go so easy on Glenn Reynolds; see the link for much, much more.

4. It's not so much the fact that Victoria Jackson is there, it's that there's no real counterweight to her entertainment (which in the past has consisted of standing on her head and of singing "There's a Communist in the White House").

The second example is also from [1]:

During the event, we got a live performance of “Mr. America” by the Powdered Zombies, who are better known as Steven Crowder and Chris Loesch (whose wife (Dana Loesch) makes an appearance in the video). They performed along with their new video of this rap song, in which we find out what our founding fathers would think of the US now … if they were still alive … and if they became rappers. It’s a well-produced video, and the Powdered Zombies got a lot of laughs out of it from the bloggers:

1. The video is below and it's even more stupid than you might think from the description. They knew that the left would play the race card on the video: that's why there's the bit about "knickers". What they had no real plan for was dealing with the pushback. To a small extent enraging the left might serve some purpose for the right such as by firing up the base or making the distinction between the two groups plainer to some. However, the end result is probably negative for the right: more people will probably be swayed by those playing the race card. As with Pete Hoekstra's ad, the two did something that the conservative base lacks the will and the ability to defend. If anyone disagrees, show me anyone mounting an effective opposition to Amanda Terkel and the others who've played the race card over the video [2].

2. Rap is popular, but it's also socially-corrosive. Perhaps conservatives should find another genre that isn't associated with criminal behavior. I'll leave it up to you to determine whether their song sounds even worse than if they'd done it in the old conservative stand-by of Country. The video has the same vibe as "hip" groups that visit schools to "rap" about teen problems.

3. While other parts of the video have Culture War components, the lyrics themselves concentrate entirely on fiscal conservatism, something the majority of Americans do not want. By concentrating on fiscal conservatism, they're taking an unpopular position and ignoring much more popular positions like opposing illegal immigration. Of course, if Steven Crowder, Dana Loesch, and others like them did focus on immigration there's very little chance that they wouldn't stumble us into amnesty or come close to it.


[2] Those playing the race card (or setting up their commenters to do it) include:

Terkel of Huffington Post


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