janice okubo
janice okubo: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Is Barack Obama's real name Steve Dunham? Let's figure that out. - 01/12/10
At the Alfred E. Smith Dinner - a political roast featuring our wonderful political establishment - Barack Obama made a joke about his middle name being "Steve" [1].
HI AG Mark Bennett "reviewed and approved" Fukino 7/27 statement ("natural born citizen") - 10/01/09
On July 27, Chiyome Fukino of the Hawaii Department of Health released a statement in which she said that Obama was born in Hawaii. One of the curious things about the statement (at the link) is that she claimed to have verified that "Obama... is a natural-born American citizen". She's not a legal scholar and thus wouldn't seem to be qualified to make that determination. But, now it turns out that her statement was approved by Hawaii's Attorney General, a Republican named Mark Bennett.
As discussed here, someone sent an email to Janice Okubo, spokeswoman for Hawaii's DOH asking about this....
Jon Klein, CNN "political researchers" were wrong: Hawaii didn't discard paper records (Dobbs, Farah) - 08/08/09
On July 23, CNN president Jon Klein sent an email to staffers of the Lou Dobbs show saying that he'd asked CNN's "political researchers" to look into the "Birthers" issue and that those "researchers" had determined that Hawaii had discarded their paper birth certificates. He was attempting to show thatBarack Obama can't release his original certificate. The email is reprinted at [1].
However, the claim from CNN's "political researchers" was false: as Janice Okubo later confirmed [2], Hawaii had not discarded any paper copies, they were simply archived when that state put their birth records...
Hawaii has not authenticated the Certifications of Live Birth shown on Obama's site or on FactCheck - 08/08/09
Various sources have claimed or implied that Hawaii has verified or authenticated the pictures of a "Certification of Live Birth" ("COLB") as pictured on Obama's website. Or, they've claimed that Hawaiian officials have said that what's shown on his site matches what they have on file. Those claims are false. From this:
In response to a direct question from WND, the Hawaii Department of Health refused to authenticate either of the two versions of President Obama's short-form Certificate of Live Birth, or COLB, posted online β neither the image produced by the Obama campaign nor the images...
Barack Obama could have Hawaii release his original birth certificate if he wanted to - 08/08/09
On June 6, June Watanabe of the Honolulu Star Bulletin offered "Born identity/Birth certificate styles adjust to fit times and regulations" (link) which some have attempted to use to claim that Barack Obama could not release his original, long-form birth certificate. In the article (excerpted below), Hawaii Department of Health spokeswoman Janice Okubo claims that all birth records were converted to electronic form and that the state of Hawaii only issues "Certifications of Live Birth", such as that shown in the picture on Obama's site.
However, nowhere in the article...
Dave Weigel misleads about Obama certificate issue, again (Janice Okubo) - 07/17/09
As part of his long-running campaign to mislead people about the Obama citizenship issue, Dave Weigel of the Washington Independent offers "'Birther' Movement Dogs Republicans" [1]. I just got off the phone with one of his sources for the article, and she refused to verify the impression that Weigel's article is trying to make. Weigel is trying to mislead people into believing that the state of Hawaii has verified that the certification of live birth ("COLB") shown on Barack Obama's site and others. Yet, his quote source (Janice Okubo of the state of Hawaii's Department of Health) repeatedly...
Robert Farley of Politifact misleads about Obama certificate issue - 07/15/09
On July 1, Robert Farley of Politifact offered "White House spokesman Robert Gibbs "lied" when he said President Obama's birth certificate is posted on the Internet" [1] about an ad WorldNetDaily ran regarding a question Les Kinsolving asked at a press conference (
Hawaii Department of Health 10/31/08 press release about Obama birth certificate - 12/13/08
The following is the full text of the October 31, 2008 press release from the director of the Hawaii Department of Health, Dr. Chiyome Fukino. Nowhere in this press release does she verify that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. The PDF is available at hawaii.gov/health/about/pr/2008/08-93.pdf.
Obama's October surprise-ish: State of Hawaii says his birth certificate is genuine (but...) - 10/31/08
[See the 12/05/08 update below]
The Associated Press offers an article perhaps misleadingly titled "State declares Obama birth certificate genuine" (link). There are some problems with the article, as will be discussed below.
State officials say there's no doubt Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.
Health Department Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino said Friday she and the registrar of vital statistics, Alvin Onaka, have personally verified that the health department holds Obama's original birth certificate.
Fukino says that no state official, including Republican Gov. Linda Lingle, ever...
Where was Barack Obama born? In Hawaii? In Kenya? Somewhere else? - 10/19/08
(Please see the Obama citizenship page for the latest.)
Was Barack Obama born in Hawaii, or Kenya, or somewhere else? He claims to have been born in Hawaii, but no definitive proof has been provided. It is a false statement to definitively state that he was born in Hawaii, as some media sources have done. The most they should state is that there's a very strong possibility that he was born in Hawaii and he claims to have been born there, but some reporters and other sources cross the line into pretending that the matter has been settled.
The matter has not been settled, and in fact...
FactCheck presents real Barack Obama birth certificate. Or do they... - 08/21/08
The twists and turns surrounding Barack Obama's birth certificate appear to have ended with FactCheck.org claiming that they've seen and handled the real certificate, complete with an official stamp and everything. They've even got pictures here. Well, that ends that!
Except, all they have is the "Certification of Live Birth" (known in the trade as a "COLB"), and not the original birth certificate or a "long form" certificate containing things like parents' cities, etc. And, for some strange reason - as pointed out in a comment here - the EXIF information on their photos shows that at least...