rush limbaugh
rush limbaugh: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Delusional: Marco Rubio thinks most Americans - including Hispanic immigrants - will support small government - 01/29/13
On the Rush Limbaugh show earlier today, Marco Rubio discussed the Gang of Eight Senate amnesty plan and made this delusional claim:
"People always say to me, 'aren't you worried about the political implications [of amnesty]'?
The galling incompetence of supposed opponents of the far-left, Part 1 (Limbaugh, Fluke, "slut", Jacobson) - 03/04/12
Rush Limbaugh recently used the word "slut" when discussing Congressional testimony given by one Sandra Fluke [1]. That activated yet another battle in the leftwing's long-term war to get him off the air, and their latest effort has been more successful than others: several sponsors have dropped their ads from his show. One of them even dropped off after Limbaugh issued an apology.
Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, Limbaugh, Hannity paid to promote FreedomWorks, AFP, Heritage (Koch, immigration) - 06/18/11
Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity are paid large amounts of money to promote groups like FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity, and the Heritage Foundation.
Koch family, U.S. Chamber, businesses met to plan strategy (+Glenn Beck, tea parties, "mobilize citizens for November") - 10/20/10
Twice each year, the Koch family conducts strategy meetings with corporate and thought leaders to plan how to advance their "free market" ideology. ThinkProgress has the guest list and program for their June 2010 meeting (in Aspen), and, while immigration isn't mentioned, many of the known attendees are on the wrong side.
I don't normally recommend anything at ThinkProgress, but in this case I'll suggest taking a look at their post and downloading the PDF.
The New York Times has a related report here; from that:
The participants in Aspen dined under the stars at the top of the gondola run on...
Timothy Egan misleads for Obama (religion, certificate, Limbaugh) - 08/26/10
Timothy Egan of the New York Times offers "Building a Nation of Know-Nothings" (link) in which he takes the right wing - and Rush Limbaugh specifically - to task for encouraging false beliefs. To a certain extent he's got a point, but you might expect a self-appointed arbiter of what is and what isn't true such as Egan to be able to get his facts straight. Instead, he's a more polished, much more subtle version of that which he decries.
Here's an example of Egan's sloppy thinking:
Take a look at Tuesday night's box score in the baseball game between New York and Toronto. The Yankees won, 11-5...
Claim: McCain called Republicans against massive immigration "a**holes" (McCain denies) - 01/11/10
This passage is from the new book Game Change by Mark Halperin and John Heilemann. Bear in mind that a John McCain spokeswoman denies that McCain ever said such a thing, and Lindsey Graham didn't repond to Ben Smith's request for comment [1]:
[McCain aides John] Weaver and [Mark] Salter begged McCain to ease up. He was already the face of the Iraq surge. Now he was becoming the face of what opponents called “amnesty.” Just tone down the rhetoric, his advisers pleaded.
McCain refused. He was disgusted by republicans in Congress and talk radio gasbags such as rush Limbaugh who bashed immigrants...
Classy: Rachel Maddow "apparently" recants outrageous smear of Rush Limbaugh - 10/20/09
As was discussed here back in June, Rachel Maddow smeared Rush Limbaugh by falsely claiming that he'd said that James Earl Ray deserved a "posthumous Medal of Honor" when that quote had simply been made up by someone at Wikiquote. Now, finally, four months later, Maddow has offered a non-correction "correction". Per this, on last night's show on MSNBC she said (bolding added):
And finally, a quote falsely attributed to talk show host Rush Limbaugh recently it resurfaced during the debate over whether or not he would or should be part of a group bidding to buy the St. Louis Rams football steam...
Media Violence Fast: far-left religious groups cover up support for illegal activity with false claims of "hate" - 10/17/09
Between October 19 and 26, a group of far-left religious groups [1] will be conducting a "Media Violence Fast" during which they're encouraging their members to avoid violence in the media; that wouldn't be such a bad goal if all they were doing was avoiding entertainment programs. Of course, they aren't doing just that. Instead, they're using the "hate speech" label to both paper over the fact that they support massive illegal activity and in an attempt to silence those in the media who support our laws.
Huffington Post "correction": deletes one bogus Limbaugh quote, but not both (Huberman, Nation Books) UPDATED: both quotes gone - 10/15/09
As has been in the news recently, Rush Limbaugh has been attacked for various quotes he's made, and some sources have gone as far as attacking him using bogus quotes. One of those completely bogus quotes concerned James Earl Ray and was discussed here back in June.
Now, the Huffington Post - apparently in response to this blog post - has issued a non-correction correction to a 2006 post containing the bogus quote. That HuffPost post was from Jack Huberman and was a promotion for his book "101 People Who Are REALLY Screwing America (and Bernard Goldberg is Only #73" (published by The Nation...
Why Rush Limbaugh being able to buy the Rams is important - 10/13/09
A "liberal" of my acquaintance thinks the height of "humor" is to question me about whether I listened to Rush Limbaugh that day. In fact, I rarely listen to him and I no doubt disagree with him on many topics. And, normally my concern for whether someone could buy an NFL team ranks right down there with my interest in, say, what Sting had for breakfast.
