FactCheck presents real Barack Obama birth certificate. Or do they...

The twists and turns surrounding Barack Obama's birth certificate appear to have ended with FactCheck.org claiming that they've seen and handled the real certificate, complete with an official stamp and everything. They've even got pictures here. Well, that ends that!

Except, all they have is the "Certification of Live Birth" (known in the trade as a "COLB"), and not the original birth certificate or a "long form" certificate containing things like parents' cities, etc. And, for some strange reason - as pointed out in a comment here - the EXIF information on their photos shows that at least the one I looked at was taken March 12 of this year at 10:42pm. That could be a battery-related problem, a setup problem, or it could be something else.

And, needless to say, "Texas Darlin'" has more questions, such as:

Why did Janice Okubo tell a reporter that the COLB was ordered "this month" (June 2008 ) if it was ordered in June 2007?

She also points out that FactCheck is part of the Annenberg Foundation; their primary funding is from that organization. Earlier in the day she claimed they, Obama, and ACORN were colluding in some way.

On a sidenote, I haven't found FactCheck completely credible.

Fact Check also has some fun with an announcement that appeared in a Honolulu newspaper a weak after BHO's birth, mocking the idea that it could have been part of a conspiracy. Another possibility is that it was planted, in case of divorce (link).

UPDATE: Since precision is necessary in this case, it's a "Certification of Live Birth", not a "Certificate of Live Birth" as previously stated.


what party would that be anyway? i dont think anyone here is partisan. what party are you from anonymous?

QUESTION: I don't like either 'party"...what does that make me??? ANSWER: Up Sh*t creek without a party or a paddle........

Me to Mary! but just wait in 4 years the sh*t will hit the fan! and when 60 percent of this country can't buy Gas or a home or food and have no jobs and the prison system is at 10 million people, and the people may just start to get what is happening, but maybe not?

I vote for 'maybe not"...........stupidity is a mental disorder!

Barack Obama 8/4/1961 http://immigration.findlaw.com/immigration/immigration-citizenship-naturalization/immigration-citizenship-naturalization-did-you-know(1).html Note the applicable law as of his birth date. Mother was 18 years old. http://www.obamacrimes.com/index.php/component/content/article/1-main/1-philip-j-berg-esq-files-federal-lawsuit-requesting-obama-be-removed-as-a-candidate-as-he-does-not-meet-the-qualifications-for-president http://campaignspot.nationalreview.com/post/?q=ZTgxZmIwNTg0OWVhMWJkODNmZjI4ZjY4Mjg2OWRmNzI= http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2008/08/obamas-citzensh.html Electing a president is a tad bit important, and a judicial review of Berg's complaint shouldn't take long.