Tweets to Dan Pfeiffer

Dan Pfeiffer's avatar
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Dan Pfeiffer
Co-host of Pod Save America, Author of Un-Trumping America (out on 2/18/20) Former Senior Advisor to President Obama, Process Truster
Tweets to this user:
Daniel Dale's avatar
From @ddale8
CNN's @chrisidore two weeks ago: "You don't have to go back far to find 3 years of better job growth. Just go back…
csd's avatar
From @csd
@ddale8 @danpfeiffer @chrisidore Sure seems insecure about Obama’s superiority.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
What an interesting choice of words. RT @csd [Trump] Sure seems insecure about Obama’s superiority
Dan Pfeiffer's avatar
From @danpfeiffer
One major takeaway from the coverage of @ewarren’s announcement is that the traditional political media sees the De…
U_R_Sleeping's avatar
From @You_R_Sleeping
@danpfeiffer @ewarren Wow, I just realized we’re already seeing from the word go, a different set of standards for…
The Catstitution's avatar
From @thecatstitution
@You_R_Sleeping @danpfeiffer @ewarren She was also asked, immediately, whether she thought maybe her politics are “…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@thecatstitution: @danpfeiffer is lying to you. The "Democratic Party’s desire for diversity" is Gramscism: the more "diversity" checkboxes someone can check, the better. I could sit here typing in examples if you'd like. Or, you can just admit he's a liar.
Matthew Callaway's avatar
From @MatthewCallaway
RT @danpfeiffer: Position of Trump Republicans seems to be that Facebook must allow Alex Jones to harass people and spread conspiracy theor…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MatthewCallaway: harassing people & spreading conspiracy theories are just the tip of the Alex Jones iceberg heading straight to our democracy. Jones writes books too. Book! Thankfully, @danpfeiffer & I will be burning those in a Bonfire Against Hate in NYC! Will you help?