Tweets to chuckie chopper

chuckie chopper's avatar
Twitter handle: 
chuckie chopper
Chiraq, IL AREA
Old biker, Army veteran 1963-1966, Korea 1964-1965, pro-Trumper! My dream is for America to stay American and NOT be European or anything else!
Tweets to this user:
Yolanda Goldberg's avatar
From @sigstarget
RT @chuckie_chopper: @FAIRImmigration @DailyCaller @hwillracke And the @GOP Republicans in the House and Senate are doing NOTHING to stop i…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@sigstarget @chuckie_chopper: you know @FAIRImmigration supports amnesty, right? I've always opposed amnesty. FAIR wants to give amnesty to 100s of 1000s of illegal aliens despite how that'd harm both U.S. workers & foreign countries. Ask them about it.