hispanic federation
hispanic federation: Page 1
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NCLR, SEIU, LULAC, NALEO flex their racial power and threaten Congress in new amnesty push - 12/12/12
When is ethnic nationalism and a completely race-based attitude to everything OK? When is the raw pursuit of racial power OK? When is it OK to make borderline threats against Members of Congress? When Hispanics do it, of course.
From "Latino Groups Warn Congress to Fix Immigration, or Else" by Julia Preston of the New York Times ( peekURL.com/zxs7JY2 ):
Kirsten Gillibrand supports anti-American DREAM Act - 12/27/11
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand offers "If the feds canโt pass the DREAM Act, New York state must do its part" [1], a misleading editorial that promotes that anti-American bill.
You won't know it from reading her editorial, but the DREAM Act would let the illegal aliens covered by it deprive some citizens of college, as well as having other negative impacts. See that link for the details.
Dozens of pro-illegal immigration groups were invited to Obama's mini-amnesty rollout and you weren't - 08/25/11
On August 18, Barack Obama's Department of Homeland Security announced an administrative amnesty that could cover 300,000 or more illegal aliens.
Brewer signs Arizona immigration law; far-left begins opposition (MALDEF, America's Voice, Phil Gordon) - 04/23/10
Earlier today, Arizona governor Jan Brewer signed into law the tough immigration bill from Russell Pearce (link).
New York Coalition to Expand Voting Rights - 02/21/07
Coalition that wants to give "immigrants" voting rights in New York City.
Site: immigrantvoting.org/Coalition/nycoalition.html
"Statement of Principles": immigrantvoting.org/Coalition/principles.html
One of those is: "We need to close the gap between local government and the people it serves. New York government officials 'do not adequately reflect the faces of the people they represent."
Members of the group: