nafta: Page 1
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Ruben Navarrette supports lowering U.S. wages to global levels - 11/27/09
Ruben Navarrette offers a "Special to CNN" called "U.S. workers can't hide from competition" [1] which can be summarized thusly: "suck it up, American workers! You have no right not to have your wages fall to Bangladeshi levels".
He discusses Luis Gutierrez' bogus "hire Americans first" provision, and says:
Will Jerry Brown far-left radio diatribes be used by Gavin Newsom, GOP to portray themselves as mainstream? - 10/21/09
For three years in the 90s, former California governor Jerry Brown had a radio program Berkeley's far-left KPFA. Jack Chang of the Sacramento Bee has obtained copies of some of the programs (link, see [1]) and is ready to reveal some of their shocking contents. He speculates that Gavin Newsom (a strong illegal immigration supporter) and the GOP might use the excerpts against Brown. For instance, consider this shocking bit:
[Brown] said U.S. Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, both Democrats, had "sold out" U.S. truck drivers by letting their Mexican counterparts drive uninspected...
Mexican trucks on U.S. highways program on hold... for now (Ron Kirk) - 03/11/09
From this:
The Obama administration will try to reinvent a program to allow Mexican trucks full access to U.S. highways.
An 18-month-old pilot program that allowed a few Mexican trucks beyond a border buffer zone died when President Barack Obama signed a sweeping $410 billion government spending bill on Wednesday. The bill barred spending on the pilot program.
A spokeswoman for the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, Debbie Mesloh, said Obama has told the office to work with Congress, the Transportation and State departments and Mexican officials to come up with legislation to create "a...
Ron Kirk, Obama's U.S. Trade Representive? (supported "NAFTA freeway") - 12/19/08
Barack Obama is apparently considering naming former Dallas mayor Ron Kirk as U.S. Trade Representative. Kirk is a strong NAFTA booster while Obama has only pretended not to be one. During the campaign, Obama played a cute game: pretending to want to "renegotiate" NAFTA, only to later admit that he'd been misleading. With Kirk, at least what they want to do is a bit more out in the open.
Around March 12, 2001, Dino Chiecci of the Associated Press included this in "Meeting of Minds/Governors agree on Dallas trade center" (PDF link):
Dallas Mayor Ron Kirk said โ75 percent of goods that move...
U.S. Chamber of Commerce collaborating with Mexican government on trucks? (Thomas Donohue) - 09/23/08
In 2006, Rep. James Sensenbrenner Jr. suggested that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce consider registering as a Foreign Agent. Now, from an article entitled "Mexican lobby fights for truck program" (link):
The House has made it veto-proof clear: The controversial pilot program allowing big Mexican trucks to cross the U.S. border and travel into the country must end.
The Senate has yet to act, though. And Mexico and its U.S. big-business allies are ramping up their efforts to block the repeal, including a renewed warning by Mexican officials to retaliate against U.S. exports if the program is...
Bush admin agrees to two more years of Mexican trucks - 08/04/08
From this:
The Bush administration on Monday extended a test program allowing long-haul trucks from Mexico full access to U.S. highways for up to two years, despite pending legislation in Congress to shut it down.
"We intend this extension to reassure trucking companies that they will have sufficient time to realize a return on their investment, and we anticipate additional participation with this extra time," said John Hill, the Transportation Department's top trucking safety regulator...
Mary Peters, Carlos Gutierrez, Mexican official team up to promote Mexican trucks in U.S...
John McCain at National Council of La Raza convention (charter schools, immigration "reform") - 07/14/08
[UPDATE: Did McCain pledge to stop immigration raids?]
Yesterday, Barack Obama spoke at the National Council of La Raza convention. Today, it's John McCain's turn to pander to that far-left, extremist-funding, racist-awarding group, and his prepared remarks are here.
"La Raza runs one of the largest housing counseling programs in the country that has helped tens of thousands of Latinos become homeowners with secure mortgages."
Yes, indeed. And, they've made it quite clear that that or a similar program is racially-specific.
He then says that he's an "unapologetic supporter of NAFTA, the...
Influence on both sides of the border - 07/03/08
"Influence on both sides of the border/Activists' political power is rising in Chicago and their homeland, as they seek reforms through marches and money"/Antonio Olivo and Oscar Avila/Chicago Tribune/[[April 6, 2007]]/ li
SPP North American Leaders Summit April 21, 22 in New Orleans - 04/20/08
The fourth annual "North American Leaders Summit" - part of the Security and Prosperity Partnership started by George Bush - will be held Monday and Tuesday in New Orleans and will be attended by Bush, Felipe Calderon of Mexico, and Stephen Harper of Canada. Expect the news reports about the event to be credulous. Speaking of which, Norma Greenaway of the Canwest News Service/Ottawa Citizen offers this:
The annual leaders' gathering, popularly referred to as the Amigos Summit, is being held against the backdrop of a gripping race for the U.S. presidency where the North American Free Trade...
The Laura Carlsen Farce (denies North American Union from slightly-honest Left) - 03/03/08
Laura Carlsen of the "Americas Program, Center for International Policy" (who also blogs at offers "The North American Union Farce" (link). She raises issues with the Security and Prosperity Partnership, but she also disputes that it could be a precursor to a North American Union. This is the "slightly-honest Left" version of NAU denials, as opposed to those on the Left who are useful idiots or worse and who reflexively dismiss all concerns simply because of those who express those concerns (a recent example: Alex Pareene). She has her own issues to deal with:...
Mary Peters, Carlos Gutierrez, Mexican official team up to promote Mexican trucks in U.S. - 10/18/07
From this:
Bush administration officials [Department of Transportation Secretary Mary Peters and Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez] held a news conference with Mexico's transportation secretary [Luis Tellez] yesterday to respond to criticism of a program allowing Mexican trucks on U.S. roads, but critics in Congress who helped pass counter-legislation are unmoved...
...By overwhelming margins, the Senate and the House adopted identical amendments into the Transportation/HUD Appropriations bill that would cut off federal funds for the truck project. The House passed the measure 411-3...
Vicente Fox: FTAA common currency (Amero), Hillary for president, Bill Richardson, driver's licenses, lies about heathcare... - 10/11/07
On Monday's Larry King show, former Mexican president Vicente Fox:
* Said that the Free Trade Agreement of the Americans (FTAA; called in Spanish ACLA) on which he worked with president Bush was to, long-term, include a common "Latin American" currency. Since that agreement would apply to the U.S., the currency would apply here as well...
* Promoted immigration from Mexico, "guest" workers, and NAFTA...
* Lied about U.S. citizens not paying the healthcare costs for illegal aliens...
* Agreed with Felipe Calderon's claim that "Mexico does not stop at its border"...
* Promoted driver'...
March 25 Coalition flyer - 03/18/07
From march25coalition . org/organize
May 1st, 2007 we will be out in the streets, not shopping or selling, if possible not working; but Marching.
On February 3rd & 4th, 2007, a Conference hosted by the March 25th Coalition culminated in a call for a national day of actions for workers and Immigrant's Rights. The day, May 1st, 2007.
Mexico's U.N. ambassador promotes North American Union - 11/01/06
From this:
U.S.-Mexico relations could remain paralyzed unless leaders of the two nations and Canada formalize a North American partnership โ akin to the European Union โ before the U.S. baby boomer retirement wave hits in the next eight years, a ranking Mexican diplomat said here Tuesday.
Why this immigrant rights march is brought to you by Miller - 10/07/06
Oscar Avila/Chicago Tribune/September 1 2006