McCain won't support union-driven immigration "reform" push; other uncertainties

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Change to Win and the AFL CIO recently joined forces to promote comprehensive immigration reform. Now. per this, John McCain says:

"The current plan being developed by the administration and organized labor calls for immigration reform that does not adequately address either securing the border or a legal temporary worker program and is a plan I cannot support... We need to act on the pressing issue of border security now, and then seek comprehensive immigration legislation that includes a temporary worker program... Any legislation that does not address these two key components is not real reform."

Various union officials are quoted as strongly behind the plan, but the article also quotes an unnamed Democratic congressional aide:

"There will be some back and forth, to say the least, on the commission idea."

That commission would set future immigration levels; obviously, the Democratic Party's leaders want as many future voters as possible.


Hard to believe that with current job loss data McCain is still pushing this guest worker crap. Besides, everyone knows many of these 'guests' will never leave. After his disgracefully inept presidential campaign, can this guy possibly be re-elected?

McCain ...Groan......who needs this loser ?

McCain is a enemy trooper has ass needs a pole in it.