joe klein
Joe Klein of Time Magazine
Summary (posts follow):
Obsequious hack columnist for Time Magazine. Blogs at their Swampland site. Explicitly supports illegal immigration; almost every other national figure who supports illegal immigration only does so implicitly.
When Barack Obama released an ad containing with an outrageous smear of Rush Limbaugh, Klein only renounced the ad two days later, after Jake Tapper, the New York Times, and several others had pointed out the smear. His renunciation is linked from the eighth and last update to this post.
Last modified Dec 10, 2008
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Mitch Daniels is weak on Indiana immigration bill, apparently only supports least effective parts - 04/13/11
Indiana state Senator Mike Delph is trying to pass an Arizona-style immigration bill in that state [1]. In an interview [2], Indiana governor Mitch Daniels opposes the part of the bill that would allow police to ask about someone's immigration status during a "lawful stop, detention, or arrest".
While it's not exactly clear what specific parts of the bill Daniels opposes and supports [3], he appears to oppose the other law enforcement-related parts of the bill. Those would allow police who have someone in custody to check their immigration status with the Department of Homeland Security. And...
Joe Klein of Time got anti-Sarah Palin talking points from Journolist - 07/22/10
On the day that John McCain selected Sarah Palin to be his running mate (August 29, 2008) the liberal journalists and commentators on Journolist swung into action, trying to figure out the best way to oppose her ([1]).
Washington Post admits coverage tilted to Obama, doesn't admit their incredibly biased coverage for him and their lies for him - 11/08/08
Washington Post ombudsman Deborah Howell offers "An Obama Tilt in Campaign Coverage" (link). Unfortunately, about the only "tilt" she admits to is in the amount of coverage. She almost completely ignores the fact that the Washington Post served as little more than an arm of the Obama campaign by lying and misleading on his behalf and by serving as the source for and amplifier of smears.
Reason Magazine tries to pretend they opposed Barack Obama - 11/05/08
The "libertarians" at Reason Magazine offer a list of their recent coverage of Barack Obama (, and from that list those who don't read their Hit and Run blog frequently might think they actually opposed him. In fact, they served as a bit of a cheerleader for him and almost always showed a clear bias towards him and against McCain (as pretty much every visitor to their site knows, their editor Matt Welch wrote an anti-McCain book).
The Non-Partisan Case Against Barack Obama - 10/29/08
You don't have to be a conservative or a Republican to be opposed to Barack Obama. Here are some of the reasons that almost anyone should oppose him:
Joe Klein misleads about Barack Obama's relationship with Bill Ayers - 10/16/08
It's always the stupid ones that give the game away, and two of the stupidest are at Time Magazine's Swampland. A few days ago, Ana Marie Cox lied about (and later corrected) something someone said at a McCain rally.
Today, repeat liar and explicit illegal immigration supporter Joe Klein is being extremely misleading about Barack Obama's relationship with Bill Ayers.
Scott Shane/NYT's pro-BHO spin on Bill Ayers/Barack Obama collaboration - 10/04/08
Scott Shane of the New York Times offers "Obama and '60s Bomber: A Look Into Crossed Paths" (originally titled "Obama Had Met Ayers, but the Two Are Not Close"). If you believe the NYT, then everything's fine and dandy, and Barack Obama and 60s radical Bill Ayers are not close. The fact that they aren't close and never were close and nothing funny went on and there's nothing to see here is especially important because Ayers is a former and allegedly unrepentant terrorist who's since been, in Shane's words, "rehabilitated".
On the other hand, if you actually want the truth, compare the second...
How the Democrats rule online, Part #94295931 - 09/26/08
Yesterday I posted to FreeRepublic exhorting people to visit Time's Swampland and discredit house hacks Joe Klein, Karen Tumulty, and Ana Marie Cox, saying in part (link):
...almost all of the posts read like something from DailyKos, and almost all of the comments do as well...
Barack Obama lies about Rush Limbaugh in Spanish-language ads - 09/17/08
The Barack Obama campaign has a new Spanish-language ad that features racial demagoguery and a distortion of Rush Limbaugh quotes. You can see the ad here:
"They want us to forget the insults we've put up with, the intolerance," the television ad's announcer says in Spanish as a picture of Rush Limbaugh appears onscreen with quotes of him saying, "Mexicans are stupid and unqualified" and "Shut your mouth or get out."
"They made us feel marginalized in a country we love so much," the ad continues. "John McCain and his Republican friends have two faces. One that says lies just to get our...
Joe Klein of Time Magazine explicitly supports illegal immigration - 10/24/07
It'd be great if every pundit was so forthright about their support for massive illegal activity. Here's Joe Klein of Time Magazine coming out explicitly in favor of illegal immigration [1]:
Joe Klein/Time Magazine: just a sleazy liar - 05/31/07
In his latest column, Joe Klein of Time Magazine discusses Mitt Romney, and says:
[Romney] has flipped on immigration, to better suit the Mexican-fearing tendencies of a segment of the Republican base.
That's a sleazy statement which tries to give the impression that opposition to massive illegal activity and massive public and private corruption is due to xenophobia and racism.
Now for an example of Joe Klien lying.