"Mexican official seeks open border"
In June, I posted a similar article about Mexico's new "border czar." He repeated his dream recently:
"I would like to see a border similar to the one that Europe has right now ... where they have common, very common objectives," [Arturo Gonzalez Cruz, a Tijuana businessman named in April by President Vicente Fox as the Mexican Foreign Ministry's institutional liaison for northern border affairs] recently told reporters in Tijuana. "They have a common economy. They have policies that transcend their borders where they work with them to get it."
...[Vicente] Fox has said he favors open borders across North America and has proposed removing all immigration barriers between Mexico, the United States and Canada, allowing the three nations' citizens to live and work in the country of their choosing.
At a rally in California after his surprise 2000 election, Mr. Fox said his government would "use all our persuasion and all our talent to bring together the U.S., Canadian and Mexican governments so that in five or ten years, the border is totally open to the free movement of workers."
In January, shortly after President Bush proposed a temporary guest-worker program for illegal aliens living and working in the United States, Mr. Fox said a North American "bloc" of countries could be the leading and most competitive group of nations in the world "by working together and, through that, be able to keep increasing the quality and the level of life of our citizens..."
Will there be a vote? Or, will this grand plan just be imposed?
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sat, 10/23/2004 - 09:31
Can I ask what is the point in fighting a war for freedom when your government wants you to be murdered by the mexican government? have you understood what the hispanics want to do to all non hispanics? do you understand what and who are behind the Aztlan ideas? I say start political profiling to see who is who and why.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Wed, 10/13/2004 - 20:13
With bush and kerry loving Mexico so much it looks like the fix is in, civil war someday has just started.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Wed, 10/13/2004 - 20:12
With bush and kerry loving Mexico so much it looks like the fix is in, civil war someday has just started.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Tue, 09/28/2004 - 05:54
A people make a nation and that is why this nation was at one time great, and that is why Mexico and its government are nothing but corruption, the reason why Old friend Fox and Bush wants open borders is, both are nothing but "CORRUPT Murderous Rats". Also one fact we always over look is the fact that our so called Banking system has and is dealing with billions in Drug money from that great land and its great people of Mexico, and your non government is doing real business with that low life rat Fox, and Old boy Bush, Love's it so much he is now going open the non borders to all, can we say total Corruption of the ideals of our lost narion.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Tue, 09/28/2004 - 05:54
A people make a nation and that is why this nation was at one time great, and that is why Mexico and its government are nothing but corruption, the reason why Old friend Fox and Bush want open borders is, both are nothing but "CORRUPT Murderous Rats". Also one fact we always over look is the fact that our so called Banking system has and is dealing with billions in Drug money from that great land and its great people of Mexico, and your non government is doing real business with that low life rat Fox, and Old boy Bush, Love's it so much he is now going open the non borders to all, can we say total Corruption of the ideals of our lost narion.
John S Bolton (not verified)
Mon, 09/27/2004 - 17:57
If Fox means that he is trying to give over his country to us, or is even ambiguous about that, he is guilty of treason and will be removed from office. If he is reaffirming the declarations of war against us, then he will not be impeached.
Alex (not verified)
Mon, 09/27/2004 - 15:47
Totally disgusting. He has been emptying his country of his peasants to U.S. while the socialist pimps, whores, and basically traitors on this side have accommodated the debacle. Only about 100 upper level Spanish dominant(Hisp/whites) families own all of Mexico's companies and assets.
One step would be to: Enact one federal rule on down: 20 years American citizens first in line (down to 15 year American citizs.) to receive any govt. benefits usage, including schools.