However, in the case of Limbaugh - who's considering being part of a group to by the St. Louis Rams - it's important and I urge everyone to support his right to buy the team. That doesn't mean he should, but he should have the right to do so...
Lindsey Graham slams Glenn Beck; "Birthers" are "crazy" (The Atlantic's First Draft of History) - 10/01/09
The Atlantic is conducting a corporate-sponsored series of interviews they call the "First Draft of History". Me, I call them EstablishmentHackapaooza. Earlier today, one segment featured Sen. Lindsay Graham being interviewed by Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic ( As could be expected, Graham wasn't exactly challenged on the various things he said.
WikiQuote's bogus, circular smear of Rush Limbaugh (Jack Huberman; James Earl Ray quote) - 06/17/09
Wikiquote - affiliated with Wikipedia - is using as a source for an almost assuredly bogus and highly inflammatory Rush Limbaugh quote a book that was published 10 months after the unattributed quote was added to the same Wikiquote page.
The 06:01, 20 July 2005 revision of (by someone using the IP address, more at [1]) was the first appearance in the entry of this supposed Rush quote:
You know who deserves a posthumous Medal of Honor? James Earl Ray [the confessed assassin of Martin Luther King]. We miss you, James. Godspeed.
NCLR makes hay out of opponents' mistakes (Sotomayor) - 06/03/09
One would think that a group that gave an award to someone who'd proposed genocide wouldn't have much of a chance at beating their opponents. Yet, the National Council of La Raza is in the lucky position that most of their leading opposition doesn't have a clue about that organization or doesn't have a clue about the best way to oppose them.
(For those curious, the way to oppose them is simple: just tell the truth. See the extensive summary of their activities at the last link.)
Hispanic GOP strategists shocked enough by anti-Sotomayor comments to help Democrats (Lionel Sosa) - 05/30/09
Lionel Sosa from and other groups is an extremely ethnocentric GOP advertising consultant who worked on presidential campaigns by George W Bush and others. In 2007, he crossed over and supported Bill Richardson because, as he said at the time, "Blood runs thicker than politics".
Ex-McCain strategist John Weaver: Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh are "extreme right" - 01/27/09
From July 2007 (link):
For the past decade, John Weaver had been Senator John McCain’s chief strategist, the man behind the whole Straight Talk barnstorming shtick that made the conservative Arizonan a media star. Then, after building McCain into an apparent shoo-in for the Republican nomination—a maverick savior for his party—he sank the campaign into debt and disarray, leading to his resignation last week.
From today (link):
John Weaver... said that Republicans must be careful not to allow their Democratic rivals to paint them all with the brush of (Rush Limbaugh). "The Democrats and the...
Barack Obama lies about Rush Limbaugh in Spanish-language ads - 09/17/08
The Barack Obama campaign has a new Spanish-language ad that features racial demagoguery and a distortion of Rush Limbaugh quotes. You can see the ad here:
"They want us to forget the insults we've put up with, the intolerance," the television ad's announcer says in Spanish as a picture of Rush Limbaugh appears onscreen with quotes of him saying, "Mexicans are stupid and unqualified" and "Shut your mouth or get out."
"They made us feel marginalized in a country we love so much," the ad continues. "John McCain and his Republican friends have two faces. One that says lies just to get our...
Judy Bachrach/Vanity Fair smears Lou Dobbs - 08/08/08
Freelance writer and Vanity Fair contributor Judy Bachrach offers a smear of Lou Dobbs in "Lou Doubts" ( It's yet another example of the illegal activity-supporting establishment trying to reduce his influence in order to profit from illegal activity in one way or another.
Barack Obama lies, falsely accuses Dobbs, Limbaugh of inciting hate crimes - 05/23/08
At a Florida fundraiser yesterday, Barack Obama said this:
"A certain segment has basically been feeding a kind of xenophobia. There's a reason why hate crimes against Hispanic people doubled last year... If you have people like Lou Dobbs and Rush Limbaugh ginning things up, it's not surprising that would happen."
Those statements are beyond reprehensible, and come close to accusing Dobbs and Limbaugh of breaking the law. And, the reason he did it is because he's completely corrupt, hoping to obtain political power by supporting illegal immigration. Rather than supporting our laws as a U.S...
Jeff Bercovici, ThinkProgress spread anti-Rush Limbaugh smear (Antonio Villaraigosa) - 05/06/08
Yesterday on his show, Rush Limbaugh said this about an event where he ran into Bill Clinton and someone else:
I shook his hand, he left, comes back, the mayor of Los Angeles, I thought it was a Secret Service agent, maybe a shoeshine guy. Turns out he gives me his card, I said, "Oh, my gosh, it's the mayor of Los Angeles." I stood up, I said, "Hello, Mr. Villaraigosa."
The evil airheads at ThinkProgress claim this is an "Ethnically-Charged Insult" (, when in fact it appears to have another explanation. I don't know whether Rush has...
WND and the WSJ on Rush, Bush, and illegal immigration - 01/31/05
WND and the WSJ discuss Rush's recent conversion to slightly critical of Our Leader. See this post for Rush's remarks with links to the underlying stories.
From WND: