darryl fears
darryl fears: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
WaPo corrects Darryl Fears, Carol Leonnig race card smear of ACORN sting videomakers - 09/22/09
On 9/18/09, Darryl Fears and Carol Leonnig of the Washington Post offered "The $1,300 Mission to Fell ACORN/Duo in Sting Video Say Their Effort Was Independent" (link), an attempt by the WaPo to undercut the recent undercover reporting videos showing highly questionable activity by ACORN workers. Now, the WaPo has corrected a smear that Fears and Leonnig put in the article:
This article about the community organizing group ACORN incorrectly said that a conservative journalist targeted the organization for hidden-camera videos partly because its voter-registration drives bring Latinos and...
Darryl Fears wants Washington Post to junk their comments - 03/26/07
Howard "Howie" Kurtz offers the rather pointless "Online, Churls Gone Vile", which I only clicked because Memeorandum was running a link to it next to a pic of the Babe of Brentwood, and couldn't help myself. Anywho, discussing the commenting feature that the Washington Post gives logged-in readers, Kurtz says:
But Post reporter Darryl Fears is among those in the newsroom who believe the comments should be junked if offensive postings can't be filtered out in advance. "If you're an African American and you read about someone being called a porch monkey, that overrides any positive thing that...
Fearing Backlash, Some Immigration Activists Aren't Backing Boycott - 02/20/07
Washington Post/April 20, 2006/Darryl Fears/ link
Ramos/Compean: Darryl Fears, "angry conservatives", and possible distortion - 02/17/07
Darryl Fears of the Washington Post offers "Support Swells for Agents Who Shot Drug Smuggler: Conservatives Lead Movement to Free Ex-Border Patrolmen". His report seems to contain errors.
First, it starts like this:
Early this week, the Bush administration urged angry conservatives to remain calm over the convictions of two former Border Patrol agents who shot an unarmed Mexican drug smuggler, but petitions for their release continued to flood the White House.
Later on, he reveals that Sen. Dianne Feinstein "promised to look into the matter", and the American Federation of Government...
Darryl Fears: the Democratic line on immigration - 11/20/06
Darryl Fears of the Washington Post offers "Republicans Lost Ground With Latinos In Midterms". As might be expected, it's so full of misleading statements, superficial analysis, hidden agendas, and hidden assumptions that a full treatment would be novel-length:
...Latinos [gave] the GOP only 30 percent of their vote as strident House immigration legislation inspired by Republicans and tough-talking campaign ads by conservative candidates roiled the community. It was a 10-point drop from the lowest estimated Latino vote percentage two years ago, and a 14-point drop from the highest...
Immigration Rally's Low Turnout Disappoints Advocates - 10/07/06
subtitle: "Fear of Blacklash, Mixed Messages, Timing Are Cited"
Washington Post/Darryl Fears and [[N.C. Aizenman]]/[[September 8, 2006]]/ link
Immigrant Supporters To Counter Bush Speech - 10/07/06
Washington Post/May 15, 2006/Darryl Fears/ link
Illegal immigration supporters split over May 1 boycott - 04/20/06
Rachel Swarns of the New York Times informs us in "Immigrant Groups Plan Campaign to Bring Legal Changes" that:
1. There's a split among illegal immigration supporters. Some groups continue to support the "Great American Boycott of 2006", while others, including those in the "National Capital Immigration Coalition", oppose the boycott.
2. The illegal immigration-supporting groups plan to "transform the immigrant community into a powerful, organized political force" and plan to encourage voting by "immigrants".
Regarding the second, "immigrants" can't vote. Only native-born or naturalized...
More pro-illegal immigration propaganda from the Washington Post - 03/22/06
Darryl Fears of the WaPo offers "Immigration Debate Heats Up":
Pro-immigrant activists are planning an April 10 protest in 10 cities that could pull tens of thousands of immigrant workers from their jobs. A coalition of groups including the AFL CIO, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, Catholic bishops, the Day Without an Immigrant coalition in Philadelphia and the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce will meet today on Capitol Hill to announce their plans.
Given the news that millions of citizens of other countries have entered our country illegally and are now marching to be given rights...
WaPo: immigration laws aren't being enforced, therefore they won't work - 12/18/05
Michael A. Fletcher and Darryl Fears offer "Analysts: Crackdown Won't Halt Immigration". It includes quotes from a few people saying that enforcement alone won't work and we need a guest worker scheme. The "reporters" seem to be leading the reader to come to that same conclusion.
However, in the very same article, the "reporters" inform us that we aren't really doing enforcement:
Congress has passed laws to crack down on illegal immigration in the past -- most recently in 1996 -- but those efforts have met with little success, especially when it comes to holding employers accountable. In 1999...