
rawstory: Page 1

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NumbersUSA, Steve King, Teaparty Patriots assist amnesty with weak immigration rally - 08/13/13

Yesterday, Numbers USA, Steve King, and the Tea Parties "Patriots" held an immigration rally in Richmond, Virginia that ended up helping those who favor an amnesty for illegal aliens.

Two examples of conservative failure (CPAC, rap, Crowder, Reynolds, V. Jackson) - 02/11/12

The first example is from an Ed Morrissey post [1] about a Friday event at CPAC ("Conservative Political Action Conference"):

Did Teapartiers get bilked out of nearly half a million dollars? - 04/04/11

The vast majority of those in the tea parties are - not to put too fine a point on it - suckers. Previously they wanted to have a beer with George W Bush, a quisling who allowed loose borders, who wanted to help lower U.S. wages to world levels, and who let foreign citizens take jobs away from American hurricane victims. Nowadays they're following leaders (Dick Armey of FreedomWorks, Grover Norquist, the Koch family, the Wall Street Journal, Club for Growth, libertarians, etc. etc.) and an ideology ("Libertarian Lite") that hurts them (extreme fiscal conservatism) and that ignores their real...

Reason #73218 why you can't trust Steve Benen, Alex Pareene, John Aravosis, HuffPost, and GottaLaff (McCain on illegal aliens "intentionally causing accidents") - 04/21/10

Yesterday in an appearance on the Bill O'Reilly show, John McCain said among other, more important things, that he supports Arizona's tough new immigration bill (not yet a law) because "the people whose homes and property are being violated. It's the drive-by that -- the drivers of cars with illegals in it that are intentionally causing accidents on the freeway." You can watch it here: peekURL.com/vztpe5h

Liberals cheer racism, repudiation of U.S. sovereignty at tea party protest by Nick Espinosa (Daniel Tencer) - 11/16/09

Daniel Tencer of RawStory offers "Tea partiers punkโ€™d into supporting removal of white people from US" (rawstory.com/2009/11/tea-partiers-punked-white-people video at peekURL.com/v5h3vrp). Both the underlying story and his treatment of it are explicitly anti-American:

Dennis Roddy /Pittsburgh PG, SPLC, LGF, HotAir, Kos use tragedy to smear opponents - 04/05/09

Dennis Roddy of the Pittsburgh Post Gazette offers "Suspect in officers' shooting was into conspiracy theories" (link) about the recent shooting of three police officers in Pittsburgh by an obviously deranged 22-year-old. He takes advantage of that tragedy to smear his or his paper's opponents: Mr. Poplawski's view of guns and personal freedom took a turn toward the fringes of American politics. With Mr. Perkovic, he appeared to share a belief that the government was controlled from unseen forces, that troops were being shipped home from the Mideast to police the citizenry here, and that Jews...

What Larisa Alexandrovna doesn't want you to see - 02/16/09

Larisa Alexandrovna of RawStory and "At-Largely" (also a Huffington Post contributor) doesn't want her readers to see how she's misleading them. Read on to see why you can't trust her reporting.

Washington Post: America's finest source for bad reporting (Palin "slashed" funds story) - 09/02/08

The Washington Post recently published a blog post about Sarah Palin (in their words) "slash[ing]" funds to a non-profit group. Except, what they got from the state of Alaska alone was over three times what they got from all government sources combined in 2006. Let's take a look at the WaPo's "downstream", the three-eyed fish who gobble up what the WaPo sludges out.

Michael Rubinkam/AP offers yet more "crops rotting in the fields" propaganda - 03/24/08

Michael Rubinkam of the Associated Press offers yet another in the long line of "crops rotting in the fields" articles, which are propaganda designed to support an immigration amnesty and/or "guest" worker program. In the current case (link), it concerns the Keith Eckel, owner of Fred W. Eckel Sons Farms Inc. who says he's going to switch from tomatoes to mechanically-harvested corn because he can't find workers. For those not in the loop, Eckel is the top dog in the Pennsylvania fresh-to-market tomato industry. Other than a few details, it's the same as the other articles and the replies are...

Ron Brynaert/Raw Story posts Tancredo smear - 04/02/07

Ron Brynaert of Raw Story says: Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO), a "dark horse" candidate for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination admitted in an interview that he is a "controversial figure" who is sometimes prone to saying "outrageous things." Last November, Esquire Magazine wrote, "Tancredo is Tancrazy. Made his name calling for mass deportations of illegal immigrants. Recently was the featured speaker at a meeting of the League of the South, described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a 'neo-Confederate hate group.' In a rare moment of clarity, he called his own suggestion...