Jerry Gonzalez of GALEO on Georgia's "anti-immigrant" views
Jerry Gonzalez - a former MALDEF Legislative Policy Analyst now with the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials takes to the pages of the Atlanta Journal Constitution with "Anti-immigrant view hurts state" (link). He doesn't say anything new, just that laws Georgia is trying to pass to curtail illegal immigration in their state are leading to an "anti-immigrant" climate. Somehow, at least in his mind, that legislation is related to a Kia Motors plant that moved to the state and other forms of foreign investment. Perhaps he's got auto manufacturing plants confused with sweatshops or something. He ends with:
Now, I consider myself to be a Georgian. I want Georgia to succeed, and good economic development is in my best interest as a Georgian. However, given the shortsightedness of our state leadership and the open hostility toward immigrants, I would recommend for foreign investors to look elsewhere for true hospitality. It is shameful and it is a great disappointment our political leadership hasnโt recognized the wisdom Nashville demonstrated. Georgia hypocrisy is always on my mind.
I'm sure they wouldn't miss him if he moved. The nucleus of GALEO is at their name's link; see this and this for more on them.