Presidential "debate" moderators: Jim Lehrer, Gwen Ifill, Bob Schieffer, Tom Brokaw
The four moderators for this year's only presidential "debates" have been selected and they're, of course, four mainstream media hacks. Jim Lehrer of PBS NewsHour will moderate the first presidential debate, Tom Brokaw of NBC News the second (in a townhall format), and Bob Schieffer of CBS News the third. Gwen Ifill of the NewsHour will moderate the only vice-presidential debate.
The audience at the townhall debate will be selected by Gallup and will come from the Nashville area. Some questions from the internet may also be included.
Don't, however, expect any tough questions - especially about immigration - to be asked. The only way questions like that are going to be asked is by citizens doing it themselves by going to public events, asking tough questions on videotape, and then uploading the responses to video sharing sites.
eh (not verified)
Tue, 08/05/2008 - 21:12
HS 15265 2008-08-05T23:12:44-05:00
Can't wait.
Mary (not verified)
Wed, 08/06/2008 - 00:01
HS 15266 2008-08-06T02:01:51-05:0
I already know their answers and frankly I am so sick and tired of seeing Obamas face and hearing his "new accent" he projects during his speeches. Either he is practicing new intonations or his arrogance is affecting his voice. I already know both candidates are all for the North American Union. Both want to flood the country with illegals and are oblivious to the mess they are making for the country. These conventions should both be chaotic as both parties are in turmoil .....
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Wed, 08/06/2008 - 02:55
HS 15267 2008-08-06T04:55:35-05:00
Me to Mary.