amanda terkel

amanda terkel: Page 1

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

Two examples of conservative failure (CPAC, rap, Crowder, Reynolds, V. Jackson) - 02/11/12

The first example is from an Ed Morrissey post [1] about a Friday event at CPAC ("Conservative Political Action Conference"):

Dennis Welch, Kos, Amanda Terkel, Steve Benen, Ben Smith, Ben Frumin smear Jan Brewer over quote - 06/02/10

Arizona governor Jan Brewer is threatening to cost powerful people money and power through actions such as signing that state's new anti-illegal immigration law. Their lower-level hacks are currently swinging into action, deliberately misinterpreting a quote Brewer made in a disreputable attempt to claim that she inflated her father's war record [UPDATE: Statement from Brewer below]. Some are listed below, and if you find others please leave a comment. During World War 2, Brewer's father worked at a Navy munitions depot in Nevada; he died in 1955 as a result of lung disease from that job....

Arpaio shouted down at First Amendment Forum; Amanda Terkel cheers; open borders song - 12/01/09

Last night, Arizona State University held a "First Amendment Forum" with sheriff Joe Arpaio being questioned about his relationship to the media and immigration by a professor and two others from that school. The event was interrupted by far-left protesters who began singing parody lyrics of Bohemian Rhapsody, causing the panelists including Arpaio to leave one-by-one. The Dean of the school says (link): "They didn’t shout down Sheriff Arpaio... They shouted down three top-flight journalists who were trying to question him. My personal opinion? I think that’s dumb." The lyrics of their parody...

Liberals cheer racism, repudiation of U.S. sovereignty at tea party protest by Nick Espinosa (Daniel Tencer) - 11/16/09

Daniel Tencer of RawStory offers "Tea partiers punk’d into supporting removal of white people from US" ( video at Both the underlying story and his treatment of it are explicitly anti-American:

Lindsey Graham slams Glenn Beck; "Birthers" are "crazy" (The Atlantic's First Draft of History) - 10/01/09

The Atlantic is conducting a corporate-sponsored series of interviews they call the "First Draft of History". Me, I call them EstablishmentHackapaooza. Earlier today, one segment featured Sen. Lindsay Graham being interviewed by Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic ( As could be expected, Graham wasn't exactly challenged on the various things he said.

Sean Hannity smeared by undercover FBI "agent provocateur" (Hal Turner, Max Blumenthal, Amanda Terkel) - 08/21/09

According to his lawyer, Hal Turner - a white supremacist, blogger, and some kind of radio host who's currently charged with making threats against public officials in two states - was an FBI-trained "agent provocateur" from 2002 to 2007 (link).

Amanda Terkel of ThinkProgress' despicable smear of Sean Hannity - 06/24/09

In a post about white supremacist radio host Hal Turner being arrested by the FBI earlier today for making threats against judges, Amanda Terkel of ThinkProgress (run by the Center for American Progress) says ( As the Nation has pointed out, Turner has ties to Fox News’ Sean Hannity. In fact, Hannity has “offered his top-rated radio show as a regular forum for Turner’s occasionally racist, always over-the-top rants.” Hannity would also reportedly offer Turner “encouragement” to overcome his cocaine habit and “homosexual leanings.” Bolding added...

GOP still struggling with asking tough questions (Eric Cantor campaign against Dems on House floor) - 04/08/09

Patrick O'Conner of the Politico offers "Cantor's strategy: Ambush Democrats" (link) about a plan from House Minority Whip Rep. Eric Cantor in which more experienced legislators take to the House floor to berate less-experienced Democratic House members over various issues:

Washington Post: America's finest source for bad reporting (Palin "slashed" funds story) - 09/02/08

The Washington Post recently published a blog post about Sarah Palin (in their words) "slash[ing]" funds to a non-profit group. Except, what they got from the state of Alaska alone was over three times what they got from all government sources combined in 2006. Let's take a look at the WaPo's "downstream", the three-eyed fish who gobble up what the WaPo sludges out.